RIP George Floyd

sometimes the biggest threat to the movement isn't White racists, but self hating black Americans who allow white racists to hang their hat on their words as evidence that oppression doesn't exist

What's ridiculous about folks like her (black, conservative public figures) is that they are usually very vocal within liberal enclaves. She shops at Whole Foods in the city while most of her audience can't afford it. You won't find her in situations where the probability of being treated poorly because of their skin color goes way above 50%.
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So I’ll know that white people are serious about ending racism when they begin to teach history from honesty. Teach the truth as to how Black people were doing everything for at least three thousand years, before white people had even shown themselves on this planet. Teach the truth about why people were actually sent to the United States as punishment, while also teaching the truth about how being white, was actually conceived. Only then will I know that they are serious.
they owned Black slaves? Wasn't aware of this.
I did know they sometimes sold war captives of other native tribes as slaves.
Edit: FIVE not
Three tribes owned African slaves, and the Cherokee was one of them. Even though they embraced christanity, white privilege, they still had to deal with the trail of tears. White people told them, yeah, we don’t need you anymore!
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So no such thing as systemic racism now? Wowwwww. Trump's America is waging war on black people. He's also starting his campaign running juneteenth in Tulsa Oklahoma where they bombed black wall street.

Bro can we just hurry up and start this civil war?? My food getting cold.
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