San Francisco best city in the world...if you are kind of yuppie like me

Not gonna lie, I'd love to live in NY for a year or two, but I'd be missing the weather in SF everyday
SF weather gets cold af. 
It really is a deal breaker though especially if you're a tropical peoples. 
whats considered beach weather for Norcal?

on the east coast id say once it gets like 83 degrees +, then its beach weather. 
SF is great and I visit often but the weather and relative lack of diversity when compared to LA make me say LA >

I lived in the Bay for 6 years so SF will always have a place
look at the size of LA compared to SF. If you want diversity compare the whole bay area.
whats considered beach weather for Norcal?

on the east coast id say once it gets like 83 degrees +, then its beach weather. 

if you're looking for 83+ to go to the beach, then you're never gonna go :lol:

I would say it's around 70-75+

I live like 3 blocks from the beach and there's people out there everyday no matter what the weather is
i love SF. the bay has the best high quality greenery in the world. people are hella chill and friendly.
for people who are sayin there's a lack of diversity, where in the city did you go? the marina? :lol:

I just don't understand, there's a ton of diversity.
for people who are sayin there's a lack of diversity, where in the city did you go? the marina?

I just don't understand, there's a ton of diversity.
That's a matter of perspective. I go out all over but I'm partial to the Mission and and certain areas of the Tenderloin because they better match up with my understanding of diversity. 
i think people are mistaking all of So Cal as LA

if thats how youre comparing, you have to consider in all of Nor Cal in your opinion
Wtf lack of diversity? SF is one of the most diverse cities in the world.
I often see this stated. I'm not sure I'd agree but then again I haven't traveled the world.

I've lived in both Oakland and the city of Los Angeles and both are more diverse and far less homogenous than San Francisco.
Partial to the tenderloin huh? i got that work if you need your fix PM. :wink:
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Lack of diversity? Chinatown, Japantown, Hood, Mission and etc. -- There's a spot that'll fit you.

Food? Great.
Transportation? Great.
People? Great.
Green (I don't smoke, but never heard any knock on it)? Great.
Weather? Might be chilly for some, but depends on district. But you can literally wear whatever you want...Don't gotta wait till Fall to wear that jacket. Great.
Our scenic spots? Great :pimp:.

I laugh at ya'll complaining bout hills :lol:, must be obese.
Lack of diversity? Chinatown, Japantown, Hood, Mission and etc. -- There's a spot that'll fit you

I'm from Oakland so obviously there's a degree of natural bias but Oakland sets the bar for diversity out of everywhere in the country I've been.

Here I don't have to fit into a certain spot, the entire city fits ME regardless of what part of town I'm in. Not the best explanation but I hope that makes sense.

I don't think anybody would say SF isn't diverse but I feel it's very easy to mislead people particularly out of towners into thinking SF is the epitome of diversity amongst American cities.
Your explanation of "City fits me" makes sense.

I haven't been to all of these places, but I definitely wanna visit the other "top X" amount of cities mentioned.
But some of these "excuses" to knock SF down is ridiculous. Hills fam, hills -- We tom'bout hills.
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I have fallen in love with the entire Northern California area. SF, SJ, Santa Cruz, Monterey, Carmel, Big Sur, Pacific Grove, Palo Alto, etc.
I often see this stated. I'm not sure I'd agree but then again I haven't traveled the world.

I've lived in both Oakland and the city of Los Angeles and both are more diverse and far less homogenous than San Francisco.

I will give you that SF is a little sectioned and I am not even talking about race but even in terms of class but it's a given with the rent here. I think the difference is Oakland overall has a fair rent pricing which makes diversity a little easier to see. Over here in say the Marina, only specific people live there and it makes the people there look very distinct. I mean the first time I went to the Marina, I swear I was in a different city altogether.
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I lived in the Bay Area for a year, Chicago for 3 months and now NYC (1 year).

I miss the hell out of SF/OAK but I must say.. NYC >

It's close but damn there are factors that tip the scale in NYC's favor.

For example, women. NYC has beautiful women everywhere. SF, not so much.
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