rough start at the university of oregon

Originally Posted by sthebest

Originally Posted by Cash is Clay

Originally Posted by Kobe jordan

i was just giving background info, my question was highlighted in red
"Is it easy to transfer to a UC school or like USC from here? if so what gpa or other requirements do you think i need?"

so how about you gtfu and stop crying about people asking for help, you dnt have to read or respond but since you did take the time to write that it shows you have nothing better to do bro

awwww poor you bet it hurts being alone at school having no friends and nothing to do man just off yourself man im telling you it will be better off just end it now man you will never progress transfering wont help just off yourself its your destiny just do it, it will make things better forget life show them all man teach everyone a lesson and off yourself forget transfering teach everybody a lesson . . 



Bringing back memories of your own college experience? 
no but who are you am I speaking to OPs left nut? or his big brother? my college expierience was cool had atleast about 2 to 3 vnds white girls a month if i didnt get put out i would have knocked down atleast 20 more you know the things i did in college you can never get done in your entire lifetime. 
Originally Posted by Cash is Clay

Originally Posted by sthebest

Originally Posted by Cash is Clay

awwww poor you bet it hurts being alone at school having no friends and nothing to do man just off yourself man im telling you it will be better off just end it now man you will never progress transfering wont help just off yourself its your destiny just do it, it will make things better forget life show them all man teach everyone a lesson and off yourself forget transfering teach everybody a lesson . . 



Bringing back memories of your own college experience? 
no but who are you am I speaking to OPs left nut? or his big brother? my college expierience was cool had atleast about 2 to 3 vnds white girls a month if i didnt get put out i would have knocked down atleast 20 more you know the things i did in college you can never get done in your entire lifetime. 
ask me if i care...
Originally Posted by Credo

DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT COME TO CORVALLIS.  This is the lamest town in all of Oregon, and that's including Boring.  It constantly smells like cow @##*, the best "club" is The Peacock which is Hepatitisland, the people suck, there's nothing to do here but leave, and all of the parties are lame as hell.

Do not take the advice to come here it's Atlanta in The Walking Dead.  Stay away!
I grew up in Portland, and currently going to OSU in Corvallis. This is my senior year and ive done it ALL over the years, in Corvallis and Eugene. Really what it comes down to is the people your with. Luckily I knew a lot of people at both campuses and have always been able to have a great time. Just get out there and meet people. The more people you meet the more things your gonna find to do and you will have more fun. trust. just get out there and mingle. You have been in school for a month and a half. Give it a chance. Like others said, cruise down to Vallis if you wanna change it up for a weekend. I'll show you around.

I had no idea there were so many NTers from Eugene/Corvallis. Someone should throw a rager one weekend and invite all the guys from both campus'. I know there is the beaver vs duck quarrel but maybe, JUST maybe, we can all unite under one banner...... the NT banner at the top of your page.

And yes, EVERYONE smokes trees. Get used to it. Good thing is, if you do smoke, its some of the best herb around. And there is never a shortage of people trying to match. Just burned one myself, feeling a little spacey.
Originally Posted by AlRjordan

I grew up in Portland, and currently going to OSU in Corvallis. This is my senior year and ive done it ALL over the years, in Corvallis and Eugene. Really what it comes down to is the people your with. Luckily I knew a lot of people at both campuses and have always been able to have a great time. Just get out there and meet people. The more people you meet the more things your gonna find to do and you will have more fun. trust. just get out there and mingle. You have been in school for a month and a half. Give it a chance. Like others said, cruise down to Vallis if you wanna change it up for a weekend. I'll show you around.

I had no idea there were so many NTers from Eugene/Corvallis. Someone should throw a rager one weekend and invite all the guys from both campus'. I know there is the beaver vs duck quarrel but maybe, JUST maybe, we can all unite under one banner...... the NT banner at the top of your page. to match. Just burned one myself,
more then i expected
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