September Wrestling Thread 2021

Really cool to see the production team work to build and build and build. Then time the music cue. The camera angles, the timing. Everything was perfect. And their reaction to getting that loud of a pop from the crowd. So cool to see man
Just got this Kurt Angle tee :pimp:

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DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican

Did you listen to the beginning of Simmons pod from Monday when he was talking about SummerSlam and CM? Always intrigued to hear from people that are more casual viewers. They seem to enjoy everything significantly more.
* The original plan was for Tony Schiavone to introduce CM Punk before Punk made his entrance. However, it was changed to Punk not being introduced and that Schiavone will interview him on Dynamite. Tony however did say to Khan that if he were to introduce Punk, they'd have to really discuss it because his introduction should be minimal.

* The whole time, Khan wouldn't say that Punk was gonna be there. He didn't say his name at all. During the meeting the day before, as they were going over the format, all it said was "Special guest." Even Punk's locker room didn't have his name on it. It said "Special guest."

* The format they went over the day before Rampage said "Tony Schiavone introduces special guest." So up until the last minute, Schiavone was scheduled to introduce CM Punk.

* When CM Punk arrived to the building, one of the guys he was flanked by was Lou D'Angeli, otherwise known as Sign Guy Dudley.

* During Rampage, Schiavone says he was sitting next to Tony Khan in the go position.

* Schiavone says the only thing Punk was instructed on saying was to mention Darby Allin to set up their All Out match. The rest of the promo was all the brainchild of CM Punk.

* Schiavone says when CM Punk made his entrance, everybody in the locker room gathered around the go position. Omega, The Young Bucks, everybody. They all wanted to see what CM Punk had to say.

* Schiavone says that Britt Baker was beside herself that CM Punk mentioned her name.

* Schiavone says after the show, around 11:30 or Midnight, he went to dinner. It was him, Tony Khan, CM Punk, Rebel, Britt Baker, CM Punk's entourage, Jeff Jones, Tony Khan's girlfriend, among others. Schiavone ended up getting back to his room around 2:30. At that point, he already had to get up at 3:30 for a 5 AM flight, so he decided to stay up.

* Schiavone says that for the first time in many, many years, he didn't go to sleep that night. And honestly, it was all worth it.

Source: What Happened When Episode 241
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican

Did you listen to the beginning of Simmons pod from Monday when he was talking about SummerSlam and CM? Always intrigued to hear from people that are more casual viewers. They seem to enjoy everything significantly more.
I haven't been listening to them as much lately TBH.

I will go back and listen for that segment though.
The pressure is 100% on AEW, time to get big boy viewing numbers like Smackdown, but I dont think it will happen AEW is a little boy with a little boy owner who uses his Daddys money to come in second place.
AEW stands for Average Extremely Weak, the perfect promotion for 2nd place fans.

All talk, no winning wrestling.

2nd in demos, 2nd in ratings, what else 2nd place can they do?

Sign the Second-City Saint? more 2nd place stuff.
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According to ur GM Canadian Destroyer Canadian Destroyer Im the top star, and it shows cause you and 6 other people are coming for me, no one coming for you, cause you aint a star like me.
Who structures the formats for RAW and SD?

Whoever the hell it is should have been fired a LONG time ago.

AEW is on the way UP
meh, muted. I’m only working limited dates, only feuding with the top of the food chain
I'll set up a 6 on 1 handicap match since Hijo del Porno is sure he can take on all competitors
Watched the first 3 matches of Takeover earlier...

LA Gear/Grimes was fun. Grimes couldn't be more over.

The Kota/Lady Diesel was meh.

Walter/Dragonoff with another MOTY candidate. Beat the hell out of each other. Told a good story. Great match. Interested to see what happens with Walter from here.
LA Knight has IT, but the name will always hold him back
Name is dumb, but people will get over IT. If something holds him back it’ll probably be his height. He’s not tiny, but not particularly big either.

Really good on the mic though and a lot of times that’s the most important aspect. Don’t see why he couldn’t be a solid midcarder on the main roster.
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