Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It

Strange that gun control is being brought up in this case when half of the kid's victims were killed/ hurt by a knife and his Bimmer. This kid, while a little whacko, was able to purchase a gun and rightfully so. He had no diagnosed mental illness, no rap sheet, no real history of violence. There will NEVER, EVER be a point in our society where legally purchased guns are not used to commit crimes. We have to accept that. The laws are not perfect and they never will be. Someone will always slip through just like Elliot Roger did. There is a downside to being able to own, collect, and use guns. Such is life.

On another note; after reading about half of his memoir, I feel bad for the kid. He was clearly delusional and narcissistic, but the loneliness and despair he appeared to endure for most of his life was sad to read about. Obviously he is a coward for doing what he did and deserves whatever he gets in the afterlife, but I do empathize with him a bit.
Why is everything always a race issue with you

race was already a part of this, some quotes from elliot:

In a January message titled “Saw a black guy sitting with 4 white girls,” he wrote:

Today I drove through the area near my college and saw some things that were extremely rage-inducing.
I passed by this restaurant and I saw this black guy chilling with 4 hot white girls. He didn’t even look good.
Then later on in the day I was shopping at Trader Joe’s and saw an Indian guy with 2 above average White Girls!!!
What rage-inducing sights did you guys see today? Don’t you just hate seeing these things when you go out? It just makes you want to quit life.
That same month, when an Asian poster asked if wearing certain shoes would help him attract women, Rodger responded:

Shoes won’t help you get white girls. White girls are disgusted by you, silly little Asian.
After the Asian man posted photos of himself posing with a white girl, Rodger wrote:

Full Asian men are disgustingly ugly and white girls would never go for you. You’re just butthurt that you were born as an asian piece of ****, so you lash out by linking these fake pictures. You even admit that you wish you were half white. You’ll never be half-white and you’ll never fulfill your dream of marrying a white woman. I suggest you jump off a bridge.
So this is all about gun control now?  I'll pass on that.

In terms of this kid, I skimmed through a lot of the manifesto this morning.  I like reading in general but there was no way I could read every word of that.  I don't know if he had a journal growing up but damn, either he was making things up or it was remarkable how many details he remember even from a young age, down to the day.

Seems a lot of his issues stemmed from his parents divorce at a young age and then his father remarrying, according to him his step-mom treated him like she wanted nothing to do with him and his father did everything she said.  In terms of those who said he should've been involved in team sports which could've helped, apparently he tried those, specifically basketball and soccer but he was awful at them and only got made fun of, he was always one of the smallest kids and was often bullied.  He got into skateboarding which he loved and finally felt an identity with until he felt he was terrible at it.  Those who believe he was repressing homosexuality, it doesn't seem to be the case at all...he details sexual desires towards females throughout and has an extremely strong lust towards blonde females who are the object of his desire and ultimately who he targets his hatred towards because he feels none are interested in him and treat him like dirt.

On the mental health aspect, it does appear that at a minimum he has narcissistic personality disorder and severe social anxiety which is why a lot of these issues were so overwhelming.  He felt like he was deserving of females coming to him and he lacked the ability to speak to them on his own, seeing them out socially was a huge issue for him and he was tortured by the fact that it was other boys he would see talking, dating, kissing them, etc.  He mentions having to see a psychologist and casually mentions having seen on previously but that one visit in particular was with his mom, dad & stepmom and it focused on his mom & stepmom's issues, the doctor prescribed a drug which he looked up and decided he did not want to take.  I'm sure it'll come out one way or another whether he was on meds.

Anyway, I don't see any of this as an excuse but I personally believe that mental health issues need to be looked at differently.  Not the social stigma that they are and that people can just get over them but as severe health issues that need to be treated like any physical health issue.  I've never dealt with them myself but I've known too many people who have and while some are more severe in degrees, you can most definitely see the difference when those have been treated.  It doesn't always have to be with meds and turning someone into a zombie isn't the easy solution but for some it can be helpful to determine avenues to deal with it...but either way it needs to start at awareness.  Cultural awareness and personal awareness, most people don't want to believe something's "wrong" with them because of that word alone and the way society views mental health and that they're "crazy" which is unfortunate.  Like many other things, these are very real issues that need to be looked at more seriously.

