RIP **** Gregory

Changed the profanity filter just for this.

A lot of people talk about intersectionality, but **** Gregory lived it. Most know him as a legendary civil rights icon, but **** Gregory was also a deeply committed feminist and animal rights activist.

He was never afraid to speak his mind. In 1967, at a time when activists were branded "communists" or "unpatriotic" for opposing the Vietnam War, Mr. Gregory went on a 32 day hunger strike in protest. The following year, he vowed to live on bread and water while jailed as a part of a protest against state laws denying treaty rights to the Puyallup and Nisqually tribes in Washington State organized by the Survival of American Indians Association.

His willingness to sacrifice his career, put himself in harm's way for his beliefs, and live his values as consistently as possible should forever remain and inspiration to us all.

It's said that he even inspired Dexter Scott King to extend the principles of non-violence to his diet. (Who then encouraged Coretta Scott King to do the same.)

Today, we often celebrate famous people who do a little activism on the side. **** Gregory was so much more. He stood among the most famed humorists of his generation, heavily inspiring, among others, Richard Pryor, Paul Mooney, and Eddie Murphy. To be remembered as such would be more than enough for anyone to consider their life well-lived.

It speaks volumes that **** Gregory will be remembered, first, as an activist.




One thing I really appreciated about **** Gregory was that he remained loyal and steadfast with his beliefs until his last day. Never wavered like Jim Brown and others.

He lived a full, well rounded life. RIP
J Edgar Hoover's zesty self tried to get the mafia to kill ****. Just adding to the proof that any black man with some backbone and wants to help his people is treated like some terrorist.****-gregory-0822-chicago-inc-20170821-story.html
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