Saw SHUTTER ISLAND tonight- vol. yes, it's better than The Departed **Spoilers within**

Anyone read the book and see the film yet? Wondering which I should do first. Book or movie?
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

that bald dude in the trailer with the scars on his face, is that deniro?? looks like him

I don't know if we're thinking of the same person, but the one that jumps Leo in the trailer is the actor that plays Rorscach (sp?) from The Watchmen.

no..youre thinking of elias koteas


i read and loved the book and i noticed how there is mad hype on this board which is cool but just letting you know that slowly the rotten tomato goes down and ive been hearing that its eh throughout the rest of the web.

i tend to feel that when audiences who see movies first before the general public usually feel that the movie is amazing due to an exclusive factor. It adds points to the movies.

If you watched that preview at least once in the million times theyve played it since last year and haven't guessed the ending by now...
Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

no..youre thinking of elias koteas
He will always be Casey Jones to me

Was a little hesitant to check it out in theatres, but I'll probably cough up the $11,  LA ticket prices are no joke anymore
Originally Posted by Jiffyl00b

Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

no..youre thinking of elias koteas
He will always be Casey Jones to me

Was a little hesitant to check it out in theatres, but I'll probably cough up the $11,  LA ticket prices are no joke anymore
lol Thats right he is Casey jones
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I want to see this movie.

So would you say it is a psychological thriller and not a horror film right? I am a wimp when it comes to scary movies.
Even the Sixth Sense scared me, but I was in high school back then. I probably would still get scared watching horror films having to do with ghosts, demons, spirits, etc. But, I absolutely have no idea what the plot of the movie is and I want to go in watching it not knowing what it is about.

I thought the Sixth Sense scared most people.

This film does look really good though, hopefully it can be the first good film of 2010.
Originally Posted by Jiffyl00b

Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

no..youre thinking of elias koteas
He will always be Casey Jones to me

Was a little hesitant to check it out in theatres, but I'll probably cough up the $11,  LA ticket prices are no joke anymore

hahahaha yea i forgot all about that.

thats casey jones lolll
Just came from the midnight screening.........


storyline, cinematography and acting were all GREAT. The images and mood portrayed in this movie are crazy. I'll wait to discuss...
Can't say that the title of this thread hasn't piqued my interest. I originally had it pegged as a "Rent It", but maybe I'll go see it instead.
Tripped me out, but def a must see movie

I wanna watch again to pay more attention to the smaller details.
*%%+%@ wild movie. Gotta say the acting was great from everyone that counted. Definitely gotta buy this one when it's out, and this will probably be my favorite movie of the year. Everything about it, I loved. Especially the way it got inside my head.

Decided it would be a good idea to talk to my friend about a local insane asylum that was closed down 15 years ago right after the movie, too
{ Also decided to drive by where it used to be/where the baseball fields still are to convince him it existed. Bad idea
i'm def trying to see this movie.

better than departed? OP, you tease. the departed is one of my all time fav. excellent boston gangster movie.

on a side note would anyone recommend internal affairs?
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