RIP George Floyd

Rest in peace George Floyd.

That officer was damn near 40 something years old. A strict physical & mental examination should be required before processing any candidate as cop.

Looked him up - he's 44 years old and a '19 year veteran of the force'. Legitimately want to know what kind of education he might've had at 25 prior to joining the force. Dude sounded like some stereotypical trailer trash from some backwoods.
Maybe it’s been mentioned, but if you’re handcuffed, why not get him up and into a car and out of the area? What were they waiting on?
Looked him up - he's 44 years old and a '19 year veteran of the force'. Legitimately want to know what kind of education he might've had at 25 prior to joining the force. Dude sounded like some stereotypical trailer trash from some backwoods.
Curious how many other black men suddenly died in his custody over that 19 yr span. The social media age of exposing police just started popping in the last 4-5 yrs. And really got big time in the last 2-3. So he's had legit 14-16 yrs of undocumented evil.
I live on Staten Island which is where Garner was choked out and when the cop who choked him out got fired and lost his pension, the local cops were LIVID. They all felt the city wasn't defending them and didn't feel that cops should be punished for "mistakes." Cops in NYC were giving less summonses and violations as a bull**** "protest" to prove a point.

Sadly, this is why mayors and governors don't take action and have them put on trial. And even when they do, the judge won't prosecute them like any other murder suspect for those same reasons. Cops know this and they use this pretense of "if you punish one of our brothers, even if he deserves it, you will pay in the form of less efficient police work"
They did that in MPLS after the Philando protests.....I sure as hell didn't mind/notice.
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That officer was damn near 40 something years old. A strict physical & mental examination should be required before processing any candidate as cop.
they do one
but its to make sure
u will follow orders regardless
of how u ethically and morally feel
they want u to do what they system wants done
not whats right
if u show signs of not conforming with THAT system
then u wont pass
Maybe it’s been mentioned, but if you’re handcuffed, why not get him up and into a car and out of the area? What were they waiting on?

There were two other officers who might've been conducting a search, regardless the man was in distress and they had FULL control of the situation. Just get him upright and conduct your damn search. All four of them were fired right away as it's clear as day they breached BASIC police conduct otherwise you'd have an internal investigation prior to any dismissal.
Wow this is terribly unfortunate. Whats sad is this is expected. Can’t Bring myself to watch the video I’m on a year cleanse . I can’t watch worldstar anymore. That dang logo gives me PTSD.
I hope the family gets support for a lawler and a proper funeral/burial and of course justice.
For an example.... If a white Debo looking cop had to arrest a frail 5 foot black man, he less likely to kill him. NOW if a 5 foot white man had to arrest Debo he's more than likely to kill him. That's the problem. Not the whole problem but a majority.

bruh this makes no sense. johannes mehserle was 6’5, 250lbs when he shot Oscar Grant and put a knee in his back. daren wilson was in no physical danger when he shot and killed Mike Brown. George Zimmerman was a ******* grown adult when he shot Trayvon Martin, a teenager. those three white men who hunted Ahmaud Arbery attacked while they had a vehicle and he was on foot. none of the victims posed any great mortal or physical threat to the perpetrators.

white police officers and white men shooting unarmed black men and black boys with impunity is the ******* problem. not the size and stature of the police officer.
There has to be a point when enough is enough right? I mean there is no way after that vid surfacing that its going to die down. That vid was hard to watch. That racist pos cop had his knee right down deep on his neck. Gawd damn wish i was there to jeff jarrett guitar smash his wig wide open. That **** just pissed me off.
RIP Floyd

burn in hell cop
There has to be a point when enough is enough right? I mean there is no way after that vid surfacing that its going to die down. That vid was hard to watch. That racist pos cop had his knee right down deep on his neck. Gawd damn wish i was there to jeff jarrett guitar smash his wig wide open. That **** just pissed me off.
RIP Floyd

burn in hell cop

unfortunately systemic racism guarantees that this type of trauma will continue to impact black communities. 30 years ago police were recorded jumping and assaulting Rodney King and nothing‘s really changed but the fact that camera phones and social media have made police brutality for visible. until public officials start holding law enforcement accountable and some semblance of justice/consequence is served, this type of **** will continue to repeat itself.
I still don’t understand why that officer couldn’t bother to turn around and see what the bystanders were talking about. Was he THAT concerned over his safety that he could look back and tell that oaf to lay off his neck? The man was face down and not fighting them in any way for what felt like an eternity :smh:
I still don’t understand why that officer couldn’t bother to turn around and see what the bystanders were talking about. Was he THAT concerned over his safety that he could look back and tell that oaf to lay off his neck? The man was face down and not fighting them in any way for what felt like an eternity :smh:

Power is a helluva a drug
That’s the most depressing thing I’ve ever seen. Such a slow murder. The horror George Floyd must’ve felt in those final minutes of his life, more than likely knowing how this was going to end. All these Cops & first responders deserve to be executed. None of the Cops gave a second thought about committing this murder, despite all the cameras & witnesses in addition to the victim pleading for his life. Dude with the knee to the neck even for minutes after Floyd had clearly been murdered and body was limp. His smirk at one point when he looks down at his knee on Floyd. Quick to reach for his pepper spray once a bystander stepped off the sidewalk; real tough. And the first responders... no damn was given at all by them either. Just toss around an unresponsive person onto a stretcher, no attempt is made to save a life at all, or even minimize injury. Then just these 4 pieces of trash get fired.

Bodycams, witnesses & witness video, and all they get is fired. Nothing is ever going to change. They’ll probably land a job in another State after some time and continue with their ways. Wonder how many of these murders took place before 2009, when everybody didn’t have a camera on them/social media didn’t really exist, since having cameras in their face won’t even stop them.
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