School me on Korea

kuhui wrote:
LOL. The hell? "Walk into the store like anyong-hasaeyo!"

True Story...When I was in Seoul during the mid 90's, me and a few of my boys walked into a bar and yelled "NO LIMIT SOLDJAS!" And no lie, thebar tender gave us two lemon sojus.
Originally Posted by hawtsauce

im waiting to hear back from a company to teach english in korea, should hear back sometime this week... would be in incheon

im korean, but was adopted and brought to the states when i was 4 months old, dont really speak korea.. im interested to see how they will treat me. my parents are white

i've been to korea once when i was young and it was amazing.. i really hope i get this job, this thread got me so excited ha
Son are you me? I thinkwe have the same life story, even down to the teaching in Korea part. I graduate next year, but I'm thinking about going back to the motherland to teach.
i have a friend teaching there right now. i couldnt imagine having to drink soju all the time. stuff is garbage. goes down like popov.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by hawtsauce

im waiting to hear back from a company to teach english in korea, should hear back sometime this week... would be in incheon

im korean, but was adopted and brought to the states when i was 4 months old, dont really speak korea.. im interested to see how they will treat me. my parents
are white

i've been to korea once when i was young and it was amazing.. i really hope i get this job, this thread got me so excited ha
Son are you me? I think we have the same life story, even down to the teaching in Korea part. I graduate next year, but I'm thinking about going back to the motherland to teach.

hahah, get at me and let's talk [||]
Originally Posted by Korean Dave

Originally Posted by NINE to FIVE

I lived in Seoul (Yongsan) for 2 years.

Amazing country

I went to highschool on Yongsan, Seoul American High School. I lived in Itaewon right outside of Yongsan. The geographical center of the city FTW
Dude you went to SAHS?? I went to SIS. When'd you graduate, play anysports??

NINE to FIVE Me and Kuhui graduated'07 SIS.
You play any sports?
Originally Posted by infamousod

South Korea that is. I've heard from people that Japan is the cleanest place ever with people up early in the morning sanitizing the streets n such. I've heard nasty horror stories about China that the culture, while great, is just not up to par on the sanitation side.

How's Korea? I know their culture was heavily influenced by Japan so I'm hoping it's along those lines. How would it be in general to visit as well? Is it a well developed country, like do rural folk have internet access if they want it?
i gotta disagree japan is clean but singapore is by far the cleanest place iv stepped foot on.

korea is ok. only been to busan though.
Originally Posted by AirJordanSeattle23

Originally Posted by infamousod

South Korea that is. I've heard from people that Japan is the cleanest place ever with people up early in the morning sanitizing the streets n such. I've heard nasty horror stories about China that the culture, while great, is just not up to par on the sanitation side.

How's Korea? I know their culture was heavily influenced by Japan so I'm hoping it's along those lines. How would it be in general to visit as well? Is it a well developed country, like do rural folk have internet access if they want it?
i gotta disagree japan is clean but singapore is by far the cleanest place iv stepped foot on.

korea is ok. only been to busan though.
yea, I heard singapore was crazy clean. The reason is because they'll arrest you if you so much as spit gum out on the streets.
Originally Posted by iceymike

Originally Posted by Korean Dave

Originally Posted by NINE to FIVE

I lived in Seoul (Yongsan) for 2 years.

Amazing country

I went to highschool on Yongsan, Seoul American High School. I lived in Itaewon right outside of Yongsan. The geographical center of the city FTW
Dude you went to SAHS?? I went to SIS. When'd you graduate, play any sports??

NINE to FIVE Me and Kuhui graduated '07 SIS.
You play any sports?

Ah yes, Seoul International School. Im definitly way before your time but I use to know a few fine females that went there. One of my best friends at the timehad a long relationship with one of those girls from that singing group SES. I can't remember her name though because it has been so long, we'retalking over 10 yrs ago. We use to get the royal treatment when we went out with them. Also, we use to school you cats in soccer.
Been to Seoul, Incheon, and Pusan (i think they spell it busan now, idk)

Nothing but good stuff to say really...Incheon airport is the nicest airport I've ever been in, ever.

The food is cheap for the most part, and so good that I had withdrawals after coming back to the US even though North Philly has some pretty good korean spots.Bulgogi...well I drool just thinking of it...

