[ross]...pray to God I look my killa in his eyes [/ross]

Aug 2, 2011
This is O.D inhumane...

I feel evil watching this
Him moving with his body chopped in half
I am usually one to watch these types of videos, but just seeing that frog there and reading one of the comments above. No thanks.

INB4 the lock.
How can this be inhumane? Is that frog really a deformed human being? We eat animals all the time (the majority of humanity) and yes some ppl like to eat animals while they're still alive.

Just cuz you disagree with it doesn't mean it's objectively wrong.
I'm honestly trying to figure out where the boundary got crossed here.
Was it in eating the frog while it was still alive? Or was it when the process of preparing and subsequent consumption was filmed? For the purpose of entertainment, or perhaps educational.

I feel really bothered watching that, but this is one of those gray areas where history and cultural values (my western shaped values vs their eastern shaped values) clash. Am I wrong for being critical of what I just saw, especially in light of the possibility that ol' girl is doing something that has been done for hundred of years in her country?

Tough man, this ishhh is.

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

How can this be inhumane? Is that frog really a deformed human being? We eat animals all the time (the majority of humanity) and yes some ppl like to eat animals while they're still alive.

Just cuz you disagree with it doesn't mean it's objectively wrong.

It's a little something called "empathy."
Just because it isn't human, does not mean it's not deserving of some dignity and compassion, as far as "preparing" it is concerned.


FYI, I feel this way 'bout lobster preparation too.

Originally Posted by mholmes87

The whole time cuz had the "man this is some bull %%@!" face



I chuckled. Like on some cartoon-@*%. But on the real though, I think its inhumane, but frankly how could someone stomach that (no pun intended)?! I would not be able to eat my meal with it its head just plopped up like that. But didnt he kill the frog in the beginning? Dude cut the head off..unless he cut skin and just peeled it back.
i saw the body start moving while it was cut in half, cringed (my whole body tensed up) and turned the video off. idc about inhumane or not. that's just
Originally Posted by FedExciter

thought I was coming in here to see this


After hearing about the seizures and the fact he's diabetic I cant even laugh at this. Heard he's be making changes though and has last 20 pounds so far.
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

How can this be inhumane? Is that frog really a deformed human being? We eat animals all the time (the majority of humanity) and yes some ppl like to eat animals while they're still alive.

Just cuz you disagree with it doesn't mean it's objectively wrong.
It's a little something called "empathy."
Just because it isn't human, does not mean it's not deserving of some dignity and compassion, as far as "preparing" it is concerned.


FYI, I feel this way 'bout lobster preparation too.

All you're doing is applying human constructs to non-human things that you believe deserve them. I find that to be silly.

It is not inhumane, who are you to say that ppl should have empathy for animals? Dignity and compassion? It's not being buried, it's be prepared to eat. If ppl want to eat food while it's still partially alive let them cook. I find it laughable that you can point out that some cultures have been doing some things in the category of culinary arts for centuries not ethics/morals mind you and still judge and label them because you weren't brought up that way.

The frog is food. I do not have empathy for dinner.
I remember something like this was on Reddit a while back except it was a fish, apparently the frog is dead but when its mixed with the salt in the food it causes spasms in the muscles which makes them twitch. Hence why it looks like its still moving.

I think thats how it was explained...
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