Ronda Rousey has become extremely annoying TITLE CHANGE

I just think most people, especially if you've never got into a fight or competed realize that it's not all about strength.

135lb Pro Fighter surely has enough strength, accuracy and timing to land a perfectly good KO punch.
i think Ronda has always been overrated BUT she'd wreck you dudes talking crazy

Dudes who can't beat other regular joes think they got a shot because she got beat by another PRO [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

Never change NT
She'd judo throw most onto the ground and have her nasty, sweaty body on top of you ready to snap your arm with an armbar.
Weight means everything when you can pick up your opponent at will. A 135 pound woman isn't going to hurt you with strikes so I'm not really sure how you think she would win. You're talking about fighting a man 100lbs heavier. She would be killed

No. Just stop.
There's nothing professional about her striking bro. Thinking that a 135lb female has the strength to knock out a 220lb man just because she gets paid to fight is absurd.
There's nothing professional about her striking bro. Thinking that a 135lb female has the strength to knock out a 220lb man just because she gets paid to fight is absurd.

Like I said, you only feel that way because she's a female.

Cody "No Love" is an undefeated 135lb Champion. Do you think you can destroy him too?
Instead of clapping for @RondaRousey defeat give her a standing O for putting the sport on the map. -kobe

“In sports, in general, they build you up as high as they can, put you on the highest mountain in the world, just to tear you down. That’s coming from somebody who has experienced it. And that’s exactly what she’s going through right now. That’s a fact. I know exactly how she feels because I was that athlete. I went through that.

Yall hatin but you will respect
Like I said, you only feel that way because she's a female.

Cody "No Love" is an undefeated 135lb Champion. Do you think you can destroy him too?
I've never seen him fight but I'm sure a fight between them in the same weight class would be a joke. You're talking about adding another 90lbs.
“In sports, in general, they build you up as high as they can, put you on the highest mountain in the world, just to tear you down. That’s coming from somebody who has experienced it. And that’s exactly what she’s going through right now. That’s a fact. I know exactly how she feels because I was that athlete. I went through that.

Yall hatin but you will respect

First off, no one put "Chosen One" on Brons back but him.

And dont put this on the fans when it was the media ONLY who built her up this way and she soaked it all in.

She's the one who startedthe Floyd beef.

***** gets no sympathy from me.
First off, no one put "Chosen One" on Brons back but him.

And dont put this on the fans when it was the media ONLY who built her up this way and she soaked it all in.

She's the one who startedthe Floyd beef.

***** gets no sympathy from me.

Your post gets no sympathy once you said you can wash her. Street fighter
My issue with the Rousey/Floyd situation is she knew she could say ANYTHING to him about wanting to fight him but he couldn't say anything back. That is what was irritating and the media promoted it but if the tables were turned, it wouldn't have gotten the same type of press.

You can't promote/allow woman on man violence but shun the other
My issue with the Rousey/Floyd situation is she knew she could say ANYTHING to him about wanting to fight him but he couldn't say anything back. That is what was irritating and the media promoted it but if the tables were turned, it wouldn't have gotten the same type of press.

You can't promote/allow woman on man violence but shun the other

And Floyd kept dismissing her, and her and Dana kept bringing it back up :lol:

But its our fault.
And my other issue is folks thinking Floyd would lose in an "MMA Match" as if boxing is part of MMA.

They aren't playing Judo or grappling EXCLUSIVELY.

So it could end up being a stand up the entire time but Rhonda would have survived that someway, somehow because Floyd doesn't have KO power
Instead of clapping for @RondaRousey defeat give her a standing O for putting the sport on the map. -kobe

“In sports, in general, they build you up as high as they can, put you on the highest mountain in the world, just to tear you down. That’s coming from somebody who has experienced it. And that’s exactly what she’s going through right now. That’s a fact. I know exactly how she feels because I was that athlete. I went through that.

Yall hatin but you will respect
Consolation prize sounding *** ******.

LeBron ***** *** quick to play the victim again.
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Stupid post.

She will destroy you and I'm being 100% serious.

You won't stand a chance, cut it out.

I think you're really underestimating pro fighters.

I think you dont know anything about me... ive trained with professional boxers... in fact my very first boxing instructor Tommy Wilt was a professional

And i also think you dont understand genetics and anatomy and physics... the average man standing 6 inches higher and having 90 lbs on her may have some difficulty sure but take any actual athlete... (lets say no better than highschool letterman) and rhonda is in big trouble from the jump. Its science
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