Scientists to Unveil Proof of 'God Particle' (Article) (Link) (PRETTY DAMN INTERESTING)

I'm sorry but unless you yourself prove everything that science has accepted as how the universe was created, you are believing it based on faith. FAITH.
Been waiting for this. It's one of those things I really questioned we wouldn't be able to find without a bigger advancement in technology.

Good to hear they're close. Now they need to figure out a way to harness it in that incredibly insane amount time it exists.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

I'm sorry but unless you yourself prove everything that science has accepted as how the universe was created, you are believing it based on faith. FAITH.

Science hasn't even come to a conclusion of how the universe has been created, the "Big Bang Theory" is theory that is full of flaws. All it says is that the universe expanded from an infinitely dense point. It doesn't tell us why or how.  Nothing in science is faith based, you either have sound evidence to back up an idea/theory or you don't.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

I'm sorry but unless you yourself prove everything that science has accepted as how the universe was created, you are believing it based on faith. FAITH.
Well considering I've been learning about science for the last 8 years of my life and have taken everything from quantum mechanics to immunology to physical chemistry. I've either witnessed the proof or actually tested the theories or hypotheses myself. Soooooooo NOPE no FAITH necessary, really. NO faith at all. 
I questioned and tested, or observed and verified pretty much all of the large hypothesis or theories which all of our science knowledge has been based on. 
Yet, still you want more then that huh? Because by your definition I would be pretty much equal to a "priest" preaching and wanting people to just believe me huh? Well if you want me to explain to you how "normal" people not in the sciences can acknowledge science information without needing BLIND FAITH, well just read below. 

I know not everyone can be a scientist, but if you want your DAMB proof EFFING LOOK RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, what are you reading this text on? A computer or a smartphone or and iPAD? There is your proof right there. Enuff said. If you don't get it still from that statement then you're hopeless.  
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

I'm sorry but unless you yourself prove everything that science has accepted as how the universe was created, you are believing it based on faith. FAITH.

You sound like an idiot right now.
Originally Posted by blackxme

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

I'm sorry but unless you yourself prove everything that science has accepted as how the universe was created, you are believing it based on faith. FAITH.

Science hasn't even come to a conclusion of how the universe has been created, the "Big Bang Theory" is theory that is full of flaws. All it says is that the universe expanded from an infinitely dense point. It doesn't tell us why or how.  Nothing in science is faith based, you either have sound evidence to back up an idea/theory or you don't.
Science is just as faith based as every other human endeavor. 
It is just another manifestation of the most elemental form of human faith; the confidence of what we coin "nature" and in man's ability to understand it.

Science and religion have the equal potentiality to be innocuous or hazardous...because they are essentially one in the same.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by blackxme

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

I'm sorry but unless you yourself prove everything that science has accepted as how the universe was created, you are believing it based on faith. FAITH.

Science hasn't even come to a conclusion of how the universe has been created, the "Big Bang Theory" is theory that is full of flaws. All it says is that the universe expanded from an infinitely dense point. It doesn't tell us why or how.  Nothing in science is faith based, you either have sound evidence to back up an idea/theory or you don't.
Science is just as faith based as every other human endeavor. 
It is just another manifestation of the most elemental form of human faith; the confidence of what we coin "nature" and in man's ability to understand it.

Science and religion have the equal potentiality to be innocuous or hazardous...because they are essentially one in the same.

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Science is a religion.

No, it is not. 

^^ See how great my 4 word post was? Really contributes to the DISCUSSION board, doesn't it. 

And, you know what, fine FINE you guys wanna call it a religion? 

FINE, then ALLLLLLLL of you who talk smack about it, guess what? You are part of this bat $#!% crazy religion called science. You know how? You are living in the 21st century taking advantage of ALL that science has offered you. From even before you were born the "science religion" has been used for your benefit. 

Sonograms when you were in mom's tummy, epidural shot for her when giving birth to you, pasteurization of your baby foods, vaccinations when you were growing up, clothes on your back, clean running water, the car you drive, the computer you use, the wireless internet you are on, the medicine which will save your life later when you're old and get a heart attack the inevitable day science discovers the origins of the universe. 