Doubt anyone reads all this. :lol:  

This is some sad stuff, I feel bad for everyone caught up in this mess over in Santa Barbara especially the UCSB community and their families. I don't want to give any sort of apologetic explanation for Rodger's actions; it's terrible to know that he acted out this way in an irrational manner. But I just think that he didn't get enough help when he did look for help at one point.

As a country it seems like the majority of the US doesn't really feel compelled to want to take up responsibility for our role as communities to bring mental health care to complete acceptance everywhere. I may be going in a different tangent here but really this is what I see happening with all of these tragedies. People making really bad decisions because they feel like they have no other way out but to cause chaos and destruction.

I get that people feel they'll need their guns to protect themselves from mentally instable people, but I don't really see how having guns prevents the problems that continue to keep happening on a national scale. We clearly aren't doing a good job of preventing instable people from getting weapons, so maybe banning guns is really the best thing for us to do for not just other people, but for our own families & friends' well-being. A bunch of parents lost their college kids because of this guy. These messed-up killings are happening everywhere across the country and we always think it won't happen to us in our own daily life.

I really hope our government decides to make a definitive change in gun legislation but as always there are people with very heavy interests in preventing that from happening. I guess we'll just have to keep expecting more of these incidents in the future, and feel lucky whenever it doesn't happen to us.
America has both a gun issue and a mental health issue. Yes, this type of stuff does happen in other parts of the world, but it still happens more often here than in other places.

Had the police checked his bedroom and uncovered the evidence, none of the innocent victims would be dead, and Rodger would be locked away from society.
This is a very interesting dilemma indeed.

Because on one hand, we could take his explanations for why he acted in such a manner, his lack of involvement with the female species. And if it was as simple as this, then IMO this country is in serious danger. Thanks to Social media, among other things, more men and women are growing up without the proper human interaction skills that MAY and in all likelihood would be present minus social media. By no means am I relating social media to his actions, what I am saying is that if he really lashed out like this because of his lack of ability to get girls, imagine how many of those types are lurking every high school and college? Especially in this day and age where you can go to a message board, or YouTube to express yourself instead of actually talking to humans in real life. The latter two things are things he participated in heavy.

Now, on the other hand perhaps he had some real issues mentally. And if that's the case this gets really tricky because these things are really hard to diagnose. Taking guns away from people like him won't do much to me because if his mind is made up to kill, then the weapon is irrelevant. Therefore, the issue here then, is why did he decide to kill? Was it really because of the lack of female attention given to him? I don't know, but I honeslty think this kid, more than having complex mental issues, simply lacked the basic human interaction skills that aid in becoming a healthy young man. From his parents splitting at an early age, to his father being out of the house doing movies and what not, it seemed as if he lived in a rich, isolated box that was void of other serious human interaction. And when this happens, you see kids who lack serious confidence in themselves. Lack self esteem. That's why in his videos and manifesto's he stresses how fabulous and good looking he is...because he doesn't really believe it and deep down, he lacks the necessary tools to interact with others, which is crucial to developing positive self worth and identity.

At the end of the day, at the risk of sounding a bit stereotypical, these lunatics who go off on mass murdering sprees lack the proper human interaction skills that are generally developed at a young age. For a myriad of reasons, whether it be a lack of a fatherly presence, whatever. They lack the skills necessary to build with others, and gain self confidence in the process.

Did you read the excerpts?

Dude said his jimmies were rustled because he thought he didn't get beautiful blonde yambs due to being part Asian.

He LITERALLY said that.

