Scientific studiy ranks the most loyal fanbases in the NFL (Warning: Jimmies will be rustled)

Bogus. I've been a Raider fan even after this past decade.

Niners ranking is pretty much on point. Niner "fans" are trash. FOH.
List is trash. Us 49er fans are called faithful for a reason.
You're trippin. You might be faithful but did you see how your fanbase grew exponentially when you guys made the superbowl? Everybody was a damn niners fan.
#1 is right but the rest of the list is :lol:
Steelers should be top 3 at least.
Jets, Chargers, and Titans shouldn't be in the top 15.
Raiders should be in the top 15.
Jaguars or Falcons should be last.
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When I didn't see the Raiders in the top 5 at least, this list was BS.. And for them to be last :lol: :stoneface:
not surprised to see seattle near the bottom.
this city is about as fair weather as it gets :smh:
Seems like it's also based on economic factors like the amount of money the fan bases spend but then it's also tied in to the fan population. The California teams would be hurt by the amount of teams in the state.
Aren't Raider games blacked out alot? If they're not showing up to games how are they loyal (The study factored for economy too)? And before you guys come at me with the "well the last x years have been hell and we're not winning", that's the point of the study.

It's easy to just say oh I'm a die-hard. Atleast they're trying to quantify things. I don't know if they got it right though. I would think a team like the Bills are first. They've had a bad team, for a long time, in a city that has a bad economy and I remember hearing that they still sell out games.

Lastly, Cowboys :pimp:
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Don't eeem care about what this study says. I've been a loyal Raider fan since I was a kid.

Really surprised at the Chargers at #11 smh. Back when LT was tearing it up, seemed like everyone was a Chargers fan. When he fell off, I don't eeem see Chargers fans anymore.
I can't really disagree because it's really hard to know the real truth. We can only really go by what we see where we live or have lived and from what we see on NT. I don't know if that's a big enough sample size to come to a real conclusion for any of us.
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raiders at the final spot? 

falcons, jets, steelers, chargers, rams should be bottom 5.

the new dolphin's logo looks like a wiener 
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Pats at number 2...

And the Jets? Didnt they have a big known fan completely disassociated himself from the fan base last year? 

think it was the firefighter dude 
List is interesting, don't really care either way. I'm just curious to how they did this study and what makes it accurate?

As a Giants fan, we're way too high on that list. I see mad fake fans ALL the time since we won SB 42.
Not gonna lie, I think it's just the close proximity, but when the Raiders were in the SB a while back, 9ers fans were scarce, but now we have a full bandwagon
Not gonna lie, I think it's just the close proximity, but when the Raiders were in the SB a while back, 9ers fans were scarce, but now we have a full bandwagon :lol: ...

Lots of Niner bandwagon fans since Harbaugh took over but to say Niner fans were scarce isn't accurate. Even on NT, we've had lots of proud Niner fans since I can remember posting and are one of the best represented teams on NT.
The beauty is that we don't really know how to properly define "loyalty" so anyone can make any list.

Most people define sports loyalty as amount of fans who go to the stadium and that's pretty much it.

That to me is flawed and we know people can be major fans and supporters without ever going into the gate.
9ers fan in miami here. dolfans being more loyal is a joke. they're only loyal when they play the jets. when they play the pats they gush about tom brady.

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