Pusan to me is more of a business city, Seoul like someone said is the best place to have a good time. errr...korean girls are very cute, and koreans are veryhospitable in general. Korea is def the next super economy because they create things at a chinese price with japanese quality. they're building somethinglike the tallest skyscraper in the world or in asia or something in Pusan right now or they plan to. Koreans def think they're the best asians, haha.China, Vietnam, etc is perceived as dirty and that they cheat. A lot of older people dislike japan and often times their reasoning is justified.

Any Koreans on here want to touch base send me a PM, especially that guy that in Philly.

In short, Korea is awesome.
Originally Posted by MARTIN AND CO

Been to Seoul, Incheon, and Pusan (i think they spell it busan now, idk)

Nothing but good stuff to say really...Incheon airport is the nicest airport I've ever been in, ever.

The food is cheap for the most part, and so good that I had withdrawals after coming back to the US even though North Philly has some pretty good korean spots. Bulgogi...well I drool just thinking of it...

Pusan to me is more of a business city, Seoul like someone said is the best place to have a good time. errr...korean girls are very cute, and koreans are very hospitable in general. Korea is def the next super economy because they create things at a chinese price with japanese quality. they're building something like the tallest skyscraper in the world or in asia or something in Pusan right now or they plan to. Koreans def think they're the best asians, haha. China, Vietnam, etc is perceived as dirty and that they cheat. A lot of older people dislike japan and often times their reasoning is justified.

Any Koreans on here want to touch base send me a PM, especially that guy that in Philly.

In short, Korea is awesome.

Dude, where are all the good korean restraunts in philly?
I'm out in Swarthmore. I've been to the ones in Upenn. I've been to the couple around upper darby. I guess the one in upper darby was alright?
You know of any more?
Originally Posted by Rightguard

does anyone know where to get exclusive shoes their? Im trying to get my aunt to send me the true blues
Would love to know this too. My mom's family lives over in South Korea and I would love to now if jordans
are sold in a lot of places and if their prices are comparable to the U.S. prices or what?
Bek Se Ju or at least the bottle I got is at the very least an acquiredtaste. Couldn't find the Hite and soju prices were marked up today but I did find a 6er of OB for $2.99. Never had it before and considering the priceexpectations are not high.
How much do you guys who lived over there think it would cost to take a vacation in Seoul for a couple weeks? I'm seriously looking to visit after Igraduate college.
dude seoul is not cheap. the plane tickets from the us round trip are over 2k, on average, and hotel prices are NOT cheap in the seoul area. you can get bywith cheap, good food, but just expect to fork over for lodging, unless you stay at some ghetto places. subway is THE way to get around, and it's about 2dollars per trip. make sure you save up. you get what you pay for. great city to people watch.
Originally Posted by iceymike

Originally Posted by MARTIN AND CO

Been to Seoul, Incheon, and Pusan (i think they spell it busan now, idk)

Nothing but good stuff to say really...Incheon airport is the nicest airport I've ever been in, ever.

The food is cheap for the most part, and so good that I had withdrawals after coming back to the US even though North Philly has some pretty good korean spots. Bulgogi...well I drool just thinking of it...

Pusan to me is more of a business city, Seoul like someone said is the best place to have a good time. errr...korean girls are very cute, and koreans are very hospitable in general. Korea is def the next super economy because they create things at a chinese price with japanese quality. they're building something like the tallest skyscraper in the world or in asia or something in Pusan right now or they plan to. Koreans def think they're the best asians, haha. China, Vietnam, etc is perceived as dirty and that they cheat. A lot of older people dislike japan and often times their reasoning is justified.

Any Koreans on here want to touch base send me a PM, especially that guy that in Philly.

In short, Korea is awesome.

