Scientific studiy ranks the most loyal fanbases in the NFL (Warning: Jimmies will be rustled)

Raiders gotta be more loyal than it seems

And :lol: at people not understanding why the Jets are top 5

NY has the most football fans just because of population alone

Yea we suck but Long lsland alone is like Jets County.

lf you are not a NYer please do not try and sound like you know everything about the Jets :lol:
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:lol: :lol: but they're surrounded by people with no facepaint! Those are your typical super fans that every stadium has.
:lol: :lol: but they're surrounded by people with no facepaint! Those are your typical super fans that every stadium has.

Man you act like every Raider fan at the games is dressed like a pirate :lol: you're just mesmerized by the Black Hole :pimp:
Man you have to be loser if you are an adult and go to a game looking like that

It's funny because I've talks to some of people who dress up at Raider games. And I asked them what they do for living. 1 was a Teacher and the other was an I vestment banker :lol:
I guess in this case, me :lol:

To be honest I'm pretty judgemental of any adult wearing a costume at any time
:lol: :lol: but they're surrounded by people with no facepaint! Those are your typical super fans that every stadium has.

:lol: You realize that YOU just acknowledged that the Raiders have an extraordinary number of super fans at games right? :lol:
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^ Ry Guy knows.

But the dressing up has always been "the thing" at the Coliseum. And Chris Berman and ESPN loves loves loves showing the crazed fans on their broadcasts :lol:. But do any players with toughness above Dan Orlovsky actually catch fear when they walk into that stadium?
But I must say that Raiders should definitely be higher up the list in my opinion. Every game in Oakland that I watch I see harcore fan after hardcore fan & it's not like the Raiders are the greatest team... so they seem pretty loyal to me!
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