You might think it takes blind faith, but if you look all around you, and at yourself, YOU are living proof of and validation of it's hypotheses and theories. 
I'm assuming they have a miniature universe some where in one of their labs, and thru experiments they are trying to figure out how to get mass from one side off their "toy" universe to another. They are working on making mock black holes, mock DNA, and tweaking things they don't understand. I'm afraid of what will happen if this experiment goes wrong
 imagine a smaller planet inside or planet.............
Once this mock universe in a box is revealed things are going to get interesting.
Originally Posted by kangaroobombs

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

I'm sorry but unless you yourself prove everything that science has accepted as how the universe was created, you are believing it based on faith. FAITH.

You sound like an idiot right now.
Due to the fact that we have to read this thread will not move as fast as expected...InB4 the Mormons
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Science is a religion.

No, it is not. 

^^ See how great my 4 word post was? Really contributes to the DISCUSSION board, doesn't it. 

And, you know what, fine FINE you guys wanna call it a religion? 

FINE, then ALLLLLLLL of you who talk smack about it, guess what? You are part of this bat $#!% crazy religion called science. You know how? You are living in the 21st century taking advantage of ALL that science has offered you. From even before you were born the "science religion" has been used for your benefit. 

Sonograms when you were in mom's tummy, epidural shot for her when giving birth to you, pasteurization of your baby foods, vaccinations when you were growing up, clothes on your back, clean running water, the car you drive, the computer you use, the wireless internet you are on, the medicine which will save your life later when you're old and get a heart attack the inevitable day science discovers the origins of the universe. 

You might think it takes blind faith, but if you look all around you, and at yourself, YOU are living proof of and validation of it's hypotheses and theories. 
Yes it is.
The same system of experientially based hypotheses, reflection and imaginative theory is found in both science and religion.

You love bragging about you level of education but your propensity to jump to unsubstantiated conclusions about my personal beliefs and life experiences says more about the true level of your acuity than any of your academic braggadocio. 
Originally Posted by blackxme

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Science might as well be a religion. To believe the whole universe expanding from nothing is just as hard to believe as there being one being responsible for creating everything. Scientists are just like priests. They both claim to know the origin of the universe. 99% of population will believe one or the other and that same 99% will nether be able to prove or disprove their theory themselves. They just take the scientist's and priets' word for it. 
So wrong. So so wrong.
Science as a BODY OF KNOWLEDGE which is always being built upon, improved, tested, etc... is NOT the same as an organization in which one or a few individuals ideas/thought that are considered as an ABSOLUTE are used to manipulate people into following and acting in certain ways which are either morally wrong or right. Science doesn't force you to do anything. It's just there as knowledge. It CAN NOT manipulate or cause malice. Unlike religion which can and has been used to manipulate and cause people to act in malicious ways. Don't get me wrong science information and knowledge can be used TO manipulate or be used IN malicious ways, but this is due to people desiring to use the information in these ways (sometimes even due to religion). But the information itself doesn't contain any pernicious base.

People act like science is a thing, an entity, a book or writings, or a group of people. When will they understand that SCIENCE is just a body of knowledge built upon by MANY different fields of study which all compliment each other. This is why it is NOT a religion and CAN NOT be compared to a religion. It doesn't take blind faith and it is not an absolute. It takes evidence and testing. And NO true scientist would EVER claim to know the origins of the universe. It is currently untestable and there for that claim can not be scientifically made as a theory or even a hypothesis, at this point. In time though. In time. The Higgs discovery would be a step in the right direction.


This will mean nothing to believers. Even if the new news on Wednesday is that they truly have a "new discovery" (by definition of discovery when it comes to this field of physics, with sufficient confidence) of the Higgs.

First off most people don't even know what that would mean.

Secondly, believers would come up with something out of either *** to refute it or show it's inability to still fully answer the question of the beginning, ignoring how it would completely crush all that is believed in the organized religions.

Lastly, most believers would just be on that Prometheus tip, not even giving a damb and still believing.
Pretty much what I wanted to say.

I can't believe that people actually believe science is a religion.
My reaction exactly
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by blackxme

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

I'm sorry but unless you yourself prove everything that science has accepted as how the universe was created, you are believing it based on faith. FAITH.

Science hasn't even come to a conclusion of how the universe has been created, the "Big Bang Theory" is theory that is full of flaws. All it says is that the universe expanded from an infinitely dense point. It doesn't tell us why or how.  Nothing in science is faith based, you either have sound evidence to back up an idea/theory or you don't.
1. Science is just as faith based as every other human endeavor. 
2. It is just another manifestation of the most elemental form of human faith; the confidence of what we coin "nature" and in man's ability to understand it.

