Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It

I see entitlement, but not entitlement do to "white privilege". He was racist, sure. He believed that because he was descended from aristocracy he was better than the black guy. But nowhere does he say that because he is white he should get what he wants. He is more expressing incredulity at an "inferior" person getting what he desired. Take another look at prose of that statement.

It really is reaching. You talk about ignoring things and then act as if mental illness played no part.  what i want to see
I see entitlement, but not entitlement do to "white privilege". He was racist, sure. He believed that because he was descended from aristocracy he was better than the black guy. But nowhere does he say that because he is white he should get what he wants. He is more expressing incredulity at an "inferior" person getting what he desired. Take another look at prose of that statement.

It really is reaching. You talk about ignoring things and then act as if mental illness played no part. what i want to see

I guess
Really you should think about that post
Obviously there is some disagreement..
Not that I want to sit here and argue for the sake of arguing
Yet, you not really grasping the entire concept.
Elliot was a victim as well as a beneficiary of "white privilege" or "white male entitlement" or "white male supremacy" or whatever you want to call it.
U wot? Are we reading different paragraphs or like what is going on here?

Dudes even finishes the paragraph by saying "the injustice" :rofl: Like how could it be anymore blatant? Seriously what am I missing here?
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i understand. to accept that white privilege played a part in this would mean as a white person, you would have to examine yourself and possibly find out that you share sentiments with eliot.
Ignore oneilmatt. He got everyone in S&T to hate him, and now he's here in General spewing his nonsense logic. His whole gimmick is to make ridiculous statements and then accuse you of being ignorant and disrespectful of his "opinions" when you call him out on it
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I read the entirety of his manifesto. He did not have "white privilege". His ideas of entitlement were totally to do with his financial situation, physical appearance, and superiority complex. People are taking paragraphs like that and completely over blowing it.

Let's break the paragraph down:

- Women have never liked me

- I am gorgeous and descended from Aristocracy

- How is this possible

- That black guy is ugly IMO and a slave's descendant, making him below me

- How did that ugly, nothing dude smash that girl

- Women reject aristocratic descendants for ugly black guys

- Women are stupid

- This is injustice

That's what it boils down to. He says white once. So what?
Ignore oneilmatt. He got everyone in S&T to hate him, and now he's here in General spewing his nonsense logic. His whole gimmick is to make ridiculous statements and then accuse you of being ignorant and disrespectful of his "opinions" when you call him out on it
Why are you following me around\? You need to take a look at yourself on a deep level because such hatred for somebody who has different opinions on soccer is unhealthy and irrational. 
Following whom? You're the one who came in here posting "Good Lord, man. Get that liberal, bigoted * out of here :smh: " to deflect when the rest of us were having a discussion. You're talking about how he's not white and doesn't feel white entitlement, when he explicitly states that he deserves white women more than minorities (AKA ENTITLEMENT) over and over, and then call us bigoted and reaching :lol: ?

No one's saying that he wasn't mentally sick. He was BOTH

en·ti·tle·ment noun \-ˈtī-təl-mənt\

: the feeling or belief that you deserve to be given something

"I deserve it more" "They reject me? The injustice!"=Entitlement

By the way, my dislike for you has nothing to do with sports. As 10 other people in that thread explicitly told you, you're an arrogant know-nothing that makes stupid statements and then insults other people's intelligence when they prove you wrong.
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Where did I insult anybody's intelligence here? Nowhere. My disagreeing with people in here does not make me arrogant. I also don't see how I'm a know-nothing. You keep making statements and attacks like that and you have no idea who I am. You choose to see what you want to see I suppose.

My "liberal, bigoted" comment was in responsive to an offensive article posted in here. 
His problems stemmed from way more than race, he felt he was privileged to EVERYTHING because he had money, and American Media focuses very hard on money being everything.
His problems stemmed from way more than race, he felt he was privileged to EVERYTHING because he had money, and American Media focuses very hard on money being everything.

I'd say it was a combination of everything. Mental illness combined with a feeling of entitlement due to his race and expensive possessions
The people arguing against white privilege just don't really understand the concept. They think it's an opinion. Or they think it's an attack on white people. No, it's not. It's just a fact of American life. If you are white or white-passing (like RODGERS was even though he was half-Asian) - you benefit from white privilege. It's a fact.

And while he did have many unresolved issues, it's very clear that his rage and anger stemmed from his white privilege and his male privilege. Now maybe his mental state caused him to lash out in a way that a normal person wouldn't - that doesn't change the fact that his whiteness and gender and American culture were a HUGE factor here. An inseparable factor when discuss the "why" behind this.

The funny part is that his manifestos lay this stuff out for us yet people will still refuse to acknowledge it. I know that talking about white privilege and male privilege is uncomfortable but it's a reality of life right now. Accepting it and being willing to discuss it is the only way to move forward.
Shoryu makes some good points too. This kid was never actually even rejected. Not once did he make a move and get turned down. Not once did he get done wrong by a woman. He kinda just expected stuff to happen but it never did and he decided to lash out at women and call it rejection. Clearly, he had something wrong with him and needed some type of therapy. It's wrong to ignore this aspect of this situation. It's also wrong to ignore him being white and male though.
yes, he was racist. but from my personal opinion, he was a narcissistic spoiled brat. "if i can't get what i want, i destroy it!" -- brattiness to the extreme. everything was handed to him, he didn't have to lift a finger for much in his life basically. getting a girlfriend on his end requires some EFFORT and he failed to realize that. 

i think his extreme narcissism is a coping mechanism, per say, of feeling "rejected by society". i think the root of him feeling this way was his asperger's syndrome -- he didn't understand basic human interaction. from reading his manifesto in its entirety, i noticed he NEVER initiated any type of social interaction with a girl he found attractive.

being only "blonde and beautiful" is the only thing he looks for in a girlfriend. what about her personality and the way they'll interact? that's the basis of a relationship. i think that his difficulty of social interaction flaws his understanding.

he thinks that being wealthy and his material posessions makes him entitled to having a girlfriend.... nah boo, girls can care less about that. they care more about HOW they'd be treated rather than the price of his $300 gucci sunglasses.

if he wanted a simple **** with a girl, he can go on those dating websites.

just my two cents. 


He was not only a racist, but he had an unreasonable amount of hatred for everyone. He thoroughly expressed his disdain for Blacks, Hispanics, other Asians, Indians, white people with inexpensive cars, poor people in general, anyone over 6 feet tall, anyone with a girlfriend and everyone who has ever had sex. There was a hell of a lot more going on with this kid than simply racism and white privilege.
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the denial 
He was not only a racist, but he had an unreasonable amount of hatred for everyone. He thoroughly expressed his disdain for Blacks, Hispanics, other Asians, Indians, white people with inexpensive cars, poor people in general, anyone over 6 feet tall, anyone with a girlfriend and everyone who has ever had sex. There was a hell of a lot more going on with this kid than simply racism and white privilege.

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