My girl says the OG mangos are feminine. Thoughts?
Being in a long relationship, my experience says that your girl is always right. 
thank you!

quick question: do you know if i can call my local UO and give them the SKU to confirm if they have it?
thank you!

quick question: do you know if i can call my local UO and give them the SKU to confirm if they have it?
You can just ask if they have roshes and what colors or give them the SKU number which will just be easier for them.  You can also just go in, most stores just having them out, also if you're from SF i can confirm that the downtown store has them in a 13

I got kicked out the Facebook group because i didnt provide anything "helpful" during a time when roshes were at a standstill (before the lebum hype before the fb's before the og 3 retro's dropped again) so there was nothing to help with

not even mentioning i was BEGGED to join for months & i denied it because i dont use FB ...i was urged to make a dummy profile so i could join.....only to be kicked out within the month (i was "on" for 1-2 weeks max )

i should pull up the facebook convo & post it
Lol please do
Exactly. It's all about the shoes. We like to inform YOU GUYS on the upcoming colorways, on where to cop them (for retail) or not, also providing pictures on our IG for YOU. It's not like this is our job because we do all of this stuff in our free time. We don't have to, but we do want to help all of the people who like the sneakers.
I get that and I respect what you guys do for all the people on the thread. I just don't understand how you guys are gonna bash people for reselling (I remember one of you guys called some people out from the BASH group on FB) and then go reselling yourselves. And not just that, other TR members who quote on quote "99% of us do not re-sell" don't say **** about it but try to back them up
I'm on that marketplace. Never took part in it because everything is at rape prices.

I've sold a pair of wovens for more than retail because I bought them for more than retail. Don't know if that makes me a reseller. Lol
Ordered beaches overseas in a size 12 I usually wear a 13 with a little room. If I pick up some thin no show socks I should be ok?
A whole size down? No go...
fuh gone half a week and thread shoots over 2000 posts x.x, people who have stepped on gum with their roshes....what did you guys use to take em off without damaging the soles??
Yes, people jumping on the train, including me... As for the gum... i use a warm rag towel and toothpick (carefully).
heres the on feet of the STRATA GREYS

I need these in my life!
might be a dumb question but is there any acutal floral design on the yellow cw? From the pictures, i dont see any if much, comparable to the teal and navy. If there is, its hardly noticeable.. it might just be my horrible vision though.
Like someone said earlier, there is a floral design it's just hard to see with my iPhone pics. Don't worry, it ain't your vision.
why you didn't get a pair
Where there is money to be made; there will be resellers... 

There's been plenty of chances to get the mints, but again, all the resellers are eating them up...
i find the fact that you guys need a "team" to state your love of a certain shoe in itself hilarious. everyone in this thread is a fan of roshes, but you are much more important because you have a plethora of pairs, i get it. Its like a high school glee club or something. Not trying to hate, to each his own, just my opinion.

*sits back and waits for the hate*
My girl says the OG mangos are feminine. Thoughts?

I didn't think so at first, until I saw the GTC's. that darker swoosh does it for me. Now when I look at the mango's I see it in a different light, don't even want them anymore.
My girl says the OG mangos are feminine. Thoughts?
I actually got that comment before just not from my girlfriend. I would have to say personally I even think they are a little bit. Doesnt sway me from thinking theyre freakin SICK. But yes..a tad feminine. LOL I feel like the Beaches are the masculine side of them hahah
If you haven't seen already....that's been happening in all 1100 + pages. It's mostly helping others find it for retail. He's not psoting it to make money.  if  you're going to call him out, you need to go back in all 1100+ pages and call out the rest of them.
i find the fact that you guys need a "team" to state your love of a certain shoe in itself hilarious. everyone in this thread is a fan of roshes, but you are much more important because you have a plethora of pairs, i get it. Its like a high school glee club or something. Not trying to hate, to each his own, just my opinion.

*sits back and waits for the hate*
No hate=P 

I think that they call themselves "Team Roshe" because they did a big part in advertising the shoe and spreading the word about its comfort, awesomeness, and simplicity. Pretty sure this shoe didnt really matter for the first while that it was out to many people. Feel me? Just my thoughts. 
how many are in this "team" anyway? do you guys have like board meetings? do you get free snacks? okay im done
The team roshe shirt comes included with the "membership"? Lol

no it doesnt

they went up for sale to the public & once they were in hand i instantly saw one go on fleabay for $75

How about the 1%? Shouldn't something be done with them? Perhaps kicked out of TR? I remember a while back someone said they were kicked off TR cause they didn't provide the thread with any info or help on copping Roshes lol

I believe that was cold city haha

Like they begged him to be on TRo and then routinely kicked em out a week later or something if I remember correctly from about 1200 pages ago

How about the 1%? Shouldn't something be done with them? Perhaps kicked out of TR? I remember a while back someone said they were kicked off TR cause they didn't provide the thread with any info or help on copping Roshes lol

Nobody has ever been kicked out of the team buddy.

bottom of pg 400 has it
My girl says the OG mangos are feminine. Thoughts?

i dont know about you but when my girl says shoes are too feminine i dont buy because she is the one probably going to be with me when i rock them plus i been with my girl going on 4 years so her opinion matters to me.
No hate=P 

I think that they call themselves "Team Roshe" because they did a big part in advertising the shoe and spreading the word about its comfort, awesomeness, and simplicity. Pretty sure this shoe didnt really matter for the first while that it was out to many people. Feel me? Just my thoughts. 
i feel you, makes sense
yea youre right, i took it too far, thats my bad. how many are on the team did start out as a legitimate question though then i got sidetracked. apologies, long day. 
Look on the first page. It has all the information about Team Roshe and Rosherun's in General.
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