RUN with US on INSTAGRAM #NTrunning (NikeTalkRunning)

Awesome job on the Chicago runs!

When you guys run 1/2 and full marathons, do you normally carry water with you such as the bottle/hydration belts or just wait it out until the water stations? I usually have a running belt to keep my phone and some gel food, but that's about it.
Awesome job on the Chicago runs!

When you guys run 1/2 and full marathons, do you normally carry water with you such as the bottle/hydration belts or just wait it out until the water stations? I usually have a running belt to keep my phone and some gel food, but that's about it.

I just had a flipbelt to keep my phone it. I had one gel in my shorts pocket, since the course had gels available on mile 18, which I felt was too far in. But like I said earlier, so many people were giving away food, spectators, and sponsors. I ended up eating a lot of different things, which looking at it now seems like the worst idea since I didn't do that in training. I ate gaterade chews, salted pretzels, kind bars, bananas, jolly ranchers, a gel, some random snack bars, and more that I'm forgetting, ha. The water/gaterade is available every mile or so, so I didn't need to carry a bottle, spectators also were giving away bottles that were cold :pimp:
Seeing the lines for the bathrooms was just brutal :x, as soon as I saw guys just running behind trees, going towards walls and going, I did the same haha
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Awesome job on the Chicago runs!

When you guys run 1/2 and full marathons, do you normally carry water with you such as the bottle/hydration belts or just wait it out until the water stations? I usually have a running belt to keep my phone and some gel food, but that's about it.

I have never worn those hydration belts nor have I carried along a bottle during any of my races and training runs. I feel like they'd weigh me down... In the races that I've run, I just wait until I get to the stations. For training runs, I just have enery blocks/gels in the pocket of my shorts....
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I run with a water bottle in my training runs, but not on race day.  But, on training runs, I'll only drink from it when I think I'd hit a water station (2 miles, 4 miles, etc.).  Although, on race day, I usually don't take water until halfway through.

I'm still trying to get into the gels/whatnot.  The half I ran last week gave out a vanilla paste-like substance at mile 7, and I tried part of it.  It didn't make me nauseous like most of them do when I try to eat while I run.  It was called Hammer, I think?
For race day I'd like to be as light as possible, so I carry nothing. A well-organized race will have more than enough aid-stations. For the longer training runs, I use a collapsible water container when it's hot and humid. No slushing, can be put away once empty.
Any tips for a newbie on race day? I'll be doing my first half marathon in SF this Sunday. Any pre-Intra-post race tips will be appreciated.
Any tips for a newbie on race day? I'll be doing my first half marathon in SF this Sunday. Any pre-Intra-post race tips will be appreciated.

Congrats on your decision. The half is a good distance to tackle. One of many tips is to remember not to go out too fast. Depending on what your goals are and how your training went of course. It's better to start at a comfortable pace then pick it up later. Trust your training but adjust accordingly on race day. Carbo load a bit now meaning add more carbs to your regular meals while drinking enough fluids. Do a trial run with the clothes, shoes you're going to wear on race day. Nothing new on race day is always good advice. Get enough sleep the days leading as you might not get your regular dose the night before the race. I'm sure the other guys will offer more. Good luck and have a safe run, most of all enjoy it. A guaranteed personal best is waiting for you.
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This whole race talk makes me wish I was training for one soon. Especially this one in 2 weeks since i saw the medal and it's the GSW logo. I'm going to sign up for one at the end of December. It's the same trail as my last one so I'm going to try to beat my time, and take my training more seriously
Any tips for a newbie on race day? I'll be doing my first half marathon in SF this Sunday. Any pre-Intra-post race tips will be appreciated.

Have a music playlist with several songs that amp you up!

This whole race talk makes me wish I was training for one soon. Especially this one in 2 weeks since i saw the medal and it's the GSW logo. I'm going to sign up for one at the end of December. It's the same trail as my last one so I'm going to try to beat my time, and take my training more seriously

The shirts are pretty dope too! #thunderera I wish they were designed after the new logo though...
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This whole race talk makes me wish I was training for one soon. Especially this one in 2 weeks since i saw the medal and it's the GSW logo. I'm going to sign up for one at the end of December. It's the same trail as my last one so I'm going to try to beat my time, and take my training more seriously
The shirts are pretty dope too! #thunderera I wish they were designed after the new logo though...
Glad you found the race. I went to sleep right after so I couldn't respond to you

i thought about buying the stuff without running it just to have it
Pre I did a half bagel with peanut butter and a banana about a 1:30 before the race then a coconut water 30 before. I'm sure everyone has a different routine 
I usually do wheat toast with pb and a banana, and a nice big cup of water, at least 2 hours prior, though I'll go a bit lighter for something like a 5k. For a half, and definitely for a full, the two days prior is probably more important than the morning of. has plenty of info.
Pre, I just eat a powerbar. Always, no matter the distance. With my marathon, I ate 1 and a half bars though, because I wasn't starting for a couple of hours. I'll drink gaterade with it as well, but my brother finished all the gaterade the day of my marathon, so I just had water :lol: :smh:

I choose power bars because of how easy they are to eat and because of how much stuff they have. I also love these breakfast cookies that have about 55g of carbs. I forgot the name, but they're awesome.
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I'm also a PB and banana guy before.  I try and drink more water the 24 hours ahead of time.

After?  I can't eat enough, haha.  Whatever's at the finish line, I'll probably eat it.
My heel has been acting up with pain lately, and it hurts when I put weight on it. I have a limp when I walk :/... I'll try to rest it for a few days and see how it feels then. There goes my streak of being "healthy". :frown:

I'm ~18 mi away from hitting my monthly quota to hit 1,000mi.
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1.40.21 today...that sub-1.40 is so close. Ugh.

Get that looked at, Ray.  Heel injuries can lead to other injuries as you compensate.

Hope everyone running SF crushed it today!
Got a 6.5 mile run in this morning. It was drizzling a little in the Bay this morning and it felt great running through that.
Did my first half today, I went in with really 3 weeks of prep. I've never ran before. Hell the longest run I had was 3.5 miles in my life. I got thrown into this because my girl signed up back in may, and we just found out that she's pregnant. So she couldn't run so I got the go.

Nike women's half marathon

3 weeks is way too little! Good job on that :pimp:

Thinking of entering the Berlin marathon lottery, just for the hell of it. Starts tomorrow, marathon is in September. Would be an awesome vacation/run.

I definitely want to run another marathon next year, train way less, be way healthier and stronger come race day.
1.40.21 today...that sub-1.40 is so close. Ugh.

Get that looked at, Ray.  Heel injuries can lead to other injuries as you compensate.

Hope everyone running SF crushed it today!

Keep digging, Kev! I went to a theme park yesterday and handled all the walking and being on my feet for several hours with minimal pain. I may try to run a 10K tomorrow...

Congrats to the NSFHM runners on their finish! I know the two posters above had to deal with great adversity! Much RESPECT! [emoji]128170[/emoji][emoji]128170[/emoji][emoji]128170[/emoji]

You guys are pushing me towards the edge to sign up for a race. [emoji]128064[/emoji]
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I am hoping to purchase a garmin gps during black friday. You guys have any suggestions on which are the best versions?
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