He also LITERALLY said that it made him mad that "inferior" black guys could enjoy life and sex when "their ancestors were slaves." Clearly a race component here, but honestly from the manuscript he just hates all of humanity, including himself. He talks about torturing and killing all the good looking people while simultaneously talking about how good looking he is (arguable) so I think there's some self-hate behind the wall of narcissism.
He also LITERALLY said that it made him mad that "inferior" black guys could enjoy life and sex when "their ancestors were slaves." Clearly a race component here, but honestly from the manuscript he just hates all of humanity, including himself. He talks about torturing and killing all the good looking people while simultaneously talking about how good looking he is (arguable) so I think there's some self-hate behind the wall of narcissism.

There's a serious self hate component here.

If you're really good at basketball, and truly believe in your ability at hoops, do you go around telling everyone that you are? No

If you know in your heart of hearts, that 2 plus 2, equals 4, will you go around campaigning to others that fact if they believe it's actually 5? No.

Now obviously, these are extremely simple examples, but the point is, is that his self confidence is so low, that he's actually fighting it by shouting how great he is when in fact he feels the exact opposite. Also, the intrinsic lack of self confidence is evident in the fact that he essentially links having girls to self worth, which is false. True positive self worth, true self confidence, has nothing to do with your success rate with girls.
There's a serious self hate component here.

If you're really good at basketball, and truly believe in your ability at hoops, do you go around telling everyone that you are? No

If you know in your heart of hearts, that 2 plus 2, equals 4, will you go around campaigning to others that fact if they believe it's actually 5? No.

Now obviously, these are extremely simple examples, but the point is, is that his self confidence is so low, that he's actually fighting it by shouting how great he is when in fact he feels the exact opposite. Also, the intrinsic lack of self confidence is evident in the fact that he essentially links having girls to self worth, which is false. True positive self worth, true self confidence, has nothing to do with your success rate with girls.

Nailed it. Repped
I just think of a Desert Strike situation. I doubt they would attack us from the ground if they really wanted to make us take them serious.

If 5% of US gun owners took up arms wed be the biggest army n the world.

How long have cave dwellers with AKs rebeled against our governement. Half the army would fight for the people. Our guns and our knowledge is litterally all we have in the grand scheme of things. Soon our net will be filtered and guns will be more n more challenging to legally obtain. If u dont wanna be a sitting duck.... Own guns and property
Posts the last several or so pages have been pretty great.

What are you guys thoughts on the parents? With these types of incidents, we usually jump to the conclusion that the parents didn't do enough and place a lot of blame on them.

From the info I've seen it appears that they actually did take action over the years to get him treatment and prevent something like this. Just wonder what else they could have done differently, if anything at all.... I mean the kid was technically an adult but I believe the relationship he had with his family and that whole dynamic will be discussed a good deal.
[CONTENTEMBED=/t/594611/ucsb-student-goes-on-shooting-rampage-upset-at-being-a-virgin/60#post_20702545 layout=inline]


I just think of a Desert Strike situation. I doubt they would attack us from the ground if they really wanted to make us take them serious.

If 5% of US gun owners took up arms wed be the biggest army n the world.

How long have cave dwellers with AKs rebeled against our governement. Half the army would fight for the people. Our guns and our knowledge is litterally all we have in the grand scheme of things. Soon our net will be filtered and guns will be more n more challenging to legally obtain. If u dont wanna be a sitting duck.... Own guns and property

:pimp: that's right. That is the reason why it is that it's our duty as an American Citizen to own weapons.

It's obvious the government wants to disarm their people, it's obvious they want to limit our knowledge and our access to information. I like it how when it comes to nsa and such they say "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about." The same can be said towards them and their intent to disarm us.

As soon as I start this job and get back on my feet I'm gonna buy a couple rifles.
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Posts the last several or so pages have been pretty great.

What are you guys thoughts on the parents? With these types of incidents, we usually jump to the conclusion that the parents didn't do enough and place a lot of blame on them.

