Do you guys think mangos for 150 is too high? Or would you pull the trigger?

It's really up to you dude. How bad do you want them? For me (personally), anything over $100 is too much for Roshes. again, that's just me.

You can pass for now with the hopes you can get em cheaper (if you're lucky). But what happens if you can't find em cheaper? Who knows, you may end up paying a bit more down the line.

If you really want em that bad, you gotta pull the trigger.

the hype on that squadron cw is nuts...... seriously

Dawg... what's gonna happen when the Beaches/Mango v2's drop? :lol: :wow: :wow:

This is a pic I just took of people waiting outside my local FNL for the squadron blue Roshe drop!!!

can't be.
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so i guess ill have to buy the mint fb's at retail since the lame nickname caught on they wont ever see a disco :smh:

but before they were for sure outlet bound :smh: :smh:

the hype on that squadron cw is nuts...... seriously

Dawg... what's gonna happen when the Beaches/Mango v2's drop? :lol: :wow: :wow:

only reason i said that because i personally think its a weak *** cw...
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All the new CW's will obviously get restocked on FNL and they're available in store!!! Plus they haven't even been stocked at all the major online retail websites!!! Don't be a fool and buy into the hype. Please don't buy from these shameless resellers. For people who really wanted them for wearing purposes and missed out so far, just wait it out broshes 8)
I'm amazed at the hype that roshe runs have gotten in the past couple months. These are just $70 MSRP casual shoes people. No need to hype them up. No need to put them up on a pedestal and consider them "heat". SMH at people trying to take advantage and reselling these great shoes. These are not even limited, these are GR shoes.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love me some roshe runs. I got my OG 3 cw's and my grey/red trails, but people need to stop gettin so hyped over these. I hope everyone gets to buy the pairs they want so that everyone will have them on their feet so it kills this "hype". These new spring cw's and FB's and wovens and NRG's are not exclusive, not limited, and shouldn't be over hyped in any kind of way.
Because of the hype these $70 shoes are being excluded from coupons!!!!  That suckkss
so i missed out twice today on the squad's had in shopping  cart once in size 11 and the other time in size 10.5 n they ran out of stock when i was paying =/

new here but i love roshe's =] have have quite a few colorways, been a here just to lurk but decided to finally join the forum =]
Should have my squadrons and my tarps in today from premier! Thankfully don't have to stress with these online drops with them. I can't beleive the hype is going off on these shoes so bad were stores are limiting one per person now.
 I still remember the days when I was able to walk into the nordstrom rack and buy 3 pairs for $55 each and no one even cared.
Should have my squadrons and my tarps in today from premier! Thankfully don't have to stress with these online drops with them. I can't beleive the hype is going off on these shoes so bad were stores are limiting one per person now. |I  I still remember the days when I was able to walk into the nordstrom rack and buy 3 pairs for $55 each and no one even cared.
limit 1 per person in store now? The hype is building
I was about to cop my little brother some Tarps, but I couldn't find my wallet.  I find it, and they sell out during checkout.

Had to settle for the Black/Gray/Sail. -_-

And I woke up too late for Squadron Blues, and this is me waking up early.  Oh well, hope to see them hit retail soon.
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