Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It

^ You can't dismiss mental issues as being BS man. It is kinda disrespectful that you would even make such a claim. Unless you or someone you know has a mental issue, you shouldn't really speak on it. It is real though.
sounds like yall makin a bunch of excuses
what does that even mean?
it sounds like this mental illness stuff is bs to explain or rationalize what happened
So mental illness is BS now?

To any of y'all *****ing about the fact that because he's white he gets the "mental illness excuse", what does that even mean?  Have you watch any of the videos or read ANYTHING about him?  It's pretty clear he had some significant mental illnessES so no, I don't think it's some cop out and yes, I do believe it provides some explanation of what drove him to this.  It wasn't JUST being a virgin, that's what consumed his thoughts but a sane person is not so likely to go about this the way he did.  I've yet to see that as an excuse or compassion for the killer which he apparently is getting because he's white according to some.

He's a brutal murderer who had issues.  I'm gonna guess here but I'd imagine that most who murder multiple people suffer from similar problems.  You can say that they seemingly tend to be white, if you want.  When there's a minority with the same ramblings on video or in text, they'll appear to have the same problems with mental illness.

This goes back to what I said regarding the stigma about mental health issues and how these people, whether they're tortured within themselves (WAY more common) or lash out on others, are viewed and it's sad.  This is very real.
I dont believe you. What city do you live in? Links to 3 elderly ppl being killed by knockout game please
It's clear you are delusional.
Okay, bud. Everything I said is factual and I think, or at least hope, you know that.

Just because it is your opinion, doesn't make it true. Your statements are a bunch rehashed Fox News(Rush Limbaugh) talking points.

Even James Addlespurger, the Pittsburgh, Pa., teacher who has become a poster child for the current “knockout game” hysteria says it’s all a bunch of hooey.

Surely, you’ve seen the video; as he walks down an alley, he is cold-cocked by a 15-year-old. Captured on surveillance tape, the assault became Exhibit A in the last month’s burst of media coverage of the so-called game. And even though the crime took place in 2011, the tape has been revived (and revived and revived) for the current round of fear-mongering.

“I feel I am being exploited,” Addlespurger said in an interview Sunday with HuffPostLive. “People are using it to push their own agendas, and that’s what people do.”
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Who repped that dude? :smh:

There is no such thing as Black on Black crime that is made up by the media have you ever heard anyone say white on white crime? and Black on (insert race) crime doesn't exist because crimes are committed based upon opportunity.

When someone gets robbed/attacked its because they are an easy target.
Where are the links to the three elderly people killed by the knockout game in your city? Weve all heard about the vietnamese dude n st louis.
Who repped that dude? :smh:

There is no such thing as Black on Black crime that is made up by the media have you ever heard anyone say white on white crime? and Black on (insert race) crime doesn't exist because crimes are committed based upon opportunity.

When someone gets robbed/attacked its because they are an easy target.
Crimes are often certainly committed based on oppurtunity. But it is not incorrrect to say that white on black crimes are accused of having some racial component more so than other types of crime.
I dont believe you. What city do you live in? Links to 3 elderly ppl being killed by knockout game please
Word! I want to see links to all the stories he posted. 

No source on 3 deaths in the same city from the knockout game... but the others actually seem to check out. As much as some people don't want to admit it, hate crimes go both ways. Even in my hometown there was a little white boy who was doused in gasoline and set on fire by some of his black classmates while they called him racist names. This **** starts young.... and I blame the parents, both white and black, for projecting their prejudices onto the next generation. This **** is learned, not innate.
So your a liar who lied to exasterbate his point? Cool

We alrdy knew people of all colors ethnecities races and genders were racist.
And it starts...
only on FOXNT would a poster turn this thread into a "WoB crimes are reported more then BoW crimes" topic.
It's not even true though. The media will jump on any interracial crime whether it's WoB or BoW and then put their own spin on it. Central Park jogger. Michael Dunn. Trayvon Martin. Bernard Goetz. Knockout game.

Interracial crime puts *****es in seats for some odd reason.
:lol: :lol: :lol: only on FOXNT would a poster turn this thread into a "WoB crimes are reported more then BoW crimes" topic.

It's not even true though. The media will jump on any interracial crime whether it's WoB or BoW and then put their own spin on it. Central Park jogger. Michael Dunn. Trayvon Martin. Bernard Goetz. Knockout game.

Interracial crime puts *****es in seats for some odd reason.

For the most part the media gives massive amounts of coverage to cases that are very polarizing.

The Michael Dunn case didn't get close to as much coverage as Zimmerman, because nearly everyone, black, white and in between, agreed he was 100% in the wrong. The Zimmerman case had people much more divided and those are the cases the media likes to use to capture audiences.
It's a shame because if he had been a middle eastern American like myself, it wouldn't have mattered how many times he had seen psychiatric care.

He'd already be labeled a terrorist by a majority of society. Wouldn't matter if he had the worst mental illness in the world, a majority of society would not accept that as valid reasoning for the act.

I hate diving into race issues but this has been something that's bothered me for a very long time.

I know this guy was mentally jacked up, but it doesn't excuse the fact that he was a horrible person who committed a horrible act against humanity. He knew what he was doing, mental illness or not. He obviously had it planned out. The manifesto speaks volumes.
He had mental problems, but he was also very aware of what he was about to do and how much it would hurt people and their families. He knew he'd become a celebrity hence the videos. He knew the outcome would be exactly what it is. Mental illness or not, he knew he was doing something harmful and cruel and he knew enough to shoot himself and avoid a lifetime of torture and misery in prison.

That's all I have to say.
It's a shame because if he had been a middle eastern American like myself, it wouldn't have mattered how many times he had seen psychiatric care.

He'd already be labeled a terrorist by a majority of society. Wouldn't matter if he had the worst mental illness in the world, a majority of society would not accept that as valid reasoning for the act.

I hate diving into race issues but this has been something that's bothered me for a very long time.

I know this guy was mentally jacked up, but it doesn't excuse the fact that he was a horrible person who committed a horrible act against humanity. He knew what he was doing, mental illness or not. He obviously had it planned out. The manifesto speaks volumes.
He had mental problems, but he was also very aware of what he was about to do and how much it would hurt people and their families. He knew he'd become a celebrity hence the videos. He knew the outcome would be exactly what it is. Mental illness or not, he knew he was doing something harmful and cruel and he knew enough to shoot himself and avoid a lifetime of torture and misery in prison.

That's all I have to say.

so....umm... what you are saying.. is that he did a terrible thing and he had mental illness....

if he was a middle eastern guy who killed people because he wanted premarital sex... i doubt he would be labeled a terrorist

same way the guy who cut his daughters/wife's head off wasn't considered a terrorist

same way my egyptian friends father who put out a hit on his wife and was recently sentenced wasn't considered a terrorist...

you guys need more strawman argument to divert attention from the real issue....

the american mental health network needs strengthening...
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