Ryan Lochte and other US Swimmers Lie About Robbery in Rio

Feb 8, 2009
View media item 2137137
The Police Say Ryan Lochte Lied About Gunpoint Assault

RIO DE JANEIRO — The American swimmers who claimed they were assaulted at gunpoint over the weekend by assailants posing as police officers fabricated their account of the episode, according to Brazilian investigators.

After watching video and hearing testimony from witnesses, the Brazilian police have determined the incident involved damage to a bathroom door at a gas station where the swimmers stopped in the early hours Sunday on the way back to the athletes’ village from a party.

A Brazilian police official who had reviewed the video images said that there had been no armed assault, contrary to what the swimmers had claimed. The official declined to be identified because the investigation was continuing.

It was not immediately clear whether an altercation occurred at the gas station between one of the swimmers and a security guard, as some news organizations have reported.

The case made global headlines after the Olympic gold medalist Ryan Lochte claimed that men posing as police officers had pulled over their taxi and that an assailant had put a cocked gun to his forehead before taking his money. He later altered his account, saying the taxi stopped at a gas station so they could use the bathroom.

A different description of events is emerging from Brazilian authorities on Thursday. Officials say the taxi carrying the swimmers stopped at a Shell gas station about 6 a.m., shortly after the men exited a party at Club France, an Olympic hospitality house established here in the upscale Lagoa district.

At the gas station, which is in Barra da Tijuca, on the route to the athletes’ village, the swimmers went to the bathroom. In the process, according to the account by investigators, damage was done to the bathroom door and a discussion ensued with the manager and a security guard.

Someone at the gas station called the police, but by the time a police car arrived at the scene, the swimmers were gone. Witnesses, including a person who offered to translate for the swimmers, said that they paid money to the manager before leaving.

Beyond the simmering debate over the accounts by the swimmers, the episode has spiraled into a thorny legal case testing the relations between Brazil and the United States, the two largest countries in the Americas.

Judges ordered the swimmers to stay in the country and surrender their passports over doubts about their testimony, but Lochte had already left Brazil and the United States Olympic Committee would not give up their locations. Then the police pulled two of the swimmers off their plane on Wednesday night, and said they needed to remain in the country as the investigation unfolds.

The episode has also touched on sensitive issues of sovereignty and nationalism around the Rio Olympics, while focusing enormous scrutiny on the perceptions of danger in a society where many Brazilians themselves often lament their exposure to alarming levels of violent crime and police corruption.

“This incident has caused so much damage to Rio’s brand abroad that I think Brazilians deserve a clear, consistent account of what happened,” said Brian Winter, vice president for policy at Americas Society and Council of the Americas.

The entire episode, Winter said, “has tapped into one of Brazilians’ biggest pet peeves — gringos who treat their country like a third-rate spring break destination where you can lie to the cops and get away with it.”
This story is hilarious mainly because this is a living example of white privilege. White people get caught someplace they shouldn't have been or doing something they shouldn't have been doing, they immediately concoct a ridiculous story to cover it up believing that they'd be believed and no one would investigate it. Lochte doesn't come across as the brightest, move strategic dude around but why make up a story about being robbed at gunpoint? Did he really not think they'd investigate this? Now he's embarrassed himself and started an International Incident over something that could have been a non-story.
i wonder what he was really out there doin he wanted to lie about it? 

Never really was a fan of him. Look at him, appropriating the hip hop culture
People are getting robbed left and right down there. Placed is a **** hole

I'm not saying Brazil doesn't have its issues. It definitely does but why lie about it and make up a story about a heinous crime? This devalues the statements of those who really do get robbed on the regular Now the Brazilian Cops are gonna go HAM because he tried to embarrass them. :lol:.
The sad thing is, is that he lied about something that he KNEW America would believe. We already think they are straight animals down there so how couldn't this happen?


Given this is true.
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I'm not saying Brazil doesn't have its issues. It definitely does but why lie about it and make up a story about a heinous crime? This devalues the statements of those who really do get robbed on the regular Now the Brazilian Cops are gonna go HAM because he tried to embarrass them. :lol:.
oh man I thought they got robbed at a termas. I'm disappointed in what they are trying to cover up.
Yo he straight left his boys to face the music this ***** dipped in the dead of night before they even knew what was up.
'He Said, She Said' stories like this really boil my blood because the person in the position of power know that they'll always gets the benefit of the doubt. Whether its because they have authority, money or if its on some racial stuff they use that as a tool to get out of problems. Same thing with cops or rich white people, etc. Imagine if there were no video of this or all the shootings of unarmed civilians? We would just take Lochte at his word. Or we'd take those crooked cops at their word. Imagine if this was 30+ years ago because cameras were common place. Think of all the people that are in jail (or were able to avoid jail) over privilege.
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Media squeezing all the juice left in the Olympics to stir constroversy. People get robbed in Rio everyday and the USA is full of obnoxious idiots like Lochne who live life with white privilege. Nothing new here. Media gon media.
Here's what I think happened. They got drunk, on the way home they stopped at the gas station and messed up the bathroom. Somebody called the cops, but before the cops got there they have some money and bounced. Then as a cover up they say they were robbed.

I mean I guess destroying the bathroom would count as a crime but it's not a huge deal of they paid for it.
Something ain't right....I think they're trying to hide something. That's the only reason one would make up a crazy story like they did.
This wouldn't even be a story they woulda went back to the village with no one even knowing. They brought it on themselves :lol:
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