Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It

When I get strapped up, false bottoms everywhere. I'm popping guns out of arm rests, fake draws, I might pop out a damn shotty from under the table. Yes, all the ones high enough up that young children can't reach them will def be loaded, at least the one in the kitchen and the one over the fireplace, it'll look like a trophy, but it will be loaded and my family will know it.  My wife wife will be the only one who knows where everything is, then my children when they turn...hmmm fourteen.fifteen. They will be raised around guns, so guns won't be a "toy" or they won't be "interesting" they will be a fact of life, if they want to shoot, they will have their own. I'll have like five guns in the crib and no one will ever know. I'm popping guns out like moutha******* Kill Bill. Hopefully, if a home invasion happens, my family will be ready. Home invasions ain't ish to mess with.
14 15 is kind of late. I'm starting mine at 10-12 ish.
My 5 year old has been to the range with me twice this year. I grew up around guns, have owned pistols off and on since I was 16. Being taught how to handle a firearm properly goes a long way.
I have a 3 year old who I've started to take with me.  "If you can walk & talk, you can shoot."  That's my motto.
I moved to Vermont when I was 13 and lived there for 8 years... Back country, redneck Vermont, where my graduating class had 20 kids... Litterly 90% of households had guns in them... Students were allowed to bring their guns to school if they went hunting that morning.. I never felt safer... There was/is nearly zero gun crime... People respect and know how to use guns there, it's ingrained into the culture... There was a 5 year old who shot the largest deer all season long one year lol... The few local stores NEVER got robbed because their is always a guy with a gun in his truck outside...

And don't forget, the 2nd Amendment allows us to have guns to protect us from the Government... Not each other, but the Government... The government taken that right away, or severely limiting it, just leads to other rights be taken away...

The problems are not guns, it's people... A gun is nothing more than a tool.. If the gun was never invented or thought of, people would still be using swords and knives... While obviously a gun is easier, people will always find a way to do what they feel as though they need to do.. We don't need better gun control, we need better human control...
I moved to Vermont when I was 13 and lived there for 8 years... Back country, redneck Vermont, where my graduating class had 20 kids... Litterly 90% of households had guns in them... Students were allowed to bring their guns to school if they went hunting that morning.. I never felt safer... There was/is nearly zero gun crime... People respect and know how to use guns there, it's ingrained into the culture... There was a 5 year old who shot the largest deer all season long one year lol... The few local stores NEVER got robbed because their is always a guy with a gun in his truck outside...

And don't forget, the 2nd Amendment allows us to have guns to protect us from the Government... Not each other, but the Government... The government taken that right away, or severely limiting it, just leads to other rights be taken away...

The problems are not guns, it's people... A gun is nothing more than a tool.. If the gun was never invented or thought of, people would still be using swords and knives... While obviously a gun is easier, people will always find a way to do what they feel as though they need to do.. We don't need better gun control, we need better human control...
Preach, brother!
I'll say this much about this debate...

Stray knives aren't killing and paralyzing innocent bystanders.
How are you a millionaire and get no yambs!?....plenty of hot THOTS ready to give it up EASILY to the highest bidder...
I'll say this much about this debate...

Stray knives aren't killing and paralyzing innocent bystanders.
what about that dude in China who stabbed like 30 kids
Those weren't stray stabbings. He set out to stab as many little kids as he could.

The whole debate is "guns don't kill people, people do. Stop blaming the guns."

But stray knives aren't a problem.
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I moved to Vermont when I was 13 and lived there for 8 years... Back country, redneck Vermont, where my graduating class had 20 kids... Litterly 90% of households had guns in them... Students were allowed to bring their guns to school if they went hunting that morning.. I never felt safer... There was/is nearly zero gun crime... People respect and know how to use guns there, it's ingrained into the culture... There was a 5 year old who shot the largest deer all season long one year lol... The few local stores NEVER got robbed because their is always a guy with a gun in his truck outside...

And don't forget, the 2nd Amendment allows us to have guns to protect us from the Government... Not each other, but the Government... The government taken that right away, or severely limiting it, just leads to other rights be taken away...

The problems are not guns, it's people... A gun is nothing more than a tool.. If the gun was never invented or thought of, people would still be using swords and knives... While obviously a gun is easier, people will always find a way to do what they feel as though they need to do.. We don't need better gun control, we need better human control...
I feel you but...

If the wants to take over... They will..

They got army gunzzzz

Thread title change is lulz, too.
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I'll say this much about this debate...

Stray knives aren't killing and paralyzing innocent bystanders.

what about that dude in China who stabbed like 30 kids

Those weren't stray stabbings. He set out to stab as many little kids as he could.

The whole debate is "guns don't kill people, people do. Stop blaming the guns."

But stray knives aren't a problem.

If guns didn't exist, maybe ninja stars would be popular.. Seriously...
[h2]Whitewashed: The NY Times Writes About Elliot Rodger's Mental Health. Mentions of Racism? Zero[/h2]

I  have written  a series of essays  about Elliot Rodgers.

In the 24/7 news cycle, topics are treated with drive-by grace: they are discussed briefly and then the next “if it bleeds it leads” subject is the object of focus.

