not sure if the link has been posted but for the people who have questions on how frugirls work is a youtube video of a fellow NT member showing step by step procedure. 

I was fortunate to receive this information from fellow NT member KONTRABAND1911 who helped me out and showed me this video. BIG PROPS TO HIM.  this is legit as well i bought my olive premiums off frugirls and the shoe is legit. as you see in the video the member also vouches for his 2 mangos. lastly in the video he uses fruboys but now it is frugirls. i hope this helps everyone out. trying to do a lot for the roshe community. will apply for the team next month. have 12 pairs going strong. 

BROshes! While you were watching the Super Bowl, I was working on This Week In Roshe News! Enjoy!

As bad as I'd like to get my hands on Sirens, looking through that tmall site and ordering from overseas is too risky. I read through some of the reviews and people are saying some retailers sell fakes. It's also hard to read through them because I'm relying on google translator. 

If anybody has a trusted seller that sells legit roshe's on tmall, help us out haha.
As bad as I'd like to get my hands on Sirens, looking through that tmall site and ordering from overseas is too risky. I read through some of the reviews and people are saying some retailers sell fakes. It's also hard to read through them because I'm relying on google translator. 

If anybody has a trusted seller that sells legit roshe's on tmall, help us out haha.
me and my buddys actually just bought 3 pairs of sirens for myself 2 of my friends for $31 bones. once i receive them ill gladly take a picture of them as well as my premiums from asia. we got them through taobao and frugirls. 
How is it so cheap??
i think team roshe with better knowledge can answer this. on these japanese sites all these different sellers have an abundance of pairs. its maybe because roshes aren't popular out there in japan. that is my guess. people vouch for these sites though and get lucky with the prices as well. i dont want to say buying from these sites is trial and error because its covered by paypal so incase you get fake shoes you can get your money back.  like i said once i receive the pairs ill take pictures and post them up here. so far i havent seen any negative feedback on these sites that are shipped through frugirls but i could be wrong. can someone back me up on this?
i think team roshe with better knowledge can answer this. on these japanese sites all these different sellers have an abundance of pairs. its maybe because roshes aren't popular out there in japan. that is my guess. people vouch for these sites though and get lucky with the prices as well. i dont want to say buying from these sites is trial and error because its covered by paypal so incase you get fake shoes you can get your money back.  like i said once i receive the pairs ill take pictures and post them up here. so far i havent seen any negative feedback on these sites that are shipped through frugirls but i could be wrong. can someone back me up on this?
You're pretty much right. It's just not as popular in the asian countries so they have huge stock leftover which obviously the only way to sell is to sell for cheap. I've used rakuten to get my sport reds and black sails for $38/pair shipped within Japan to have my aunt bring them over here during her trip. It's pretty hard imo to find fakes on Japanese websites. Note that and are NOT THE SAME. They're run by the same company but is a more exclusive site to high reputation retailers/sellers that also costs them more money to post on, which means that sellers who sell fakes can't afford to post on tmall. Basically what I'm saying is is for the most part legitimate, maybe not 100% but if you see a seller who has any colorways that have never been seen anywhere else than you've obviously stumbled upon fakes. Legit postings will have some store info, feedback, sizing and detailed photos; sort of like an ebay store. I ordered my mangos back then from for around $115 shipped total with the frugirls service. It was kind of a mistake just buying one pair you will save more with combined shipping and a flat rate service fee ordering multiple pairs which is what I'm going to do with a friend when I receive my next paycheck.
yeah I was lookin around at tmall site and found some siren reds for only $56 dollars(I converted chinese money to us dollars).pretty cheap but the fees,shipping kills it. man I want those siren reds tho ;/
yeah I was lookin around at tmall site and found some siren reds for only $56 dollars(I converted chinese money to us dollars).pretty cheap but the fees,shipping kills it. man I want those siren reds tho ;/
I am away from my computer right now to provide you the link I can do it tomorrow but my buddies and I just made a purchase a bought 3 pairs of sirens for $31 a pop. 
You're pretty much right. It's just not as popular in the asian countries so they have huge stock leftover which obviously the only way to sell is to sell for cheap. I've used rakuten to get my sport reds and black sails for $38/pair shipped within Japan to have my aunt bring them over here during her trip. It's pretty hard imo to find fakes on Japanese websites. Note that and are NOT THE SAME. They're run by the same company but is a more exclusive site to high reputation retailers/sellers that also costs them more money to post on, which means that sellers who sell fakes can't afford to post on tmall. Basically what I'm saying is is for the most part legitimate, maybe not 100% but if you see a seller who has any colorways that have never been seen anywhere else than you've obviously stumbled upon fakes. Legit postings will have some store info, feedback, sizing and detailed photos; sort of like an ebay store. I ordered my mangos back then from for around $115 shipped total with the frugirls service. It was kind of a mistake just buying one pair you will save more with combined shipping and a flat rate service fee ordering multiple pairs which is what I'm going to do with a friend when I receive my next paycheck.
Thanks for the assurance man. Just trying to help out other people who have not been exposed to this type of shopping yet.
Thanks for the assurance man. Just trying to help out other people who have not been exposed to this type of shopping yet.
I haven't used taobao yet, but I'm soo tempted with the link you posted up there haha. But the same seller (wave sports) on was selling for like $54? And on taobao for $31? seems kinda odd. 
I haven't used taobao yet, but I'm soo tempted with the link you posted up there haha. But the same seller (wave sports) on was selling for like $54? And on taobao for $31? seems kinda odd. 
Oh crazy didnt even notice that. That is pretty odd though. Wouldn't know what to think of that either haha I guess there's only one way to find out ha...payment should be coming tomorrow.
i put in an order and got an email from frugirls saying that anything above 44 is more likely fake =[ i still pulled the trigger, hopefully they're not fake lol
Sorry for the double post but here it is. Hope you get your size bro.

I saw that seller too, however if you go to the other shoes they sell, its almost ALL around the same price. Looks fishy and you can tell that the pictures they used are from other retailers as well such as the one that says WAVE thats a different sellers pictures. I skipped on that one to save myself the trouble.
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