RIP George Floyd

this looks like another terrible situation

a 15 year old girl shot by police looks like this story is breaking


It's truly mind boggling to think of all the crap cops have gotten away with in the past when cameras weren't everywhere.

Hopefully there's a clear video of what happened in this situation.
so cops in columbus put 4 bullets into the chest of a young girl who called them for help

police need to be abolished. none of them are any good.

I mentioned this in another thread, but it's crazy how police in this country didn't feel the need to even temporarily stop their usual bull @#$@ while the entire nation's spotlight was on a police brutality case that sparked massive unrest. That's how much they don't care at all
I tell another element that’s going to be sad, at least for me, tomorrow morning I’m going to find out who is who amongst some of the people that I associate with, and I anticipate being thoroughly disappointed because I already know........

Put their @!# on blast if they talk stupid.

I've had to do it twice this year already to people. It's pretty funny to see how they react.
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Black people, please be aware of your surroundings this summer, especially Black women. I urge all of you to carry mace, brass knuckles, anything to defend yourselves from white aggression. Be...ready.

I agree 100%
That's why people in general need to slow down with these takes like "America is on its way to being great again! I have faith in this country again!" Come on now :rolleyes

Glad Chauvin got what was coming to him because it was obvious murder and he had little to no defense. And also, hopefully the Floyd family can get their closure now. But it still does not change my outlook at all on anything
Cops are never gonna give an F until there's accountability. Get rid of qualified immunity and treat them like anyone else when they commit a crime. You get released from a police force for any reason, your career as a cop is over forever.

We could do things to nip these problems in the bud fairly quickly if we had the will to do it.
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