Went to Footaction in Stonewood Mall, Downey CA to use a $10 coupon on some Gamma's. 

I inquired with the manager about when they were going to put some Roshes on sale, since it seems like they are just sitting.

He said that they never go on sale, and added that he still had a pair in the back from last year.

I asked to see them, and he brought out some...
Cybers (In my size.)
I instantly copped, and also got the $10 coupon applied to them.

Lucky day for me.

FYI, they still have a good size run of Black Sails and some select sizes of Sport Reds if you live in, or are close to LA county and are interested.

They also had Crimsons, Squads, Beaches, and Tarps.  (I didn't ask about the sizes for those)


Sorry for the long post.  Just kinda geeked.
lol yeah like in January or something FA in Merced was stacked with Cybers FSR and since then, the hype built with roshe and everything is probably gone.

nice cop.
Maybe so, however for the type of price difference between the resale sirens or the new mid, I for one probably won't be so picky once I can see them in person.
True and if you're wearing jeans, it may be hard to tell the difference.
I'll try to do a mids collection shot along with on feet shots when mine show up. Hopefully shipping doesn't take too long from Oneness.

BTW, it looks like Oneness has the Black Sails back in stock too per the IG page.
Oneness ship with the quickness. You'll get it by Thursday-Friday. I look forward to seeing them on feet. 
As far as my understanding I don't think the arctic green colorway is coming out in the summer releases. I thought people thought they were because the pictures of the gamma greens were washed out making them look lighter and creating confusion. I don't see why nike would dish out a arctic green cw and release it for retail when they are making bank off of their ID version pricing at 110 per unit. This is just what I think is going on. I can't say I am 100% right though but yeah..

As for the mids that released on oneness, those light bone looking ones though.
Thanks but Arctic Green pics I've seen on other websites and sometimes here, the color looks way different then what they look on Nike ID.
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Thanks but Arctic Green pics I've seen on other websites and sometimes here, the color looks way different then what they look on Nike ID.

Too clear this issue there is no artic green roshe coming out. I remember it was being discussed a few pages back, that it was a faded version of the gamma greens also I haven't seen any one pick up the "artic green" roshes only the gamma green and the other 2 women's inspired mens roshe, blue hero and team red. And pre orders on European websites show only those 3. So anyone hoping for the artic green it's not coming out...

I would like to buy them but I'm nervous of giving my credit card to this place has anybody ordered from there and had an issue with there credit card being used after just be safe thanks

I would like to buy them but I'm nervous of giving my credit card to this place has anybody ordered from there and had an issue with there credit card being used after just be safe thanks
Oneness is one of the most legit and reputable shops in Kentucky.

I would like to buy them but I'm nervous of giving my credit card to this place has anybody ordered from there and had an issue with there credit card being used after just be safe thanks

Your safe nothing to worry about, people would not post info here unless they're fake.
I couldn't get the stickers, and now I need a password to go on the site. What a country... And here I thought it would be easy to cop stickers. I have a better chance at getting Denim Lebrons then Team Roshes stickers I tell you. :tongue:
Good looking out homie, great heads up
No problem man!
Went to Footaction in Stonewood Mall, Downey CA to use a $10 coupon on some Gamma's. 

I inquired with the manager about when they were going to put some Roshes on sale, since it seems like they are just sitting.

He said that they never go on sale, and added that he still had a pair in the back from last year.

I asked to see them, and he brought out some...
Cybers (In my size.)
I instantly copped, and also got the $10 coupon applied to them. 

Lucky day for me.

FYI, they still have a good size run of Black Sails and some select sizes of Sport Reds if you live in, or are close to LA county and are interested.

They also had Crimsons, Squads, Beaches, and Tarps.  (I didn't ask about the sizes for those)


Sorry for the long post.  Just kinda geeked.
That's a great cop man. I just ordered some Cybers, but it would've been great to get them for retail lol
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Hey Goku! What was wrong with my post? I know your a true disciple, but come on man did you really just "fix" my post? No need to make your hair stand up and turn yellow over it. :smile:
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I would like to buy them but I'm nervous of giving my credit card to this place has anybody ordered from there and had an issue with there credit card being used after just be safe thanks god this kid cracks me up 

edit: bruh, no one's tryna give false info in here lol
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Gone for a little over a week and this thread jumps like crazy. Old days were a blessing when it came to keeping up with the thread. 
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