Same Sex Marriage Is The Law Of the Land

[quote name="Peep Game"][quote name="BLASTERCOMBO"]First golden state wins, now this? Bay Area is about to explode[/quote]*Kaepernick picked off*[/quote]Zing!
Actually that sign doesn't make any sense. "claiming that someone elses marriage is against your religion" It is against their religion. "is like being angry at someone for eating a donut because youre on a diet" That's not the same thing. You being on a diet and hating someone for eating a donut is just that.
Actually, it makes perfect sense. It's not saying that gay marriage isn't  against their religion. It's pointing out that someone else's beliefs don't govern everyone else. 
this is about the extent of my photoshop expertise haha.

(a nod to all the companies that changed their facebook / twitter / website logos yesterday...)
Unfortunately, the site's new layout means that swapping out our logo isn't as simple as uploading a replacement banner image.  That's the one downside to using a professional design.

It's a great idea, though, and while I'm sure someone could do greater justice to it than I could, I figured I'd provide a slightly more official version for anyone interested:

View media item 1602998  
Unfortunately, the site's new layout means that swapping out our logo isn't as simple as uploading a replacement banner image.  That's the one downside to using a professional design.

It's a great idea, though, and while I'm sure someone could do greater justice to it than I could, I figured I'd provide a slightly more official version for anyone interested:

View media item 1602998 

that looks great!

wasn't necessarily suggesting that we change the banner on the homepage, but definitely appreciate the sentiment.
Happy for all the couples that can finally, legally, wed.

Maybe, just maybe.

This restored a lil bit of faith in humanity for me because I've been running off of fumes as of late.
[quote name="HTG Designs"][quote name="RIP sleazyy"][quote name="sunshineblotters"]While we on the subject why is the gay flag a rainbow?[/quote]

Gilbert Baker designed the flag. Each color means something, I'm sure Google has the answers. I only know red means life.[/quote]Heard a theory that its to spite God.[/quote]This theory, did you hear it from a conservative person? Someone who clinches to the "For God or against God" mindset?
[quote name="HTG Designs"][quote name="RIP sleazyy"][quote name="sunshineblotters"]While we on the subject why is the gay flag a rainbow?

Gilbert Baker designed the flag. Each color means something, I'm sure Google has the answers. I only know red means life.[/quote]Heard a theory that its to spite God.[/quote]This theory, did you hear it from a conservative person? Someone who clinches to the "For God or against God" mindset?[/quote]
I honestly dont remember who told me, but its highly probable. But the theory is the rainbow was chosen because the LGBT main opposition are bible believers who are against immorality. Im sure you know about Noah's Ark. Once the Earth was cleansed of the immoral people, God established the rainbow as a covenant between Himself and mankind.

Gen 9:13-17
"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

So if true kinda done outta spite to God, and say that no matter what they do they are still His people. Until the creator states this as a reason tho, its just a theory.
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[thread="629968"]Same Sex Marriage Is The Law Of The Land/300#post_23664788Basically, the rainbow is God's promise to never destroy the Earth by flooding it.[/thread]
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I honestly dont remember who told me, but its highly probable. But the theory is the rainbow was chosen because the LGBT main opposition are bible believers who are against immorality. Im sure you know about Noah's Ark. Once the Earth was cleansed of the immoral people, God established the rainbow as a covenant between Himself and mankind.

Gen 9:13-17
"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

So if true kinda done outta spite to God, and say that no matter what they do they are still His people. Until the creator states this as a reason tho, its just a theory.
Without any real evidence for the theory, it kind of sounds like someone decided to turn this into another "attack" on Christianity. 
Thread is turning into a religious bashing thread. Go figure.
As every thread in which the topic is brought up should. It's 2015... I give Christianity another 75 years until it's damn near extinct in this country. Cats have to wake up by then. For crying out loud, I still know people that legit think the earth in ~6k years old, Moses parted a sea, and a Virgin gave birth.

It's a solid way to live (feed the poor, be selfless, treat others well, don't kill, etc.), but the accompanying story is FUBAR.
I can sympathize with the religious people who are getting hurt by this. They feel they need to protect their religion. I think we need to just clarify that marriage at this point is not about Christianity.

A lot of the people getting married don't even follow Christianity. Atheists, Agnostics, Buddhists, Muslims, whoever are all getting married. To most people marriage is about relationships and commitment, and obviously state recognition and all that comes with that as well. And the idea proposed that gay people should just get "civil unions" is impractical, alienating (everyone else is getting married), confusing (laws different state by state, etc), and it has less benefits.

And the slippery slope argument can be made for anything ever. You can't withhold one group's rights because you're afraid of a hypothetical situation.

Gay people should be able to get married. It's blatantly obvious to me, why not? Happy this is over and done with.
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I actually don't mind that some religious peopl have beef with it. Because a lot of religious people don't. This creates internal conversation that is much needed.

The younger, better educated, socially aware generation is treating religion as a way to give direction and purpose to their lives.

The older generation is using it as a way to separate themselves from people that don't share their beliefs. Even this I understand. It is human biological nature to protect ur clan from others. They just don't realize their way of securing their life is an outdated and irrelevant perspective.

Progress. Healthcare and more freedoms (marijuana for medical use + gay marriage) in under 10 years. Unbelievable almost. We might even have free state university's, more racial equality, and less student debt someday. Future looking brighter.
Is it possible to support gay marriage and still believe in God and have some religious values?
Is it possible to support gay marriage and still believe in God and have some religious values?

I'm pretty close to that. I'm a Muslim and I would not say I support gay marriage, I'm just indifferent to it. There are more pressing things going on in my life then caring about whether gays can or can't get married. However I'm happy for those dudes like Tim City in this thread that experienced joy from this occasion
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