From the info I've seen it appears that they actually did take action over the years to get him treatment and prevent something like this. Just wonder what else they could have done differently, if anything at all.... I mean the kid was technically an adult but I believe the relationship he had with his family and that whole dynamic will be discussed a good deal.
He was from a well off family, so his parents probably didn't nurture him from a young age. Seemed like they attempted to use their money to "fix" him. Dude came across in his videos as severely damaged, like almost incapable of loving. I'm guessing his folks just pulled one of the "let the butler raise him" type deals. Just speculation on my part.
Posts the last several or so pages have been pretty great.

What are you guys thoughts on the parents? With these types of incidents, we usually jump to the conclusion that the parents didn't do enough and place a lot of blame on them.

From the info I've seen it appears that they actually did take action over the years to get him treatment and prevent something like this. Just wonder what else they could have done differently, if anything at all.... I mean the kid was technically an adult but I believe the relationship he had with his family and that whole dynamic will be discussed a good deal.

He was from a well off family, so his parents probably didn't nurture him from a young age. Seemed like they attempted to use their money to "fix" him. Dude came across in his videos as severely damaged, like almost incapable of loving. I'm guessing his folks just pulled one of the "let the butler raise him" type deals. Just speculation on my part.

STRONG assumption, my man.

I think we need to stop searching for whom or what to blame.
I often ask this question but I think the whole, "If we don't have guns and "they" try to turn this into legit Martial Law, we need to have something to protect ourselves" is in the back of people's minds.
You really think our arms can fight against the governments tanks, missles etc in a instance of martial law lol?
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to say sex, or lack thereof, drove this kid to murder would be oversimplifying to say the least. his issues with his virgnity was a symptom of a truly deep rooted dissatisfaction he had with himself. the ease with which he was given everything he owned created a insatiable sense of entitlement within this guy. so much so that he couldn't fathom having to actually work to attain anything, be it respect, admiration or women. this is his main issue. once he started smashing, he would've found an issue with the lack of reverence women treated him with, or something else.

this situation is dejecting, and i imagine his parents must be humiliated. what a fatal example that money can't raise your babies for you. in his videos, i view this guy as nothing more than an empty shell, draped in the finest goods money can buy while missing everything that makes a man a man –– substance, character, dignity. everything his parents, his father especially, were responsible for investing in him is absent. but what requires no effort to give –– money –– is there in abundance. his father could direct some of hbo's biggest sitcoms but couldn't steer his son down a path of respect.

i haven't read through much of this thread, so my apologies if i'm repeating an argument already made.

but, within minutes of a serial killer's white identity being revealed, the media wastes no time to label him "mentally ill." these are children who were reared by educated parents in safe and financially stable environments, yet they evoke so much sympathy from us. but no question of a mental state is mentioned when a minority murders or steals. poverty-induced depression and psychosis is very real, and in my opinion, much more valid than the derangement of an overly entitled spoiled brat. trayvon was murdered in innocence, yet zimmerman was met with overwhelming support as the media spent months attempting to prove an unarmed boy deserved to die. elliot rogers premeditated his attack, documented the erosion of his sanity and the inflation of his ego, before carrying out a senseless string of violence.

why are such an overwhelming % of serial killers of the same demographic and background? not just racially, but economically. their actions seem to have no actual cause, and the media goes to unbelievable lengths to try to create one. by the way we're blamed as "naturally violent," it makes me stop and wonder, why aren't black kids shooting up public high schools? or hbcus? or elementary schools? if it is our skin color, and not our circumstances/environment, that makes us behave this way.

when will we wake up? when will we begin to develop less biased, racially skewed, more objective standards for murderers?
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You really think our arms can fight against the governments tanks, missles etc in a instance of martial law lol?

I think you meant to quote me... The us government has been in afghanistan for yearsss fighting a people with far fewer numbers and arms than the american people would have

Also do you believe an american soldier is opening fire on citizens of his or her own country? Some would be brainwashed into it. Half mininal would desert with prob half of them joining the people.

