San Antonio NT's Come in...

^^^wait i don't get it, did you knowingly buy fakes???

on another i got a surprise for this yrs sneaks up...fred your gonna love this

just call me
^^^just to clear things up i'm not bringing tim duncan with me if that wizard looking dude was giving off the wrong impression...its a pair of shoes
Originally Posted by ObiWonGinobili

^^^wait i don't get it, did you knowingly buy fakes???

on another i got a surprise for this yrs sneaks up...fred your gonna love this

just call me

I dont know if y'all like the Kobe IVs. I like them.(Still a Spurs fan though) They're the first sig shoe I've felt since the LBJ II. But I justrealized only Foot Locker sells them in San Antonio and Austin. I got a pair on order but I was thinking about getting some others in my size but no luck.

Originally Posted by ObiWonGinobili

^^^figured since manu outs for the rest of the season, i'd change it up till next season

here's MY changes- get rid of Finley, Udoka, Vuaghn, Thomas, Bowen, TRADE- Fab and Mason- what you see is what you get from him ala D. Anderson. Mahimi-what's up with that useless , next David Robinson wannabe.

Lydiette and I are considering a BBQ to celebrate her birthday. I wanted to know if the SA folks would be interested in attending. It would be Saturday April24th at about 3 PM. This way there is still time for everyone to go home, change and head out to the pre party for Sneaks Up III. If you would like to comeover please let me know.
Originally Posted by T21D

Originally Posted by ObiWonGinobili

^^^figured since manu outs for the rest of the season, i'd change it up till next season

here's MY changes- get rid of Finley, Udoka, Vuaghn, Thomas, Bowen, TRADE- Fab and Mason- what you see is what you get from him ala D. Anderson. Mahimi- what's up with that useless , next David Robinson wannabe.
sheesh so in other words your saying- get rid of everyone outside of the tp, timmy, and manu. You got the right idea but honestly i would likethem to either trade manu now(while he has some value, as much as i hate to say it also) for a bunch of young guys/draft picks, or let manu leave when hiscontracts up in 2 yrs, or resign him for the mid-level. Get rid of fab,thomas,vaughn. Keep finley, bowen, udoka and def. mason-at the mid-level/vets salary for1 yr. those 3 always have there nites and its not like SA is paying them alot anyways. Sign Quinton Ross(summer 09) from the Grizz(SMU whatsup) and have bowenteach him all his secrets and then get rid of udoka and bowen the year after. Sign Sheed this summer(if R.C. can make it happen) When 2010 rolls around signShaq(for a vets minimum) for 1 yr,sign David Lee from NYC(depending on what kind of contract NYC gives him this summer) and/or Rudy Gay from Memphis and aboutthat time we should also be getting Tiago Splitter and that point we just let finley and bonner walk as well.

R.C. Buford holler @ me if you need some help.
mahimi is a certified bum, always out at the club and never plays.
They need to sign some young athletic cats

nice vid omar
ObiWonGinobili wrote:
Originally Posted by T21D

ObiWonGinobili wrote:

sheesh so in other words your saying- get rid of everyone outside of the tp, timmy, and manu. You got the right idea but honestly i would like them to either trade manu now(while he has some value, as much as i hate to say it also) for a bunch of young guys/draft picks, or let manu leave when his contracts up in 2 yrs, or resign him for the mid-level. Get rid of fab,thomas,vaughn. Keep finley, bowen, udoka and def. mason-at the mid-level/vets salary for 1 yr. those 3 always have there nites and its not like SA is paying them alot anyways. Sign Quinton Ross(summer 09) from the Grizz(SMU whatsup) and have bowen teach him all his secrets and then get rid of udoka and bowen the year after. Sign Sheed this summer(if R.C. can make it happen) When 2010 rolls around sign Shaq(for a vets minimum) for 1 yr,sign David Lee from NYC(depending on what kind of contract NYC gives him this summer) and/or Rudy Gay from Memphis and about that time we should also be getting Tiago Splitter and that point we just let finley and bonner walk as well.

R.C. Buford holler @ me if you need some help.


why are going to want to sign Shaq when he is going to turn 38 in 2010?

just let R.C. Buford/Pop do their thing...
Does anyone know of any gyms that could be rented for basketball? If so, what's the cost? I have like 12-15 people that are always down to hoop; however, Iwant to get a gym for Sundays or something. Thanks for any info.
Originally Posted by Do Be Doo


why are going to want to sign Shaq when he is going to turn 38 in 2010?

just let R.C. Buford/Pop do their thing...

[h3]cause age matters when you talk about the spurs(i.e. kevin willis, tony maussenburg(sp?),etc.)
[/h3] [h3]
[/h3] [h3]SHAQ:2008-09 Statistics[/h3] PPG 18.0 RPG 8.60 APG 1.7 EFF + 21.08
[h3]BONNER 2008-09 Statistics[/h3]PPG 8.3 RPG 4.70 APG 1.0 EFF + 11.16


and trust me i'm letting R.C. and Pop do their thing, i highly doubt that they're on NT looking for advice on what to do. It's called friendlybanter.
Omar - that vid was straight comedy.

By the way, I was able to get a screen shot and confirmed it was indeed Norm.

Originally Posted by bl4ze11

Omar - that vid was straight comedy.

By the way, I was able to get a screen shot and confirmed it was indeed Norm.


I JUST PISSED MY PANTS......thanks gabe
Originally Posted by ObiWonGinobili

Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

[h3]cause age matters when you talk about the spurs(i.e. kevin willis, tony maussenburg(sp?),etc.)
[/h3] [h3]
[/h3] [h3]SHAQ:2008-09 Statistics[/h3] PPG 18.0 RPG 8.60 APG 1.7 EFF + 21.08
[h3]BONNER 2008-09 Statistics[/h3] PPG 8.3 RPG 4.70 APG 1.0 EFF + 11.16


and trust me i'm letting R.C. and Pop do their thing, i highly doubt that they're on NT looking for advice on what to do. It's called friendly banter.


of course i know there not on niketalk...

but come on shaq with the spurs is kind of....
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