Ryan Lochte and other US Swimmers Lie About Robbery in Rio

I knew the story was ******** when Melo was just chillin in the favelas with no cops. Son coulda easily got robbed there.
Something ain't right....I think they're trying to hide something. That's the only reason one would make up a crazy story like they did.

Pretty much. Break the gas station owner off with some racks over the measly bathroom stall door that probably costs no more than 5k and end the situation before it even gets to the point where they call the cops.

They were doing something they didn't have any business doing and are trying to hide it.
Gabby Douglas got roasted and Lochte will not receive criticism. Dat white privilege
You been on Social Media? Folks are killing that man 
Nah man, dude is just a flat out racist who got called out on his b.s.

Nah, what he is saying is that this kid had no idea that he was calling JR Smith a thug because of his skin color. Zero awareness whatsoever.

This stuff is so subconsciously deep people can't even remember their own words.
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Lol @ saying "whatever" when a man cocks the hammer and puts it to ur forehead. Foh he been watching too many gangster movies
Lol @ saying "whatever" when a man cocks the hammer and puts it to ur forehead. Foh he been watching too many gangster movies
I bet he was shook! :lol:
That security footage might expose his pee pee stained pants.
I bet he was shook! :lol:
That security footage might expose his pee pee stained pants.


I just find it hard to believe theyd fabricate this kinda bs story to cover up getting drunk and breaking a bathroom door like some college kids. Its gotta be more to it, something deeper.
[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] glad these clowns got exposed.

I just find it hard to believe theyd fabricate this kinda bs story to cover up getting drunk and breaking a bathroom door like some college kids. Its gotta be more to it, something deeper.

White boy crazy is lit man.

Being buzzed ain't even near enough.

Bro I grew up around low income white & colored folks, and I thought they were wild :lol:

I got to a D1 college and started meeting white men and women from private schools and high schools from the hills? Bruh it was a wrap :rofl:

Wildest people I have ever met in my life BY FAR

From where I am from if you get a charge or get into something bad it will serve as a deterrent for as long as you are living.

These cats just have to literally stay alive and they will be ok. There is just a different level of fearlessness when you know the odds of something really happening to you are slim.
This Lochte guy had a whole scene made up that never even happened :lol:

The lying starts at 2:13

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