1. acquire tooth brush

2. tape off mesh from sole

3. dip tooth brush in angelus paint

4. hold tooth brush near sole

5. gently rub your finger through the bristles of your toothbrush. 

6. admire your work. 
7. return tooth brush to roommates bathroom. 
They don't seem to be working for the girls' colorways though.

My gf and I used the first code for the wmns grey mesh and they deducted 15% I believe so I don't know what you're doing wrong or maybe they changed it over night??

Lol d e beatup...
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They don't seem to be working for the girls' colorways though.

My gf and I used the first code for the wmns grey mesh and they deducted 15% I believe so I don't know what you're doing wrong or maybe they changed it over night??

I tried the Girls' colorway in black/pink swoosh/blue soles for my daughter. Didn't work. But I tried the womens Grey mesh colorway that everyone seems to be getting good luck on and it worked.

Why wouldn't the Girls colorways not work? :lol: I don't get it.
My gf and I used the first code for the wmns grey mesh and they deducted 15% I believe so I don't know what you're doing wrong or maybe they changed it over night??

Lol d e beatup...

its the mens cws that you cant use coupons on. its like that for all the major retail websites. i may use that coupon to get the womens mints and speckling the sole. great idea btw :smokin
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