We arnt nuking ourselves. This is why all the gun ban propoganda so they slowly but surely can reduce our rights, informatio and weaponry until we have no choice but to follow the herd.the day there no guns on american streets is the day of a NWO. Im not bout that life
to say sex, or lack thereof, drove this kid to murder would be oversimplifying to say the least. his issues with his virgnity was a symptom of a truly deep rooted dissatisfaction he had with himself. the ease with which he was given everything he owned created a insatiable sense of entitlement within this guy. so much so that he couldn't fathom having to actually work to attain anything, be it respect, admiration or women. this is his main issue. once he started smashing, he would've found an issue with the lack of reverence women treated him with, or something else.

this situation is dejecting, and i imagine his parents must be humiliated. what a fatal example that money can't raise your babies for you. in his videos, i view this guy as nothing more than an empty shell, draped in the finest goods money can buy while missing everything that makes a man a man –– substance, character, dignity. everything his parents, his father especially, were responsible for investing in him is absent. but what requires no effort to give –– money –– is there in abundance. his father could direct some of hbo's biggest sitcoms but couldn't steer his son down a path of respect.

i haven't read through much of this thread, so my apologies if i'm repeating an argument already made.

but, within minutes of a serial killer's white identity being revealed, the media wastes no time to label him "mentally ill." these are children who were reared in by educated parents in safe and financially stable environments, yet they evoke so much sympathy from us. but no question of a mental state is mentioned when a minority murders or steals. poverty-induced depression and psychosis is very real, and in my opinion, much more valid than the derangement of an overly entitled spoiled brat. trayvon was murdered in innocence, yet zimmerman was met with overwhelming support as the media spent months attempting to prove an unarmed boy deserved to die. elliot rogers premeditated his attack, documented the erosion of his sanity and the inflation of his ego, before carrying out a senseless string of violence.

when will we wake up? when will we begin to develop less biased, racially skewed, more objective standards for murderers? if this boy is mentally ill,
^^^ Skin color has nothing to do with mental illness or gun violence... Why are you making that appeal? Serial killers get no sympathy for their actions from ANYONE whether they're black, white, or Asian. I don't get why you're trying to pull this direction into a racial discussion. Plenty of messed up killers in recent times come from very different backgrounds.

1) Dzhokhar & Tamerlan Tsarnaev
2) Seung-hui Choi
3) James Holmes
3) Nidal Malik Hasan
4) John Allen Muhammad
5) Adam Lanza

What needs to be focused on is figuring out a solution which prevents mentally ill people from getting access to guns. When considering that Elliot Rodger was seen by a mental health professional and was still able to obtain a gun, it just shows that there are people that still manage to slip through the cracks of these background checks. Additionally, I don't know what more we can do to improve the quality of mental health care, but if anything this is a good time to make the case for increased accessibility and acceptance throughout our communities.
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^^^ Skin color has nothing to do with mental illness or gun violence... Why are you making that appeal? Serial killers get no sympathy for their actions from ANYONE whether they're black, white, or Asian. I don't get why you're trying to pull this direction into a racial discussion. Plenty of messed up killers in recent times come from very different backgrounds.

1) Dzhokhar & Tamerlan Tsarnaev
2) Seung-hui Choi
3) James Holmes
3) Nidal Malik Hasan
4) John Allen Muhammad
5) Adam Lanza

What needs to be focused on is figuring out a solution which prevents mentally ill people from getting access to guns. When considering that Elliot Rodger was seen by a mental health professional and was still able to obtain a gun, it just shows that there are people that still manage to slip through the cracks of these background checks. Additionally, I don't know what more we can do to improve the quality of mental health care, but if anything this is a good time to make the case for increased accessibility and acceptance throughout our communities.
Not true. Just like these mass shooters, a good deal of analyzing serial killers is dedicated to studying their brain as it relates to psychology. You always hear about their childhood too. Alcoholic dad, abusive uncle, neglect, etc. That type of investigating can result in mitigation during sentencing.
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