September Wrestling Thread 2021


Star Wars fan even bring had pants had pants back :wow:


I find it interesting that the die hard wwe universe cult tries so hard to lable aew fans as a cult.

Like they havent been the biggest cult in the last 40 years praying for every other wrestling company to go out of business.

aew has been in business for a whopping 2 years and their fans are a cult.

seem like wwe fanboys showing their insecurities again

please somebody anybody make it make sense

"Guerrera has wrestled for nearly 30 years in the business. He confirmed that he did speak with AEW President Tony Khan after the match, and described what Khan’s reaction meant to him.

“He gave me a thumbs up. I went back to the locker room,” Guerrera said. “He was right there at Gorilla position. He got up. He shook my hand. He said, ‘Great match, good match. Thank you very much,’ and before I came out, when I was going from my locker room to the stage, I heard somebody saying, ‘Juvi! Juvi! Juvi!’ I was like, who’s calling me? Then I turn around. It was TK, or Tony Khan, and he was like, ‘Thank you Juvi for being here. It’s a pleasure for me to have you on this show.’ I was in shock.

“I was like, wow, the boss is welcoming me in this way. It was a tremendous moment. It gave me this good feeling of wow, this is something different. This is not just a major company, this is something that has value. Somebody actually values your work and the years that you’ve put in this business. It was outstanding I just want to say thank you to Tony Khan.”
Well this should go over well :lol: :

Roman Reigns is going to defend the Universal championship against John Cena this Saturday, Aug. 21, at SummerSlam 2021.

Cena is no longer the face that runs the place. He is now one of the part-timers that he used to criticize a decade ago when he was preparing to face The Rock at WrestleMania 28. WWE has doubled down on nostalgia acts taking up main event slots on the biggest shows of the year. Just look at this SummerSlam card, where in addition to Cena competing in the main event, Goldberg is challenging for the WWE championship, and Edge is going to war with Seth Rollins.

When CM Punk explained why he left WWE in early 2014, one thing he pointed out was his frustration with being booked to lose against part-timers like The Rock, Brock Lesnar, and Undertaker in 2013. Ariel Helwani referenced Punk’s frustration when asking Roman Reigns how he feels about a part-timer like Cena coming in and taking a main event spot at SummerSlam this weekend. Roman said he can see both sides of the debate, but he took a shot at CM Punk while doing so:

No lies told
I wish they had more girl WWE birthday supplies. It's my little ones birthday next week and she is a huge Sasha Banks fan and i have been able to find a couple things to get her but not like birthday party supplies. All the supplies Party City have are so boyish smh. Also she likes that creepy Alexa Bliss doll which i ordered her and got delivered today cant wait to see this creepy thing around my house LOL
Always preferred that dark atmosphere.

It felt very old-school.

I've always hated how bright WWF/E was.

It gave them a DISTINCT look when compared to the main roster shows.

I wonder what the arrangement with Full SAIL actually was.

It was fun while it lasted.
The original idea was part of a TV production education track. They used students to help on set, taught shooting/editing, lighting, stage design, etc and it counted toward class credit.

Once the show got popular they ended up phasing out the students who hadn't graduated and been grandfathered into positions and hired or brought in E's own crew.

Sad to see that the program is now void unless they can get another program to take its place.
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