Dude, where are all the good korean restraunts in philly?
I'm out in Swarthmore. I've been to the ones in Upenn. I've been to the couple around upper darby. I guess the one in upper darby was alright?
You know of any more?
In Koreatown of course! Yes, theres really a Koreatown in Philly. Its around olney/cheltenham

Heres a good article I had bookmarked:

Some places not mention are Kim's BBQ on 5955 N 5th St

and theres also a GREAT place called kim young located at 66xx Castor Ave

theres another spot I cant think of right now but I think its the best one in Philly...havent been there in a while, but when I first started going they werethe only korean joint to help a white devil like me cook the food the the table grill haha...ill post it when i remember what its called, its in North Philly


upper darby does have some good joints, kagoppa, kbbq1, and Sung Yung I think its called are all not bad at all, but all the Coreans I know in Philly go to aspot on sansom for soft tofu and spots in Nphilly for anything on the grill

edit #2:

Of course tix to korea are expensive, its literally like the farthest destination from the US there is! except for nippon maybe....

and FYI the dog some (huge emphasis on SOME) people eat in korea is more sanitary and healthy than the sick chickens consumed in the US, thats a fact
Originally Posted by stunner157

dude seoul is not cheap. the plane tickets from the us round trip are over 2k, on average, and hotel prices are NOT cheap in the seoul area. you can get by with cheap, good food, but just expect to fork over for lodging, unless you stay at some ghetto places. subway is THE way to get around, and it's about 2 dollars per trip. make sure you save up. you get what you pay for. great city to people watch.

Yeah I figured it'd cost a lot. I'm slowly saving up, so hopefully I'll have enough for the plane tickets by the time I graduate. I'm gonna berelying on my parents to help finance it for like a grad present or something. Or grandparents. Or both. I'll just have to wait and see. Thanks for theinfo, I didnt expect the tickets to be 2g's, but at the same time I'm not surprised.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by Korean Dave

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by Korean Dave

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

What do Koreans think of foreign tourists of other (non white) races? I'm black if that matters I love the culture, the food, the movies etc but I just hope its not one of those rubbish narrow minded countries...
koreans are mad racist.

I see, imma forget about this place for a visit then, who cares who the girls look like or how good the food is, if theyre mad racist (as I kind of heard before) then its a wrap

I know that Japan is better, got treated like king, love the politeness and got poon too

Like I said before, thats a generalization. If a Korean heard that Americans were racist because of the KKK, would that make them right to recognize the whole country as being racist. I mean come on, for all they know, KKK stands for KOREAN and more KOREAN KILLING.
Dude the KKK,
bad example. Korea is racist against black, right now. In America a Korean tourist will see minimal racism, most likely none at all. I would spend my money going to Japan instead.
And you would know this how? This isnt Menace II Society, this is the real world. Travel a little and you will know that the world is much more than American stereotypes. And for a fact, there are many black folks that live in Seoul, idiot. Seoul is a huge international city that has many different cultures. And I'm talking Africans and Americans. Ive spent time in Tokyo also and I hate to bust your bubble, but Japan and Korea stereotype all foreners the same. The cultures of both Koreans and Japanese are very simular. If you dont act stupid, you wont be treated like a fool. Seoul and Tokyo are very similar. And that might seem like a bad example to you but not to someone that isn't from the US.
I can see my your screen name that you would not take my words well. So to sum up your post, Korea doesn't have racism because there are few blacks that live there, African Americans just need to know their place and things will go fine, Japan is just like than Korea so Korea is fine, and most foreigners don't know that the KKK as not been a important figure in American culture for years. Did I get everything. And it is nice you think I am idiot to that only knows about foreign people based on what I see in black movies, that really looks good when your are arguing that Koreans don't harbor racist feeling towards black, very nice

I would not recommend African Americans go to a lot of foreign countries because of racism, including Germany and Russia, there is always a better option. Plus if someone is traveling to that area, why not go to Tokyo over Seoul.

^I agree with this post, I'd take Tokyo over the whole of Korea anyday of the week. And before you say anything about the Japanese, I know them and therecultural/social and economic systems well, well beyond that of a tourist. I understand the mentality and somewhat how they think of foreigners at a deeperlevel. My ex was Japanese too and I stayed out there for a while first hand. Never had such a good time - noone stared at us, was welcomed everywhere I went,even went to her parents area. Japan isnt paradise but I would go back for a holiday to Japan anytime....

I think there's a definate difference between Koreans and Japanese with respect to black people or people who arent WHITE. I'd much rather take achance with the Japanese of whom I know many and are extremely cool people to get to know (at least, they amount that they let you know of course). Koreansseem behind in this area of integration, especially having read up on this topic...

