Where can I get 10,5 iguanas shipped to Europe? 

Tried UO. Got to the final step of completing the order, then they said they're out of stock...
Sucks mate, I got my pair today shipped 10.5. I did see a German website selling them, but they were for 99 euros I believe. You can pm if you want and I'll send you a link.
What type of material are the women's speckled colorways made of? Is it mesh? I can't tell.
All of the women's speckled colorways consist of a nylon-esque fabric. This nylon-esque material is more rough and can hold its shape even when the shoetrees and stuffings are taken out. The very best example of something that resembles this material would be the material on an umbrella. It looks and feels more or less just like how the fabric on an umbrella is except I don't think this one is waterproof. It is NOT mesh and doesn't have visible ventilation like the original mesh pairs have.

here is the best example of a photo I could find that portrays the material in its true form:
Agreed. It's way more flexible and durable than wovens, city pack, but just as comfy as the OG mesh.
On an unrelated note....

I hope none of our BRoshes in the Boston area were hurt or had any family or friends hurt in those explosions during todays Marathon.

My prayers and thoughts go out to everyone there and anyone that had been affected by this horrific incident. Such a sad and unfortunate day.
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On an unrelated note....

I hope none of our BRoshes in the Boston area were hurt or had any family or friends hurt in those explosions during todays Marathon. Such a sad and unfortunate day.
Great post, my home town and I have family there, already spoke to them earlier luckily no one was there. Prayers go out to the family of the lost and injured.
The women's 'speckled' material is similar to the women's premium 'camo'. Idk that helps since not a lot of people have them lol.
Sorry to be off topic, but what happened in Boston today is sickening. Such an innocent event turned into such a tragedy. Pray for Boston and all those affected by this senseless act.
It's Patriots Day, tax day, and Boston was home to the tea party. Bet we're looking at some domestic psychos... Vibes to all impacted by another senseless tragedy.
Yes they would have released this color way because they're based off of a soccer shoe color way. Not the Air Yeezy.
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