Rise of The Planet of the Apes

Originally Posted by finnns2003

I'm so glad the dude's son got taken out, you just KNEW he was going.

I lol'd when he hit his co-worker with the "You'er next!" 

Dude just took the L
I swear, reaching at its finest. Yet I am not the smart one. wow. You can insert any race (seeing how blacks aren't the first nor the last race to have atrocities happen to them) and "find" racial undertones.
District 9 was written and shot to display apartheid yet most of you allowed it to go over your heads and hate the movie cause it made no sense to you guys.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

I'm so glad the dude's son got taken out, you just KNEW he was going.

I kind of wanted him to get it worse than what he ended up getting. 

The scene where Caesar confronts him though was just
   One of the most powerful scenes in the movie. 
The movie was great. I am waiting for the rest of this series. Even after reading the explanation I dont see the racial undertones.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by finnns2003

I'm so glad the dude's son got taken out, you just KNEW he was going.

I kind of wanted him to get it worse than what he ended up getting. 

The scene where Caesar confronts him though was just
   One of the most powerful scenes in the movie. 


Do not click the spoiler below if you have not watched the movie:

Spoiler [+]
Just looked at the totals on Fandango... it says it came in number 1 this weekend with $55 million.

I hope that it continues to make money so the studio can greenlight more sequels.
Just enjoy the movie for what it is, it's not supposed to represent anything but apes and humans.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I don't get how people are saying this movie is good.......like....the commercials look awful and the thought of CGI monkeys is

....are ya'll going in with low expectations or something


Oh so you've only seen commercials....thats a good way to rate a movie...
I'm not rating the movie clown, but from the commercials and previews (which is all we go by), it doesn't even look like an interesting movie to go out of my way to see.
Malfoy was extra corny in the movie pickin fights with chimps and holding grudges on them lol.

Movie was real good though.

I'm gonna ignore those talking about racial undertones. Too funny.
Racial undertones? People are reaching hard.

This movie was great. I loved it.

Spoiler [+]
People really cried over Buck dying? The
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by rashi

So many racial undertones in this movie. Good lord. 

Haven't seen it yet, but a friend of mine was saying this b4 the flick came out...I didn't want to make a comment on this, as it can clearly have this type of undertone...but I wanted to know why you think so...

When Caesar was grown, they had him on a leash like LeVar Burton in Roots, had dogs barking at him like how the Police had dogs barking at Blacks in the South, of course the whole correlation between Blacks and monkeys, keeping them isolated in their own filth like on the slave ships and getting them ready to send them to a lab (like how they were auctioning them off), spraying the Apes with a water hose if they "acted" up.

Caesar reminded of a slave that stole books to educate himself, then he passed on the knowledge to other Apes. In the movie, the Apes weren't trying to hurt anybody. They wanted to be free and not be bothered by humans, but of course after treating the Apes like garbage they defended themselves and all of a sudden they were the problem.

If ya'll can't see the racial undertones in this movie, ya'll must know your history very well.


chill homie you reaching
Saw it an hour ago, movie was GREAT. Ceaser played a great roll of the Ape version of Ceaser. They hate you, you grabbed there trust and they love and respect you. One thing is for sure, when he talked, "No", everybody was shook in the theater, lol. Even I said "what the %#$%" and my boys started laughing.
Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by pookieman

Haven't seen it yet, but a friend of mine was saying this b4 the flick came out...I didn't want to make a comment on this, as it can clearly have this type of undertone...but I wanted to know why you think so...

When Caesar was grown, they had him on a leash like LeVar Burton in Roots, had dogs barking at him like how the Police had dogs barking at Blacks in the South, of course the whole correlation between Blacks and monkeys, keeping them isolated in their own filth like on the slave ships and getting them ready to send them to a lab (like how they were auctioning them off), spraying the Apes with a water hose if they "acted" up.

Caesar reminded of a slave that stole books to educate himself, then he passed on the knowledge to other Apes. In the movie, the Apes weren't trying to hurt anybody. They wanted to be free and not be bothered by humans, but of course after treating the Apes like garbage they defended themselves and all of a sudden they were the problem.

If ya'll can't see the racial undertones in this movie, ya'll must know your history very well.


chill homie you reaching
welp. we obviously do not know our history. 

 @ the reading rainbow reference. 
Racial undertones, because it'a movie about monkeys, that happen to be of a darker color? Please, oh wise one, tell me MORE!
People that are saying there is no racial undertone is obviously misinformed. When the series first came out years ago, they were obviously portraying blacks.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by rashi

So many racial undertones in this movie. Good lord. 

Haven't seen it yet, but a friend of mine was saying this b4 the flick came out...I didn't want to make a comment on this, as it can clearly have this type of undertone...but I wanted to know why you think so...

When Caesar was grown, they had him on a leash like LeVar Burton in Roots, had dogs barking at him like how the Police had dogs barking at Blacks in the South, of course the whole correlation between Blacks and monkeys, keeping them isolated in their own filth like on the slave ships and getting them ready to send them to a lab (like how they were auctioning them off), spraying the Apes with a water hose if they "acted" up.

Caesar reminded of a slave that stole books to educate himself, then he passed on the knowledge to other Apes. In the movie, the Apes weren't trying to hurt anybody. They wanted to be free and not be bothered by humans, but of course after treating the Apes like garbage they defended themselves and all of a sudden they were the problem.

If ya'll can't see the racial undertones in this movie, ya'll must know your history very well.
Nothing to do with history, yes slaves weren't educated and were refereed to as monkeys. But for one the movie is about apes and obviously we don't let them roam free in real life so its reaching..
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