RIP Joe Paterno

Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

It's not like he didn't do @*#!. He went through the chain of command and unfortunately, the person on top didn't do more. Sandusky was already let go by then...right?

Sad situation all around.
chain of command?

we're talking about molesting little boys. find the cops
Cops didnt do anything.  He's not a cop.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

He didn't do enough. Duh. That's why he was fired and his legacy, a great one before this IMO, is forever tarnished. This will always be the first line. I don't know what else people want. His name is his name. And it's a bad one for eternity now. That's a fair price IMO, considering all he the good he has done.
I agree, but using your logic, there should be nobody that has a problem with his name being dragged through the mud. If that's his consequence, then let it ride. There should be nobody defending him, talking about how everyone is being too hard on him, none of that.

I just think e-spitting on his grave is a little overboard.
Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

It's not like he didn't do @*#!. He went through the chain of command and unfortunately, the person on top didn't do more. Sandusky was already let go by then...right?

Sad situation all around.
chain of command?

we're talking about molesting little boys. find the cops

Once again...I'm not saying what he did was enough. It wasn't...but I'm not about to say he should go to hell either. That's OD.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

He didn't do enough. Duh. That's why he was fired and his legacy, a great one before this IMO, is forever tarnished. This will always be the first line. I don't know what else people want. His name is his name. And it's a bad one for eternity now. That's a fair price IMO, considering all he the good he has done.
I agree, but using your logic, there should be nobody that has a problem with his name being dragged through the mud. If that's his consequence, then let it ride. There should be nobody defending him, talking about how everyone is being too hard on him, none of that.

I just think e-spitting on his grave is a little overboard.

agreed; he already suffered the ultimate price but wishing death on him 
You dont think Paterno deserves to go to Hell ? Why not ? Because he coached Penn State?
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

It's not like he didn't do @*#!. He went through the chain of command and unfortunately, the person on top didn't do more. Sandusky was already let go by then...right?

Sad situation all around.
chain of command?

we're talking about molesting little boys. find the cops

Once again...I'm not saying what he did was enough. It wasn't...but I'm not about to say he should go to hell either. That's OD.
i don't wish hell on anyone. and like there really isn't a pamphlet on how to handle something like that.

but with all the pull he had around campus and in the state, he didn't need to follow the chain of command. molestation is disgusting. anyone who knew or had any idea should have alerted the proper authorities.
He suffered the "ultimate price"? And what exactly would that be ?

Dude lived a long life where he was worshipped by thousands upon thousands of people . Bc he coached football.

The people who paid the ultimate price are the kids who had their childhood snatched away from them in Paterno's showers, right under Paterno's nose.
Originally Posted by NooEra

He suffered the "ultimate price"? And what exactly would that be ?

Dude lived a long life where he was worshipped by thousands upon thousands of people . Bc he coached football.

The people who paid the ultimate price are the kids who had their childhood snatched away from them in Paterno's showers, right under Paterno's nose.

so death is the ultimate price?  you sound very uneducated; you are claiming he deserves to hell when wishing death upon a man would put you in hell with him
I sound "uneducated" ? Lol ok fambs.

You're the one defending a man who turned his cheek to children being raped in his shower. But I see you have a Flyers avy. Must be from Pennsylvania (sp). Shocker.

I never said Paterno deserves to go to Hell, im just curious as to why someone thinks he shouldnt.

And yes im good with Paterno dying. Dude had a good run. Peace.
Perfect karma would be if a medical professional arrived on the scene, heard of his ills, reported it to a supervisor, then went back to the hospital, hoping that someone else would take care of him.

That actually happens a lot in the medical profession if you did not know. Funny coming from a guy who supports teams that do wrong time and time again.  University of Kentucky hired a guy who routinely violated NCAA regulations, Joe Paterno never violated major ones that come to mind.  Karma for Kentucky would be for them never to win an NCAA Championship.  Lakers have a player who allegedly raped a women. Karma for that player would be his wife divorcing him for his net worth....o wait.  
Karma exists only in a perfect world and in your bubble.  I do not know where you live but I assume it is not in a major city like New York or LA.