I have continued to write about Elliot Rodger because his murder spree is a concentrated example of so much that is wrong with American society: gun culture, consumerism, racism, woman-hating, crude sexuality as power without an appreciation for the erotic, White Supremacy, broken masculinity, a failed mental health system, and white privilege are channeled through his tortured life and gross actions.

There is a satisfaction that comes with “connecting the dots” about an issue of public concern in a way that garners acknowledgement and affirmation from the public and those in the pundit classes.

However, there is also a sickening sadness that comes with being correct about the nature of an event--how White Supremacy and whiteness hurts white people and others--that had death and destruction as a result.

Here, I wrote about how the mainstream media has, quite literally, white washed the Elliot Rodger saga, subsequently ignoring his manifesto, to remove any reference to how White Supremacy and internalized racism were major factors in his murder rampage.

My observation has been echoed and built upon by several other writers (most notably a recent piece in Al Jazeera by Dexter Thomas). Nevertheless, it remains an outlier opinion.

As evidence of how our discussions of the role that internalized white racism played in Elliot Rodger’s murder spree, and the mainstream media’s gross neglect in discussing such an obvious fact, I point to the NY Times' piece "Before Brief, Deadly Spree, Trouble Since 8".

There, the authors offer a rich and compelling narrative about Elliot Rodger’s mental health issues that led to his killing six people near Santa Barbara, California.

How many times is racism or internalized White Supremacy mentioned in the Times' recent story? Zero.

Moreover, the photo accompanying The NY Times’s story features a picture of Elliot Rodger, as a child, with his hair dyed blonde. Rodger’s hair color is presented as a curious fact, one unmoored from the larger context of his life, and the decision to kill people in a misogynistic and racist rage that he wrote extensively about in his diary.

Elliot Rodger desperately wanted to be a “fully white” man. As he detailed in his manifesto, he both idealized and idolized Whiteness.

And as he wrote in his manifesto, Elliot Rodger’s decision, with parental consent, to change his hair color to “look less Asian” is dead center in the mania that drove a self-hating white Asian to kill.

The mainstream American news media reproduces the white racial frame and the White Gaze. In addition, the American news media also helps to socialize citizens into a set of values about “appropriate” values and beliefs about the nature of social reality.

The decision makers in the American news media are also overwhelmingly white and male.

As a fact, this is not necessarily a problem. However, to the degree that such an arrangement results in a narrow, distorted, and myopic view of social reality which reinforces Whiteness and White Supremacy, those demographics can be extremely dangerous to the Truth.

Was there a pitch meeting where the role of racism and White Supremacy in the context of Elliot Rodger’s murder spree was discussed and then discarded? Who knows? In the writing of "Before Brief, Deadly Spree, Trouble Since 8", did a junior editor point out the obvious contradiction and question posed by a picture of a self-hating Elliot Rodger with blonde hair and a story which does not mention his internalized racism? I am unsure.

The famous sociolinguist Noam Chomsky has written extensively and persuasively about how the mainstream media's coverage of events is constrained within a narrow set of rules and scripts about what is considered “appropriate” for the public discourse. These rules do not need to be discussed in order to be acted upon. They exist, are understood to be real, and like many manifestations of Power, make themselves known by virtue of the consequences felt by those individuals who dare to bend or break them.

In the post civil rights era, a moment when a black man is President of the United States of America, it is acceptable for the mass media to discuss incidents of gross and ugly racism. On some occasions, a smart and especially talented journalist can find a way to sneak a discussion of institutional racism into the public discourse: Ta-Nehisi Coates' recent piece about the crimes committed against black Americans by their own country is one such example.

Yet, to talk in an honest and direct fashion about the role of race, White Supremacy, and aggrieved white male entitlement in mass gun violence remains outside of the boundaries of what constitutes “polite” public discourse.

I would like to be able to laugh as I watch American opinion makers avoid discussing the influence of internalized White Supremacy and racism in Elliot Rodger’s wicked and evil behavior. In all, they are avoiding the role of white racism in Elliot Rodger’s behavior almost like it is a hot rivet that has fallen down the back of their shirts while innocently walking past a construction site manned by buffoons.

In avoiding the fact of White Supremacy’s relationship to Elliot Rodger, the mass media is offering up a racialized version of classic comedy routines by The Three Stooges or Laurel and Hardy.

I want so very much to laugh. I cannot. Why?

I am concerned and worried about the mental and spiritual well-being of my white brothers and sisters and how White Supremacy does so much harm to too many of them. In that sentiment, I am like most black and brown Americans; I am their best friend because I am willing to tell them the truth when others are not.

Once more and again, what is The NY Times, and the supposedly "liberal" media, afraid of in their reporting about Elliot Rodger? Why are they running away from the role that White Supremacy and internalized racism played in his deeds?
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Good Lord, man. Get that liberal, bigoted * out of here 
Yeah this guy was pathetic, shame he took others with him. These "forever alone" cats are real, just pathetic.
Code? Nah. Bigoted in insinuating that whites and the "white" media give "whites" a pass. All very negative towards a race and assuming that when someone is a part of said race that they are "racist".
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