Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link

thats funny. i experienced the opposite.

i went into atrium in manhattan and dude immediately said whats up. he struck up a convo about my kicks (24k sacuony "mar")

dude was all saucony is my fav brand. im like cool. copped some mercer pants and a tank top and dipped. dude was like do u need anything else. i was like flamingos. he was like man if we had any left id hook u up.

same thing when nerds complain about supreme. i never get attitude when i go there. idk i just have a very specific image of the complainers.
are you somehow inferring that this has something to do with Kith?

ok enough talk about shipping and the like

anyway, these RF Timberlands look like they're for women

yeah when i saw the back of the boots i thought they were cool but then i saw the fur lining and it kinda turned me off. idk maybe i need to see the whole thing.
i think im going to get the villa x timberlands instead. since those dont have that much branding and no fur.
thats funny. i experienced the opposite.

i went into atrium in manhattan and dude immediately said whats up. he struck up a convo about my kicks (24k sacuony "mar")

dude was all saucony is my fav brand. im like cool. copped some mercer pants and a tank top and dipped. dude was like do u need anything else. i was like flamingos. he was like man if we had any left id hook u up.

same thing when nerds complain about supreme. i never get attitude when i go there. idk i just have a very specific image of the complainers.
There are exceptions to everything. Its not about your personal experience. I have met some SUPER cool dudes at alife, in fact they are usually pretty cool. Anyone who says NYC sneaker boutiques dont have a holier than thou attitude has not spent any quality time in them. If you are incapable of being cordial to ******ed hypebeasts (your core demographic) then guess what, you don't need to be working retail. 
yeah.. you cant take out the stitching on the tongue of those shoes DOE. without it i would definitely consider them. shoe laces are a nice touch with the stamps on the end. but anymore than that is a bit too much.
Not sure why but I feel this needs to be said. How many people here have actually been to kith or any nyc sneaker boutique? They suck. All of them. Manhattan suffers from a nauseating attitude when it comes to retail. They are full of employees that are too cool to put down their phones and act like they care. about anything... I work for a small company. Customer service is literally our top priority. I am tired of people defending piss poor logistics and a lack of hard work. Its why it stays the same. So no, do not stop complaining to kith. Jesus people. These hipsters need to check their attitude and bust their *** and get some product out the door!!!! This is not rocket science. To the people that think these guys are over reacting and freaking out when they havent received shipping information the next day: welcome to retail/customer service!!!! its 2013. If you are a small business you give people what they want yesterday, not today.   that is the nature of the business. Does it suck? yea. But people know what they are getting into. 
Dont understand why you are complaining or feel a need too most of the people complaining are mad cause they haven't gotten a shipping confirmation. They need too READ Kith's Terms and Agreements. When they complete that purchase they know what they are getting their self into. You can't compare a boutiques small business to other small businesses! If your not willing to wait a week maybe more for a shipping confirmation you are pathetic and should just never buy from there again and give people who understand and accept this the chance too buy their product! As far as saying lack of hard work for all you know they could have 1 maybe 2 working on anywhere from 3 too 5 thousand online orders. So stop trying to act like your a harder work them then hae you eve worked in a boutique or no what its like? Doubt it! so either know what your getting yourself into or just don't buy their products its that simple!
Not sure why but I feel this needs to be said. How many people here have actually been to kith or any nyc sneaker boutique? They suck. All of them. Manhattan suffers from a nauseating attitude when it comes to retail. They are full of employees that are too cool to put down their phones and act like they care. about anything... I work for a small company. Customer service is literally our top priority. I am tired of people defending piss poor logistics and a lack of hard work. Its why it stays the same. So no, do not stop complaining to kith. Jesus people. These hipsters need to check their attitude and bust their *** and get some product out the door!!!! This is not rocket science. To the people that think these guys are over reacting and freaking out when they havent received shipping information the next day: welcome to retail/customer service!!!! its 2013. If you are a small business you give people what they want yesterday, not today.   that is the nature of the business. Does it suck? yea. But people know what they are getting into. 
been to kith manhattan

dudes there were nice, helped me, struck up convo

good experience IMO

this was all while Cee Lo Green was in the spot shopping so i thought other customers would get the shaft but nah good experience 

same with ALIFE and Supreme
They claim a third party does their shipping entirely and that they have no connection whatsoever to the orders, not even able to cancel them.

Terms n service are a joke, dudes on the phone tripping over themselves trying to convince me there's nothing they can do.
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Dont understand why you are complaining or feel a need too most of the people complaining are mad cause they haven't gotten a shipping confirmation. They need too READ Kith's Terms and Agreements. When they complete that purchase they know what they are getting their self into. You can't compare a boutiques small business to other small businesses! If your not willing to wait a week maybe more for a shipping confirmation you are pathetic and should just never buy from there again and give people who understand and accept this the chance too buy their product! As far as saying lack of hard work for all you know they could have 1 maybe 2 working on anywhere from 3 too 5 thousand online orders. So stop trying to act like your a harder work them then hae you eve worked in a boutique or no what its like? Doubt it! so either know what your getting yourself into or just don't buy their products its that simple!
lol. Yea, I have worked in a boutique. The business I work for operates a boutique store front that is attached to our warehouse that I manage. I am VERY familiar with boutiques, small quantity shipping logistics etc. I am also very aware that there are not 1 or 2 people in the back of kith packing shoes... Ever notice where kith orders are shipped out from? Their warehouse. Which obviously has employees and operates like a warehouse. I am indeed assuming on that part. Maybe kith has Ronnie himself back there packing and kanye putting shipping labels on boxes? Short of anything like that, i probably have a better understanding of whats going on behind the scenes than most. I am not saying I am a harder worker. I am saying that their customer service is embarrasing and I am also saying I could manage their warehouse logistics better.  As far as reading kiths Terms and Agreements... that is a big stretch.. I would have to actually go read them. but I doubt they state anything like literally no communication from their end until the package arrives at their door. 
I'd like to add WestNYC to the list of boutiques in NY without any sort of attitude.

I've never had a problem with Kith. They have canceled orders at my request within minutes of emailing them. I've never called for a customer service issue, but I have called them regarding product info and they were as helpful as I would expect.

I am all for a lofty expectation of customer service, and I would go out of my way to support a retailer who has good customer service. But...don't come on here lambasting a company for poor practices and continue to buy their products, or only buy certain products they carry. If you do, don't expect anyone to have sympathy for you.
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At least there not walking out too lines and promising every single person in the line that they they are guranteeded a pair and then slaming the door on them, having employees resell them, or hang up on you when you ask for an explanation and hanging up on them like concepts. Or at Bodega where some employees have no idea about sneakers or lies too you about not having your size!
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nyc stay getting stereotyped.

i miss nort/recon, union, clientele and all thos other meany weenie boutiques.
what bugs me is this attitude of "well dont buy from them" which is EXACTLY what a lot of kids would do.. HOWEVER we are talking about products that are exclusive to them so the consumer doesnt have the option. That is NOT an excuse to have ****** customer service!!! WTF is happening! 

Can I just say as a side note I dont have a dog in the fight as I havent had a bad experience that is fueling this conversation. I see it is a much more broad general overall problem. 
West is deft one of the best shops I ever dealt with and had no issues whether be by phone, internet, instore.
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