3. Science and religion have the equal potentiality to be innocuous or hazardous...because they are essentially one in the same.

1. No it's not
2. No it's not. The endeavor of trying to understand something doesn't automatically push you towards having faith or needing to have faith in something else to understand it. That's a ridiculous statement. 

3. No it doesn't and no they aren't. Read my other earlier posts as to why this is. 
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by blackxme

Science hasn't even come to a conclusion of how the universe has been created, the "Big Bang Theory" is theory that is full of flaws. All it says is that the universe expanded from an infinitely dense point. It doesn't tell us why or how.  Nothing in science is faith based, you either have sound evidence to back up an idea/theory or you don't.
1. Science is just as faith based as every other human endeavor. 
2. It is just another manifestation of the most elemental form of human faith; the confidence of what we coin "nature" and in man's ability to understand it.

3. Science and religion have the equal potentiality to be innocuous or hazardous...because they are essentially one in the same.

1. No it's not
2. No it's not. The endeavor of trying to understand something doesn't automatically push you towards having faith or needing to have faith in something else to understand it. That's a ridiculous statement. 

3. No it doesn't and no they aren't. Read my other earlier posts as to why this is. 

You're not offering much of substance here but switch the words science and religion in your first rant and the opinion is equally valid.
You seem to hold the most monolithic and antagonistic views towards the concept of religion and the exact opposite perspective of science.

You're calling people stupid for their opinion, yet you seem to think you can accurately categorize religion with one broad condescending brush stroke, which in itself is a pretty idiotic thing to do. 
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Science is a religion.

No, it is not. 

^^ See how great my 4 word post was? Really contributes to the DISCUSSION board, doesn't it. 

And, you know what, fine FINE you guys wanna call it a religion? 

FINE, then ALLLLLLLL of you who talk smack about it, guess what? You are part of this bat $#!% crazy religion called science. You know how? You are living in the 21st century taking advantage of ALL that science has offered you. From even before you were born the "science religion" has been used for your benefit. 

Sonograms when you were in mom's tummy, epidural shot for her when giving birth to you, pasteurization of your baby foods, vaccinations when you were growing up, clothes on your back, clean running water, the car you drive, the computer you use, the wireless internet you are on, the medicine which will save your life later when you're old and get a heart attack the inevitable day science discovers the origins of the universe. 

You might think it takes blind faith, but if you look all around you, and at yourself, YOU are living proof of and validation of it's hypotheses and theories. 
Yes it is.
The same system of experientially based hypotheses, reflection and imaginative theory is found in both science and religion.

You love bragging about you level of education but your propensity to jump to unsubstantiated conclusions about my personal beliefs and life experiences says more about the true level of your acuity than any of your academic braggadocio. 
No, it's not. 
ARE you mother effin kidding me? The same system of experiment based hypothesis are used to validate and prove religion? Name ONE, ONE experimentally based hypothesis from religion, which has been used to test and prove the validity of the religion. 

I really don't love bragging at all. But, seriously I'm not the one bringing up having to laboratory test all of these science hypotheses and theories in order to see they are valid. I partially bring up my credentials to strike those idiotic arguments down. How is that your argument in proving science is like a religion? By saying "Oh well you aren't in a lab testing all of these things... durp... that means you need faith...." Ummmm, no it doesn't but if you wanna go there then actually I have been in a lab testing these things. 

In other words I'm really, really not braggin at all. I'm bringing evidence and proof to back up my argument, something you individuals don't find to be necessary for some reason.

Jump to conclusions? You said your personal belief... lol you said:

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Science is a religion.

Is that statement you made not a personal belief? I will admit that I jumped to some conclusions about your life experiences, but not too far off I'm sure seeing how my main argument has been that you are using a computer to read this text, are you not? So........ I guess that speak on my sharpness and intelligence, whatever. 

EDIT: Actually, how am I even braggin at all? I said I'm a scientist, I have studied science for 8 years, and listed some of the courses I have taken. Where in any of that is bragging? I didn't say I am a genius, I didn't say I hold any titles, I didn't say I am the best student ever or even scientist, I didn't even say I did well in these courses, nor did I say I was better then anyone for having done these things. So how am I even braggin? I think you are just reading into it wrong and making your assumptions maybe because of your insecurities.  
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete


Man #@#+ all that noise going on in this thread, I couldnt get past the face on the machine.
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