You mean so no more of this?

"It was a sunny day on the beach and as I walked on the boardwalk I could see a man approaching in the distance. At this moment a rainbow peaked out from behind a cloud and ended by his sneakers. It was at this point I knew I was in love and wanted to be in team roshe......"

*insert picture of sneakers lined up in the shape of letters spelling roshe"

lol repped have my measlys

I am down with TeamStecky if someone would make a logo.
Just kind of threw it together but...   
Team Roshe has accomplished what needed to be accomplished.

The Roshe Run was an underrated shoe that didn't get mainstream attention, but because we got people to try pairs on... that changed.  We got made fun of day in and day out for our "house slippers" but eventually our favorite Nike shoe got tried on by "The King."

And then the Mint FB's came out, and now Roshes are easy to get.  General releases anyway.

I swear, when the first generation of FB's came out I must've gotten Mints for like 20 of all you people.  To this day I've only kept in contact with like a quarter of those people.

Look at the latest TR Contest for instance.  To stecky, and all those other people who want to be in Team Roshe, remember the fact that you already have a pair of your own that you enjoy the wear the heck out of already means you're a part of the movement.
Team Roshe has accomplished what needed to be accomplished.

The Roshe Run was an underrated shoe that didn't get mainstream attention, but because we got people to try pairs on... that changed.  We got made fun of day in and day out for our "house slippers" but eventually our favorite Nike shoe got tried on by "The King."

And then the Mint FB's came out, and now Roshes are easy to get.  General releases anyway.

I swear, when the first generation of FB's came out I must've gotten Mints for like 20 of all you people.  To this day I've only kept in contact with like a quarter of those people.

Look at the latest TR Contest for instance.  To stecky, and all those other people who want to be in Team Roshe, remember the fact that you already have a pair of your own that you enjoy the wear the heck out of already means you're a part of the movement.
well said broshe!
I would never make my own thread I made a home here in this community I'm not mad that teamroshe will not except applications I actually respect that because they will be able to figure everything out to me teamroshe is not just a team I feel they are the ones that we all look up to and not in a weird way meaning they are the good role models you get in teamroshe. means you have big dedication and I'm being 100% honest the one I say the most active from e team is xtianp maybe it's because of him being the main guy but I mean you message this guy and he will respond ASAP he always is 100% honest even if you don't want to hear what it is he has to say. I can say he has been a big help to me and this thread by far.
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let's go stecky you need to make your own thread

Forget about a thread, he needs to make a fan page IG account, a twitter, cute little shirts and stickers, buttons, patches, beach balls, condoms and the motto we only post up pictures of current team stecky members lmaoo #teamstecky :rofl:

I'm enjoying this too much.
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I would never make my own thread I made a home here in this community I'm not mad that teamroshe will not except applications I actually respect that because they will be able to figure everything out to me teamroshe is not just a team I feel they are the ones that we all look up to and not in a weird way meaning they are the good role models you get in teamroshe. means you have big dedication and I'm being 100% honest the one I say the most active from e team is xtianp maybe it's because of him being the main guy but I mean you message this guy and he will respond ASAP he always is 100% honest even if you don't want to hear what it is he has to say. I can say he has been a big help to me and this thread by far.

Forget all that, you need to establish the rules and requirements to get into #TeamStecky so we can apply!!!
Forget about a thread, he needs to make a fan page IG account, a twitter, cute little shirts and stickers, buttons, patches, beach balls, condoms and the motto we only post up pictures of current team stecky members lmaoo #teamstecky

I'm enjoying this too much.
zaid, no hate, I respect you on this thread, but like you said, lets please get back to roshes and reality.

This thread is turning into madness, Team roshe this Team stecky that. Everyone just do your thing but stick to the purpose of the thread please. 


bash on me for telling you guys what to do if it makes you feel better, but we all know why we follow this thread and its definitely not for this.
Anyway if anybody is still looking for the summer colorways gamma green, team red, or hero blue for a price of about $70 shipped, there is a current FSR on eBay. PM me if you can't find them, I'll link you.
zaid, no hate, I respect you on this thread, but like you said, lets please get back to roshes and reality.

This thread is turning into madness, Team roshe this Team stecky that. Everyone just do your thing but stick to the purpose of the thread please. 


bash on me for telling you guys what to do if it makes you feel better, but we all know why we follow this thread and its definitely not for this.

Agreed, I got way out of hand with that one. I was enjoying myself too much on that lol Anyways with or without TRo or team stecky this thread is about roshes. My apologies Del-Ro. Lets move on and talk about some roshes guys. [emoji]128077[/emoji]
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Agreed, I got way out of hand with that one. I was enjoying myself too much on that lol Anyways with or without TRo or team stecky this thread is about roshes. My apologies Del-Ro. Lets move on and talk about some roshes guys. [emoji]128077[/emoji]
Thanks brother! I feel you though, I do that too. always fun to joke in here sometimes :smile: Just got your like on my instagram too lol thanks! 

anyways! you posted about the premiums and your deal right? what sizes did you cop?
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