Serious question: Why do men cheat?

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

The real question is why do Women cheat?

Cuz you *!$$@# are LAMES!
Originally Posted by lovemysole

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

The real question is why do Women cheat?

Cuz you *!$$@# are LAMES!
But then why are you with them in the first place?
You'd have to be WITH a lame to cheat on them. lol
i love cheating! makes me feel alive!! makes me a better boyfriend knowing i have other options.
Originally Posted by eight2one

i love cheating! makes me feel alive!! makes me a better boyfriend knowing i have other options.
How does cheating make you a better bf?

Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by lovemysole

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

The real question is why do Women cheat?

Cuz you *!$$@# are LAMES!
But then why are you with them in the first place?
You'd have to be WITH a lame to cheat on them. lol

This was directed toward CertifiedSW in particular but no I don't do that. I'd break it off because if he ain't worth the time then there's nopoint in dragging the relationship.

The real question is: why do people stay with their signicant others after they've cheated and on multiple occasions?!! You know the saying is true,"Once a cheater ... always a cheater," but maybe not for life because I'm not saying that people who have cheated can't change their ways.
Originally Posted by lovemysole

Originally Posted by eight2one

i love cheating! makes me feel alive!! makes me a better boyfriend knowing i have other options.
How does cheating make you a better bf?

cuz when im cheating, im nicer and have more content and calm with something on the side.
Honestly - I know more females who cheat than males. I know the numbers should work out technically, but i guess they don't really because girls cheat withthe same guys or something... i don't know, i just know personally that girls are much shadier in my experiences than men.

Men are dirty - but females now are just as bad.
Originally Posted by lovemysole

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

The real question is why do Women cheat?

Cuz you *!$$@# are LAMES!

Women will cheat regardless. It doesn't matter how much you show you care about them, how much they mean to you, etc.
Lames, or not, women just don't care about how much they're hurting the other person.
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by lovemysole

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

The real question is why do Women cheat?

Cuz you *!$$@# are LAMES!

Women will cheat regardless. It doesn't matter how much you show you care about them, how much they mean to you, etc.
Lames, or not, women just don't care about how much they're hurting the other person.

we're heartless...

we'll tell you how much we love you after we just left your dads room
i've cheated once i get bored with the relationship or go over a couple speed bumps with shortee.........the allure of weman somehow noticing you when yourhaving problems with your woman and making themselves readily available is uncanny!!! its like they have a sense for that type of thing.......and then when youproceed to involve yourself with them, you feel on the edge for taking that risk, and you always think theres no way you can get always keepin the front of your mind "its just for fun, dont get in too deep, give an go" and it is imperative that you let the other female know that! becauseit could cause create a whole new set of problems between you two!

so if you know that the hardships between you and the main squeeze are temporary, and for silly reasons that can be patched up...go back and handle thatsituation.....if you do go back, its probably because you have someone better at home....."the grass is always greener on the other side"

dont get caught!!! and if your significant other decides to still be with you after finding out.......nip it in the bud, and dont string them along with thesame actions over and over can really screw up someones life like that, and it will always come back to haunt YOU sooner or later

so just be smart, dont do it if you dont have to, and if you do....dont get addicted

1Luv & 1Milly.................
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by lovemysole

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

The real question is why do Women cheat?

Cuz you *!$$@# are LAMES!

Women will cheat regardless. It doesn't matter how much you show you care about them, how much they mean to you, etc.
Lames, or not, women just don't care about how much they're hurting the other person.

we're heartless...

we'll tell you how much we love you after we just left your dads room

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by kix4kix

It is our nature



Nah Kix is right-- it is our nature.

This is exactly why my gender is naturally more inclined and predisposed to cheat. As Anton already pointed out, and Nawth confirmed, it's all biology andsexual evolution.

Now with that said, let it be known that using biology as an excuse it a complete cop-out--though a good cop-out, it's a cop-out nonetheless. Were we inthe wild still operating under "Darwin's-hostile-forces", then promiscuity would be OK and perfectly normal. In fact, were we still in the wild,the term "cheating" wouldn't even hold merit simply because a promiscous individual would simply be maximizing his or her fitness--true story.

BUT, to the dismay of players worldwide, we're not in the wild. We're instead, living in highly organized social communities with rules andregulations that are, ideally, geared for the benefit of ALL MEN. We no longer live and die by the proverbs--"only the strong survive" and/or"survival of the fittest"-- because we've evolved beyond that nature, and our biological blueprint.

Point is, as contrary to our biological nature as this may be, we've advanced well enough to point where we're perfectly capable of maintainingmonogamous relationships as a consequence of our social evolution--which took precedence over our biological evolution the minute we aggregated into complexsocial communities. Ideally, monogamy serves to strengthen the "inter--" and "intra--" gender bonds in a given community--resulting in asociety that is significantly stronger and stable. I won't get into the "hows" of this dynamic, but I'm more than confident that thosemature, and learned, members in this forum, and in this thread, will know or at the very least, have an idea of what I am talking about.

With that said, the need to indulge one's sexual urges, though biologically natural--for males--, will always create social problems. Why--because that"urge" puts the need of the individual, above that of the community at large. Whenever an individual puts his or her needs over that of thecommunity, you'll always have social problems. This is the case FOR EVERY SOCIAL PROBLEM WE HAVE TODAY--open your eyes and see for yourself. In the end, wechastise "cheats" and demonize promiscuity because it runs counter to our social evolution.

The way I see it and to sum things up--it's very natural to want to cheat. Like Kix said, it's human nature. In fact, it's not just human nature,rather, it's animal nature to want to spread your seed. Promiscuity is not just a human thing--it's an animal thing--it was programmed into us bymother nature in an attempt to ensure that we replicate our species' and further our genes. BUT now, ask yourself--are you an animal. Specifically, are you an animal still constrained by Darwin's-hostile-forces and nature's biological blueprint, orare you a cultured and socially astute being capable of thriving independent of nature's blueprint, in a socially acceptable manner--one that benefits theentire community.

Personally, I'd like to think that I am the latter. I'd like to think that I am more than my sperm and greater than the urge to spread my seed. Asunromantic as this may sound, I only need one chick to send my genes into the future so I have no need, reason, or desire to be promiscuous. People that cheat,and that goes for men AND women, are no better than the animals roaming in the wild--word to mother nature's blueprint.

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by lovemysole

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

The real question is why do Women cheat?

Cuz you *!$$@# are LAMES!

Women will cheat regardless. It doesn't matter how much you show you care about them, how much they mean to you, etc.
Lames, or not, women just don't care about how much they're hurting the other person.

we're heartless...

we'll tell you how much we love you after we just left your dads room


but that's not true ... take your BROTHER for example. Even I knowhe has on multiple occasions, she's never done him wrong like that. I still think she's nuts for sticking with him after all of that.
When men Cheat, we do it just because its Poon. No feelings involved. No nothing.. When Women cheat they have feelings involved.. I have never cheated but imsure my gf has.. i just dont want to believe it..i know im a simp..
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by lovemysole

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

The real question is why do Women cheat?

Cuz you *!$$@# are LAMES!

Women will cheat regardless. It doesn't matter how much you show you care about them, how much they mean to you, etc.
Lames, or not, women just don't care about how much they're hurting the other person.



it's animal nature to want to spread your seed

but i know you guys are not out here trying to make babies with most of these 'birds' so why even take the chance?
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

You hit the nail on the head.

I just want to say that you sound sexy, no simp. But, that is because every time you post, you sound intelligent and write so eloquently. That is sexy.
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