Korean Dave's post are informative but they also come off sounding like excuses for obvious ills...
Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by Korean Dave

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by Korean Dave

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

What do Koreans think of foreign tourists of other (non white) races? I'm black if that matters I love the culture, the food, the movies etc but I just hope its not one of those rubbish narrow minded countries...
koreans are mad racist.

I see, imma forget about this place for a visit then, who cares who the girls look like or how good the food is, if theyre mad racist (as I kind of heard before) then its a wrap

I know that Japan is better, got treated like king, love the politeness and got poon too

Like I said before, thats a generalization. If a Korean heard that Americans were racist because of the KKK, would that make them right to recognize the whole country as being racist. I mean come on, for all they know, KKK stands for KOREAN and more KOREAN KILLING.
Dude the KKK,
bad example. Korea is racist against black, right now. In America a Korean tourist will see minimal racism, most likely none at all. I would spend my money going to Japan instead.
And you would know this how? This isnt Menace II Society, this is the real world. Travel a little and you will know that the world is much more than American stereotypes. And for a fact, there are many black folks that live in Seoul, idiot. Seoul is a huge international city that has many different cultures. And I'm talking Africans and Americans. Ive spent time in Tokyo also and I hate to bust your bubble, but Japan and Korea stereotype all foreners the same. The cultures of both Koreans and Japanese are very simular. If you dont act stupid, you wont be treated like a fool. Seoul and Tokyo are very similar. And that might seem like a bad example to you but not to someone that isn't from the US.
I can see my your screen name that you would not take my words well. So to sum up your post, Korea doesn't have racism because there are few blacks that live there, African Americans just need to know their place and things will go fine, Japan is just like than Korea so Korea is fine, and most foreigners don't know that the KKK as not been a important figure in American culture for years. Did I get everything. And it is nice you think I am idiot to that only knows about foreign people based on what I see in black movies, that really looks good when your are arguing that Koreans don't harbor racist feeling towards black, very nice

I would not recommend African Americans go to a lot of foreign countries because of racism, including Germany and Russia, there is always a better option. Plus if someone is traveling to that area, why not go to Tokyo over Seoul.

^I agree with this post, I'd take Tokyo over the whole of Korea anyday of the week. And before you say anything about the Japanese, I know them and there cultural/social and economic systems well, well beyond that of a tourist. I understand the mentality and somewhat how they think of foreigners at a deeper level. My ex was Japanese too and I stayed out there for a while first hand. Never had such a good time - noone stared at us, was welcomed everywhere I went, even went to her parents area. Japan isnt paradise but I would go back for a holiday to Japan anytime....

I think there's a definate difference between Koreans and Japanese with respect to black people or people who arent WHITE. I'd much rather take a chance with the Japanese of whom I know many and are extremely cool people to get to know (at least, they amount that they let you know of course). Koreans seem behind in this area of integration, especially having read up on this topic...

Korean Dave's post are informative but they also come off sounding like excuses for obvious ills...
You obviously didn't understand the point I was trying to make, and it definitly wasn't any excuses. What I was trying to make a point ofis the fact that EVERY country has racist stereo types but people were trying to make it out like you would be singled out if you aren't Korean. Thatisn't even close to being true. Truth is, people wont even give you a second look. Koreans aren't going to take time out of their busy days to pointand laugh at you. Its a city that is on the go with millions of people out walking and going on with their lives. Trust me, they could care less about you andyour background. And was the whole comment about not being stared at by Japanese suppose to imply that Koreans DO stare?? Because if so
. Go to Korea first, then comment. I happened to been to both so when Ispeak, I speak from knowledge.

*edit...Also, what makes you think that a white person would get anymore respect than a black person, just curious. Or was that another uninformed comment.
I'm stared at by japanese more than koreans, in a good way though..
I had a good time in korea, everyone was nice even though i didnt speak a lick of korean
im black btw
I was stationed in Korea back in the mid 90's (damn I'm getting old) and although I'm sure it has changed a lot since then, I'm sure the peopleare just as friendly and helpful as I remember. As others have said, it was easy to get around via mass transit and most people spoke english, so if you neededhelp all you had to do was ask. I have very fond memories of my year there although I was separated from my wife for that year. BTW- Yakimandu (sp) from astreet vendor after a night of drinking... there is nothing better...
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