Serious question: Why do men cheat?

Oct 27, 2007
I'm in a serious relationship and I'm happy where I'm at but there's always temptation with women as well know there is always someone hotterbut doesn't necessarily mean they are best suited for you. I'm not going to lie, I always check out other women 24/7 and I work in corporate america,does anyone see anything wrong with this? There's a saying just bc you are on a diet doesn't mean you can look at the menu. I'm in my late 20'sand my lady/wifey thinks I'm up to no good and I've changed a lot but I still check girls out 24/7 like a radar detector. Why do women always feelthreatened by other women?
be careful
I compare women to food.
Say your women is the finest, most delicious steak in the world. That's cool, but do you want to eat steak every day? Sometimes you just want a greasy,sloppy cheesburger.
lack of things in a relationship.i go by this ...most relationships have about a 70% rate of things they like in one another.30% in other people they know ortalk to.sometimes they feel the need to satisy the other 30%..I just stick with the 70%.
Men cheat because women allow us to cheat. They're #%+!!, they want to complain and ask us why do we cheat, when they're the ones that help us cheat,by making it so easy to smash. If women weren't so easy, less people would be cheating.

And women cheat just the same...
Only thing better than {o} is new {o}

Honestly I think men are genetically predisposed to want to mate with multiple people.
Back in the day in my early 20's yes I would consider cheating but I guess my happy but let me tell you when I was in vegas a few months back there was somany tails it was unreal, I felt I was single but couldn't pull the trigger so instead I gambled my @ss away to being compted by the palazzo on going backwith free stay in their suites. I would talk to the chick and spit game but couldn't go through with it bc I'm not spending money on other chicks andI'm happy where I'm at. I just want my lady 2 stop assuming how can I do that? Do I put on my horse blinders on 24/7 haha.
Simple. Most every guy starts out with the nice guy approach...You know, hold open doors, say compliments, hold hands in the park. Then, of all things he getstaken for granted and eventually the girl will let him loose because he's probably too nice.

After one or a few of these relationships, guys will proceed by saying f it, "nice guys do finish last"...I'm gonna get mine now. And hence forthsaid guy will be a dog and treat women the way he feels will reciprocate to all those broken hearted relationships.

That's one approach at least.
Our instinct is to mate with as many of the opposite sex as possible whether male or female... read this on a science article on somewhere.
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

women cheat just as much


Just in society if men cheat its because they are dogs

If women cheat its because the man abuses them

Women are dogs too tho... don't be fooled
Variety..plain and simple

I maybe drivin a lambo...and still wanna know how a ferrari drives like.....
I think I have morals or snapped out of it but my lady is a good wife compared to a lot of women.....what girl do you know who cooks, cleans, family oriented,athletic, does not like clubs, stays home and chills and rocks jordans :smile: I know there are a lot of good looking girls out there but I know other chicks outthere even if they are jessica alba can't compete with my future wifey..........let me take that back maybe I'll reconsider but honestly money andlooks only go so far, quit being so shallow as I know our egos are way out of this norm.
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