Roommate troubles... Who's in the wrong here?

I can't believe OP didn't catch the hints.

It's obvious the roommates plan worked. They wanted to get rid of the 3rd girls because she wasn't orgy material.

Now it's just you 3. McDouble Yambzzz
Pics or calling ductales...
But on the real best thing to do is just talk to everyone and if it doesn't work out then move on
I'm sure your roommates are fed up with you guys always leaving your crap out like some little kids..I'm sure it's just not backpacks and pillows,

Like mentioned before, messy people never see how disgusting they really are.

what kind of girl doesn't clean up after herself tho?
why are they tripping off a backpack? it's not just from that. come on man... tell the whole story.
This is why I have to live alone or with family. All the little annoyances would probably turn me into a psychopath
man, i'd get bored as hell living alone. i guess it's because we all are good friends since before and aren't too dirty.
Nobody steals food. We're not dirty at all. The common area is always clean, except for our backpacks or the couch pillows being messed up. Sometimes I have a sweater on the back of dining chair that I sit in. Dishes are promptly washed (within a couple of hours, almost always within the day). It's literally just backpacks on the couch, miscellaneous things on the coffee table, my laptop on the corner of the dining table where only I sit. Trash never piles up. It's always taken out when it's full. There's no loud music. We tell each other when we have guests over.

There are two couches, and both are rarely used. One is a three seater, the other a two seater. So there's always space on the couch. If not, there's another couch or they could just move our backpacks (which is on the seldomly used couch)

I think we're just used to living differently. At home, my parents had no problem with leaving things on the couch (my roommate also). If we had guests, we'd just put everything away.
What other problems do roommates have? Our apartment is probably cleaner than 90% of other college apartments.
Man, I wish it was just backpacks left on the couch by my roommates. These ninjas got me feeling like a parent the way they leave **** laying around. There's currently a container of sweet & sour sauce with a stick of gum on it laying atop one of the tables in the living room. The sink is filled to the brim with their dirty dishes, and they have loads of clothes littered all over the couch.

I'm not the biggest neat freak around, but I keep my mess in my room.

Just try to pick up after yourself, I know that there has to be some awkward tension since you guys were called out on it. I'm getting ready to speak to my roommates about their untidiness, but I know there will be a rift in the atmosphere afterwards :smh:
There are two couches, and both are rarely used. One is a three seater, the other a two seater. So there's always space on the couch. If not, there's another couch or they could just move our backpacks (which is on the seldomly used couch)

I think we're just used to living differently. At home, my parents had no problem with leaving things on the couch (my roommate also). If we had guests, we'd just put everything away.
What other problems do roommates have? Our apartment is probably cleaner than 90% of other college apartments.
just because theres nothing on the couches doesnt mean you should just throw your crap on it..

and yeah they are always going to be empty unless there's a person sitting in it...THEY'RE COUCHES FFS 

basically you are saying your parents were slobs and never taught you to clean up after yourself.
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