#1- I'm well aware that happens all the time in the medical field.

#2- the Lakers and UK have to do with me. The thread is about Joe. Respond about what I said, not about me. And no, you don't know what city I live in… but what does that have to do with anything? It doesn't.

#3- I don't even believe in karma, though. I agree with you in thinking that karma is just something that exists in the minds of people who like to think that all evils will be atoned for eventually.
Originally Posted by NooEra

I sound "uneducated" ? Lol ok fambs.

You're the one defending a man who turned his cheek to children being raped in his shower. But I see you have a Flyers avy. Must be from Pennsylvania (sp). Shocker.

I never said Paterno deserves to go to Hell, im just curious as to why someone thinks he shouldnt.

And yes im good with Paterno dying. Dude had a good run. Peace.
am I defending him?  find where I defended him and I will wait for that
JoePa just passed. Football players received an email minutes ago of his passing. People at his statue at Beaver Stadium with candles at his feet.

Whether you liked the dude or not, death is no joke so please keep the debate out of here. SMH at dudes saying he should go to hell, who are you to judge. There is only one person who can judge him and he is facing him right now. RIP and condolences to his family.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by RavageBX

The man made a mistake. In my heart of hearts I don't think he intended to cover anything up. I truly feel like at the time he thought he did enough. Obviously in hindsight he was wrong and should of did more. Its sad to see the way all of this has played out. Just a bad situation all the way around. The man did a lot of good in his lifetime. Hopefully it outweighs the bad and dude can find peace with himself.

you should really go back and read the last article in the sandusky molestation thread. this guy joe paterno played the naive role. he knew that if the molestation charges came out that would be the end for his career and the end of penn state's glory so he kept quiet. hes a greedy individual who did nothing to help those victims when he could have, he along with that colege harbored a sexual predator. 
This was no mistake. It was a premeditated cover up to save his legacy and butt.

just because you win football games does not exempt you from any wrong doing...

anybody co signing you should be ashamed of themselves.

i dare you all to go back and read the last page on the molestation thread. This dude claimed he never heard of man on man rape.... smh... 
I am up-to-date on all the details involving this case, thanks. My opinion stands as is.

Not going to lie, as soon as I read this…
af1 1982:
JoePa just passed.
… I was sad. Deeply.
In the end, my majority feeling is that we've lost a good man. Yes, I stand firm in my believe that he could have… and SHOULD have… done more, but I still feel like the world has lost a good dude. Maybe we'll learn more later that will change my opinion, but that's where I'm at right now.

RIP, JoePa!/brianstelter!/brianstelter!/brianstelterbrianstelter Brian Stelter 

RT @sgallman: CNN's @susancandiotti just spoke to Paterno spokesman and says Paterno is NOT dead. "Not true. Not true. Not true."!/AP!/AP!/APAP The Associated Press 

Paterno family spokesman Dan McGinn tells the AP that reports of former Penn State coach's death are 'not true'
So then what's the true story. Dead or not dead?

But I'm with ska, sort of. I didnt feel a deep sadness, but I do know I'll feel sad about losing him, speaking as a football fan, when it does happen.
I feel like it doesn't matter if dead or not dead. He will be dead soon because his health is in serious decline and that is what's important. I know that sounded awful and very blunt but that's the way it is.
Finger pointing = the new plague. People tried to make Joe the scapegoat for another individuals premeditated matters. And, to say he was just some "coach", or "football is just some game" well, he devoted his entire life to that "game". It was his profession. No one should pass any judgement or undermine the impact Joe had. The guy was an iron horse and externally, he was a good guy. His program was one of the best not just on the gridiron but, academically as well.  It's funny, you same individuals criticizing Joe would probably be the same individual who knowingly saw a person drop their wallet on the street, pick it up and go about your business...
Listening to 95.7 fm the game in San Francisco they just said they confirmed Joe Pa has passed.

Rest in peace Coach.
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