RIP George Floyd



I know I can´t see the whole thing, but something about Papa Pig´s tat whispers ¨white power¨ ever so softly.
You ever wonder what exactly Harriet Tubman and her team had to go through back then?
How many cowardly other slaves did she have to coddle through the escapes?
How many other black cowardly stockholm syndrome plantation snitches did she have to kill in order to save all?
I bet if she could speak from the other side she would heavily advise internal spring cleaning before going to war with white supremacy.
Sad, but true.
So I’ll know that white people are serious about ending racism when they begin to teach history from honesty. Teach the truth as to how Black people were doing everything for at least three thousand years, before white people had even shown themselves on this planet. Teach the truth about why people were actually sent to the United States as punishment, while also teaching the truth about how being white, was actually conceived. Only then will I know that they are serious.
Years ago my US history professor, an old white guy, went into extensive detail about the real history of the US. Before anyone could ask questions why he was talking about other countries in US history he said “In order to understand why we are where we are you have to learn where we came from and why.”

Easily one of my favorite classes I’ve ever taken.

All points aside

jay look like he don’t even wanna be there lmao

Looking like the kid whose parents got nice jobs and moved to the burbs and only go back to the hood for the holidays. That's the pic with his old friends. He different now. Like in Hook when Peter goes back to never never land and ain't vibe or recognize anybody and thought they were wild n ****.
So since George Floyd had Covid at the time of death doesn’t that mean that Murderer Chauvin likely has Covid right now?
Looking like the kid whose parents got nice jobs and moved to the burbs and only go back to the hood for the holidays. That's the pic with his old friends. He different now. Like in Hook when Peter goes back to never never land and ain't vibe or recognize anybody and thought they were wild n ****.
Hook forever a classic :smokin
If COPS and Live PD had been on the scene of George Floyd's murder, no one would ever have seen the footage.

You don't get a ride along by being a neutral observer. I can't remember, if it was the Running From COPS podcast, where some sheriff hinted, that the camera men carried guns, just in case, their help was needed.
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So I’ll know that white people are serious about ending racism when they begin to teach history from honesty. Teach the truth as to how Black people were doing everything for at least three thousand years, before white people had even shown themselves on this planet. Teach the truth about why people were actually sent to the United States as punishment, while also teaching the truth about how being white, was actually conceived. Only then will I know that they are serious.

P.S. Pay us what we’re owed!
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