Scientists to Unveil Proof of 'God Particle' (Article) (Link) (PRETTY DAMN INTERESTING)

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

My objective in all of my posts was to show the similarity in the two concepts, not to cause division. New once did I put down science.
You did not show similarity. You claimed they were one in the same. Saying Basketball is like football is not the same as saying basketball is football but I don't even think you can see the difference from a literal standpoint given your "argument" and how you've supported it so far.
Oh boy...
I'm not trying to turn this into a pissing contest or a hair splitting competition. Sorry that your feelings were hurt man.

You got it.
Can't even gracefully bow out.
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Can someone put this into layman's terms for the more dimwitted (myself included) NTers?

They are about to unveil the discovery of the particle that presumably composes all matter (as in the particle that composes other particles that we know, like protons, neutrons, and electrons).
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Galileo did not discover that the world was I'm not even entertaining that nor am I going to attempt to defend the Catholic church's position hundreds of years ago (or today for that matter).

That's where y'all cross the line and become extremists, throwing this whole discussion off track.

You can't use these Abrahamic religions and dark age policies as the be all, end all discussion of religion. Its no different from the people who ignorantly slander science and only bring up Nazi experiments, Hiroshima, Eugenics and the like.

You can't marginalize science or religion in that way, b.

The greatest minds find a way to balance concepts from both disciplines.
I get what you're trying to say. But your statement that science is a religion is very, very disingenuous. 
Actually, if you want to be successful in your argument you should dissociate yourself from the term "religion" altogether. There are ways to make your argument (or rather, introduce a DISCUSSION) without using the term-- which, frankly should fade into obsolescence because of its generally excessively-polarizing nature in our current cultural climate.

When you finally find a new way to express your ideas, you'll likely realize that there isn't anything to argue at all and that you were unnecessarily creating division between two "factions" that have no reason to be in conflict. That is, of course, if you aren't doing what you've been doing in this thread for the sole purpose of fueling some inner desire you have to create conflict. If that's what you're doing then nevermind this post, go right ahead. 

You're right about the inaccuracy of the word religion but wrong about me creating division. 
Look at the previous posts, I didn't start the discussion...I just intelligently articulated my position.

My objective in all of my posts was to show the similarity in the two concepts, not to cause division. New once did I put down science.
Well, if you say so. But I'd have to think you'd know that your post would ruffle some feathers by posting "science = religion," knowing how incendiary the concept of religion is in the general Western zeitgeist. Religion today, as most people would describe it, is the furthest thing from science and you know it. Shoot, anyone can see that right now by turning on their TV.
If you were trying to draw a parallel between the search for spiritual insight and the search for scientific knowledge, you most certainly went about it the wrong way by posting "science = religion" my dude.  
No matter how much scientific proof there is out there, the religious will never change their way of thinking
So this thread took a turn for the worse......

Anyway i remember reading about this a while back about how long it takes to collect enough of these "particles" for this to be considered a discovery and what not. 

But this is what i got out of some of the readings to try to help some understanding

Physicists say the Higgs boson would help explain how we, and the rest of the universe, exist. It would explain why the matter created in the Big Bang has mass, and is able to coalesce. Without it, as CERN explained in a background paper, "the universe would be a very different place…. no ordinary matter as we know it, no chemistry, no biology, and no people."
^ That's very vague terminology to describe a very specific thing. (not your post, the quote)At the end of da day, there are like 4 scientific theories that are proven. Sounds like faith to me.
ok but STILL, that same particle has to come from somewhere
and like above poster...

out of all the theories they've brought to the table, only a handful have been actually proven.

 @ yall actually taking science more serious then any religion.

life is a huge game, stop caring and start enjoying.
Originally Posted by sole vintage

it is confirmed 5 sigma significance, which converts to 99.99995%. The scientists who made
this discovery are 99.99995% sure that their results are solid, and not
down to random chance.

Let's compare 0.00005% to a billionth of a billionths. Sounds pretty accurate. Nothing wrong with faith, right?
People believe what scientists claim blindly I think thats how science can be compared to religion

Of course science is based more on facts and research but most of science fanatics do neither.

Like I guarantee no one in here could explain or mimic the experimentation that went into this discovery so we have to "put faith in science" that this unveiling is even real or as important as they say it is.
Damn.. I don't post on NT as much as I used to but damn... I never realized there were so many um... misguided people on here.
'the so called scientific approach to the human phenomenon and mans relationship with the rest of being is every bit as limited as ordinary philosophy. Like discursive reason, science operates only within the convenient circle of what fits in with its preconceptions''

''scientists are careful to express their superstitions in mathematical formulas which, applied artistically to such problems as the structure of the atom or the inner temperature of stars, give 'beautiful results.they are applied to only safe, prepared cases--though remaning unworkable in unstereotyped ones ''

what is the difference between science and intelligence?
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Damn.. I don't post on NT as much as I used to but damn... I never realized there were so many um... misguided people on here.
Tell me about it. 
People believe what scientists claim blindly I think thats how science can be compared to religion

When it comes to scientific discoveries, a lot of what is being said assumes an underlying knowledge of the disciplines that relate to them. It is true - and understandable - that people choose to (not) believe because they (don't) trust scientists. However, the difference between religion and science is that anyone can acquire the knowledge necessary to understand what scientists say and contribute to their fields of interest, whereas the interpretation of natural phenomena from a religious perspective is often left to the clergy. Furthermore, skepticism and challenge of accepted ideas is welcomed in one discipline while it is reviled and sometimes punished in the other (heresy), which is the point I was making with the Galileo example earlier (he did argue for heliocentrism while the church taught that the Earth was the center of the universe). 

Like I guarantee no one in here could explain or mimic the experimentation that went into this discovery so we have to "put faith in science" that this unveiling is even real or as important as they say it is.

The experiments that went on in order to find evidence of the Higgs boson's existence have been and can be replicated successfully (which is what the physicists working on the project had to make sure of before announcing the results). Those experiments are never done once. Most of the time, they are repeated, the results are compiled, and based on statistical analysis, conclusions are drawn. Remember that researchers always have to convince other researchers first before they even let the rest of the world know what they're working on. 

Let's compare 0.00005% to a billionth of a billionths. Sounds pretty accurate. Nothing wrong with faith, right?

Sigma is a measure of confidence (percentage-wise) that their results are valid. The billionth of a billionth of a second is a measure of time. How can you compare the two? Do you compare 1 pound to 1 second too?
God particle really isn't the way it should be named, but with the Higgs Boson being dubbed that, it sure got people's attention... this deserves attention though, this "discovery" is HUGE for physics. Biggest of the 21st century.
edit:  Not surprised that religion hero defenders have steered the thread into the ****ter.  Oh well.
at people in here trying to say that the faith a child has for the existence of santa clause is THE SAME AND EQUALLY AS VALID as the "faith" one has for our observations and explanations for the existence of gravity.

don't try and say this is a straw man, because it's not. this is the crux of your argument.
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