RIP George Floyd

bruh this makes no sense. johannes mehserle was 6’5, 250lbs when he shot Oscar Grant and put a knee in his back. daren wilson was in no physical danger when he shot and killed Mike Brown. George Zimmerman was a ****ing grown adult when he shot Trayvon Martin, a teenager. those three white men who hunted Ahmaud Arbery attacked while they had a vehicle and he was on foot. none of the victims posed any great mortal or physical threat to the perpetrators.

white police officers and white men shooting unarmed black men and black boys with impunity is the ****ing problem. not the size and stature of the police officer.

Your right. It doesn't make sense.............if you thought my statement was meant for each and every situation where a black man is killed. It wasn't meant for each and every one. That'll be stupid of me to make a blanket statement like that and to actually apply it to every situation which I wasnt.

Yes, certain white men have a problem with black men to the extent that they're killing us out here. Not cool and nothing to play about.

So anyways, as we were gentleman..

R.I.P. George Floyd
He’s Telling him he cant breath as he Grinds his knee in slow and hard. That extra spite is what’ll have sons in prison sharpening toothbrushes EXTRA fast on the concrete.
Maybe it’s been mentioned, but if you’re handcuffed, why not get him up and into a car and out of the area? What were they waiting on?
It's simple. He wanted to kill him. Look how calm he was. Relaxed with his hands in his pocket. Adrenaline wasn't pumping, he wasn't in cop mode. Look at how he looked down at him to make sure he was dieing and dug his knee in deeper. You ever seen a lion on the neck of a gazelle and the lion won't let go until he knew the gazelle was dead? Same thing here.
Imagine that cop wasn't a cop, just a regular person with jeans and a t-shirt. What does your mind say? Your mind might paint a different picture then.
Your right. It doesn't make sense.............if you thought my statement was meant for each and every situation where a black man is killed. It wasn't meant for each and every one. That'll be stupid of me to make a blanket statement like that and to actually apply it to every situation which I wasnt.

Yes, certain white men have a problem with black men to the extent that they're killing us out here. Not cool and nothing to play about.

So anyways, as we were gentleman..

R.I.P. George Floyd

you said “Not the whole problem but a majority.” That implies that you think the size of the police officer relative to that of the victim they murder matters more often than not. don’t be dense.

trying to argue that police officers can be intimidated by a person’s size enough to shoot them is the very reason why these racist police officers get acquitted of murder. “the police officer felt threatened by the suspect and in danger and discharged his firearm.” how many times have we seen pigs get freed off that??
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Gonna sound crazy, but only way to stop this is for dudes to shoot back. All the goons in hoods but no one ones to challenge these race soldiers.
It doesn't sound crazy. It is what is going to happen if justice keeps getting enforced unequally in this country.
I still don’t understand why that officer couldn’t bother to turn around and see what the bystanders were talking about. Was he THAT concerned over his safety that he could look back and tell that oaf to lay off his neck? The man was face down and not fighting them in any way for what felt like an eternity :smh:
Maybe, just maybe, they don't have a modicum of respect for black people? Why is it hard to accept that they don't care for us?

dwalk31 dwalk31 I'm not derailing anything. I'm just pointing out that you can't be over there talking about supporting Trump and the GOP and be surprised when white supremacists feel bold enough to attack black people for no reason. This cop, the Central Park Karen, the Georgia murderers and all the folks who think like them are YOUR ideological crowd. And it really doesn't matter that the city officials are democrats; they have little influence over whether police departments will buy surplus equipment from the US military, and in the age of federal conservative rule, many departments do militarize. Whether they are democrats or Republicans, the conservative talking point of city safety through permissive law enforcement policies rules the political discussion over the democratic talking point of city safety through poverty reduction policies.
Seeing the protest footage,weird how they tear gas and get physical with people protesting cold blooded murder after handling anti-public safety/quarantine protestors with kid gloves...>D

Complexion for the protection

Large groups of angry white men with rifles screaming in your face doesn't make you fear for your life but a unarmed Black person sends shivers down your spine.

That let's you know the mindset they have. The racism is inherent.
Looks like they have identified 2 of the officers involved by name. Derek Chauvin was the officer who killed George Floyd.
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you said “Not the whole problem but a majority.” That implies that you think the size of the police officer relative to that of the victim they murder matters more often than not. don’t be dense.

trying to argue that police officers can be intimidated by a person’s size enough to shoot them is the very reason why these racist police officers get acquitted of murder. “the police officer felt threatened by the suspect and in danger and discharged his firearm.” how many times have we seen pigs get freed off that??

Yes thats what "I feel" is the majority of the problem with confrontations with the police. Not all but most, even the confrontations I go through with law enforcement. Due to your experiences, you may feel different and so be it. I'm not responding to your second paragraph because those are quotes I didnt say/type and neither do I feel that way about cops getting off free.

Secondly this is not about who can quote who about who feels about what. My point was/is law enforcement needs to tighten up their hiring department.
Its obvious, shamefull, and despicable that blacks are still a target after all these years. Even worse to see the way it was done to (RIP) George Floyd and which is who we should continue to focus on in this thread...
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