Rise of The Planet of the Apes

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Saw it an hour ago, movie was GREAT. Ceaser played a great roll of the Ape version of Ceaser. They hate you, you grabbed there trust and they love and respect you. One thing is for sure, when he talked, "No", everybody was shook in the theater, lol. Even I said "what the %#$%" and my boys started laughing.

Everybody OOH-ed when Caesar spoke in my theater
I was initially disappointed with the ending. However, I am totally enthralled with the flick and this serves as a great intro to the rest of the story. They did a good job developing the story & character of Caesar, and I hope they continue to develop him even further.

When son said "NOOOO!" the first time, I'm sure entire theatres everywhere gave a collective gasp of shock & awe.
This racial undertones nonsense needs to stop, you guys are reaching and looking for something to start a racial conversation about.
Originally Posted by Super Producer J

I was initially disappointed with the ending. However, I am totally enthralled with the flick and this serves as a great intro to the rest of the story. They did a good job developing the story & character of Caesar, and I hope they continue to develop him even further.

When son said "NOOOO!" the first time, I'm sure entire theatres everywhere gave a collective gasp of shock & awe.
Everybody was like omg when he said No, I was surprised he didn't talk earlier.
People disappointed with the ending. What could have made it better? I thought it was perfect. Sets it up for the next one.
Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

Saw it 2day, movie was good but I expected more from the ending.

same here...so what happens to the apes they all just stop fight all of a sudden and cops stop trying to kill them? wanted more in the ending..but overall good movie
Originally Posted by amel223

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Saw it an hour ago, movie was GREAT. Ceaser played a great roll of the Ape version of Ceaser. They hate you, you grabbed there trust and they love and respect you. One thing is for sure, when he talked, "No", everybody was shook in the theater, lol. Even I said "what the %#$%" and my boys started laughing.

Everybody OOH-ed when Caesar spoke in my theater

Some dude let out the loudest " oh *%$+ " I've ever heard in a theater. Entire place immediately cracked up.
Originally Posted by LA KB24

Originally Posted by 504 D1 Prospect

Saw it 2day, movie was good but I expected more from the ending.

same here...so what happens to the apes they all just stop fight all of a sudden and cops stop trying to kill them? wanted more in the ending..but overall good movie
Only Caesars owner knew where they were going, and I'm guessing he kept it a secret. I have no idea how fast that viral infection spread but maybe they will show it in a sequel.
I liked the movie a lot. Surprising because when I saw the commercials I thought this movie was going to be absolute trash.

I don't know if anyone brought up this prediction yet but I think in the sequel the other apes are going to turn on Caesar (et tu Brutus?
) and kill off the rest of the population that wasn't already killed off by the virus.
Seen the movie a couple days ago and can say at first I was very disappointed.

then it had me thinking. This movie represent how the earth was taken over by monkeys ( when the astronaut came home from being stuck on the actually planet of apes.)

their was parts in the movie were they showed the astronauts going to mars but then got lost in space.

so the next movie will leave off when he came home and seen all these monkeys running the earth. Very cool
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Director Rupert Wyatt talks about Planet of the Apes sequel - http://t.co/5uxr1ZE

for those that missed it, if you saw this film, read above

[h2]Wyatt Sheds Light on Apes Sequel[/h2]

Once this weekends major hit, Rise of the Planet of the Apes ended, everyone knew a sequel should be the next logical step.

And anyone with half a brain, and some eyes would be in favor of just that happening.

In my review of the film, I dubbed it the best film thus far of the year, so naturally and thanks to the box office numbers, director Rupert Wyatt is hinting that way.

Wyatt has started sharing some info about a possible sequel and what other ideas are floating around.

Here is what Wyatt had to say…
“There’s so much we could do… The ideas I’ve had are all sorts of things, ranging from Full Metal Jacket with apes… you could start this story again eight years from where we left off, the next generation of apes, those that have come from our protagonists, perhaps going in to a conflict with humans and showing real fear, in the same way as going into war for young soldiers in this day and age, telling their story. Or how apes are taking over cities, and being moved into human environments and having to interact with them and deal with things that are part of our culture and understand and evolve through them. Spies that are in the employ of the apes, working against humans and humans maybe existing underground, because that’s a way they can avoid the virus, coming up above ground wearing gas masks, and maybe that’s what dehumanises them.
This thread should be bumped when the next film comes out

Seriously though, I think I"m gonna see it again tomorrow. I didn't miss anything, it's just a really enjoyable movie.
Originally Posted by color me green

These apes were wildin out in the Bay Area tho. Reminds me of the riot in downtown Oakland


Definitely enjoyed this film. I felt as if it could have stretched out another hour though. 

Regardless it was 
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