Dec 6, 2006

EDIT: I install all my games since i got that 120 GB harddrive.
And to make things worse, i sold my PS3 to my cousin last month
PS3 fanboys should pay you. You just gave them a free orgasm with the posts they're about to make in this thread.

BTW, just wondering, did you install your games on the harddrive or did you play them raw off the disc?
Damn XBox is the greatest but that RROD is a major fail. But just send it in man, they'll fix it
my boy just got this

he bought the xbox the first day it came out, and he's a huge gamer head

we were both surprised how long it lasted him
happened to me last week, took it to bestbuy and they told me to pick up a new box right there, was done in 30 min.
Best buy warranty FTW
Don't trip, I got a PS3 back in January and didn't open it until last month and when I did the PS3 wouldn't read ANY games at all. Sent in my PS3and now my new unit is at UPS waiting to be picked up. My 360 died on me last year. Got a new one and I haven't had any problems since.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

PS3 fanboys should pay you. You just gave them a free orgasm with the posts they're about to make in this thread.

BTW, just wondering, did you install your games on the harddrive or did you play them raw off the disc?

Question. Does that matter?? Ive been installing my games to the hard drive. That the right thing to do correct?

Send it to XBOX.. They'll fix the damm thing. I hope mine doesnt get the rrod..
This happened to me man its not that hard to fix its actually pretty easy it sucks that we have to do it but better to do it yourself then to pay 140 bucksget some black electric tape, 8 pennies, a star shaped screwdriver which you can get at any homedepot and watch this youtube video it took me some time but my xbox is working properly
Do yall install the games to your HD? i was wondering if this makes any difference

I do this but i'm wondering if i'll ever get the RROD
Originally Posted by djaward

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

PS3 fanboys should pay you. You just gave them a free orgasm with the posts they're about to make in this thread.

BTW, just wondering, did you install your games on the harddrive or did you play them raw off the disc?

Question. Does that matter?? Ive been installing my games to the hard drive. That the right thing to do correct?

Send it to XBOX.. They'll fix the damm thing. I hope mine doesnt get the rrod..

Of course it matters. When you install the games on the hard drive, the machine is cooler and overheating is what causes the RROD in the first place.That's why I was wondering how he played.
i got RROD a few months ago, took it to some dude who said he fixes em on craigslist, i donno what the hell he did but he got it back to me the next day and ihavent experienced any problems with it since, been atleast 4 months, n he only charged me 30, so money well spent IMO. and im on ALL THE TIME.

reason i didnt send it to microsoft:

turn around time is to long for me
my xbox is modded so it would have voided warrenty.


edit: there are computer fans you can buy that fit right in your xbox that work 10x better then the stock xbox fan and are like 50% quieter. they run you like20 beans so yall might wanna look into that.
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