Serious question: Why do men cheat?

There isn't anything wrong w/ look at people and admiring them from afar. It's human nature. cheating is an entirely different thing. People cheatbecause they lack respect or understanding of their partner. It also has to do w/ immaturity or fear. If you feel like something is missing in yourrelationship you should talk w/ your partner or get out of the relationship. Cheating is selfish and unfair.

btw mating w/ a lot of people has nothing to do w/ cheating. If you want to be with multiple people then don't be in a relationship. That is a poorexcuse.
I don't put myself in this position right now (staying single purposely) but fear the day I actually meet wifey and get put to the test by some other ho.
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Sex is natural. Monogamy is (hu)man-made. Nature usually wins.

Monogamy is found in other species other than humans, generally birds.

Well then go date a bird.
Isn't guys who dates 'birds', anyways I'm just saying monogamy is not a man made social notion.
I think humans have been pretty much balanced between monogamy and polygamy. But even in the monogamous cultures, I would say that less than halfactually hold true to the concept (just a guess). I would say that most men are initially polygamous then attempt topractice monogamy in their later years as they move into the family concept. With that said, I do understand where you are coming from.

Originally Posted by Amunfei24

Just admit accept majority of the men are straight dogs men.

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Sex is natural. Monogamy is (hu)man-made. Nature usually wins.

Monogamy is found in other species other than humans, generally birds.
Monogamous birds cheat....I remember watching a video of that in my animal behavior class. Usually the parent that invests theleast in making an offspring has a tendency to wander. Women are not born with an unlimited number of eggs so it pays to find find a stable, faithful partnerwith a lot of resources that will ensure the survival of her offspring. Males have an unlimited number of sperm, they maximize their fitness by impregnating asmany females as possible. Now this of course depends on environmental factors such as food availability and safety. Males tend to invest more in rearing theiroffspring when the chances of survival are low and resources are scarce.

I forgot what bird it was where the roles were reversed (not penguins) and the females leave the males to rear the children and they go off to find new males.

There's your Animal Behavior lesson for the day.

That being said, women cheat too...probably not as much as men but I'm sure they cheat more often than we think they do.
it's not cheating, it's insurance. You know, in case she's doing dirt you're covered. And word to AntonLaVey. Men sleep around and women aregold diggers.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Sex is natural. Monogamy is (hu)man-made. Nature usually wins.

Monogamy is found in other species other than humans, generally birds.
Monogamous birds cheat....I remember watching a video of that in my animal behavior class. Usually the parent that invests the least in making an offspring has a tendency to wander. Women are not born with an unlimited number of eggs so it pays to find find a stable, faithful partner with a lot of resources that will ensure the survival of her offspring. Males have an unlimited number of sperm, they maximize their fitness by impregnating as many females as possible. Now this of course depends on environmental factors such as food availability and safety. Males tend to invest more in rearing their offspring when the chances of survival are low and resources are scarce.

I forgot what bird it was where the roles were reversed (not penguins) and the females leave the males to rear the children and they go off to find new males.

There's your Animal Behavior lesson for the day.

That being said, women cheat too...probably not as much as men but I'm sure they cheat more often than we think they do.

You're thinking of black swans, the males raise the chicks. Wait no they're the homosexual birds LOL but yeah, it's another waterfowl bird species. Birds are just interesting all around, especially in Planet Earth
Men cheat for many reason, just as women do, but the difference is that
most men lack self control and are just greedy and easily enticed by the
opposite sex (or same for that matter). Some men (and women) are just
really sexual and find that the only way to satisfy their needs would be to
sleep with as many people as possible.

Its hard for some men to commit to just one person, some do it as insurance,
in case they find out said partner is promiscuous, they got theirs off too, which
is at the same time pretty pointless. Again, most are just greedy and lack self
control. Many men get into relationships knowing that they arent going to stay
committed to that one person. Why, because they feel they have found something
good, but are afraid of losing out on the many possible options out there and still

My proposal would be to date around w/o hopping in a relationship until u find out
what u really want in a female. My question has always been, if u sleep with mad
people, whats ever gonna make u stop? After u finish searching, u become addicted
to the lifestyle and cant help it.

The best thing to do would be to find a suitable girl that wouldnt mind bringing in
other females into ur intimate lives. Even still, some are addicted to the allure of
doing dirt without getting caught. Its a toss up.
Humans cheat because they lack in morals and self control. Looking/glancing is one thing but when you start starring and thinking about these girls that'swhen you crossing the line.
if they give it up you think you can get another one to give it up....if they don't give it up you want one that does.
Men cheat....women cheat. The ones with self control and emotional strength can be faithful in a relationship.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Sex is natural. Monogamy is (hu)man-made. Nature usually wins.

Monogamy is found in other species other than humans, generally birds.

Birds...heck naw. If anything, they're the problem as they encourage and facilitate the cheating behavior of men...

**lolz...i know what you meant...but I just couldn't resist the play on words...lolz**


Men's instinct is to reproduce with as many females as possible, by the way, keep in mind that men strive for younger and better reproductive partnerswhich ultimately leads to cheating (Soc. Pysch 160).
Because society puts too much emphasis on monogamy-- and a small minded concept, in my opinion. I'm not saying people CAN'T be monogamousbut its drilled into our heads from an early age that this is the way it should be. Fall in love. Get married. Don't cheat. blah blah blah. People getcaught up in it. Some turn into lying $!! snakes and others stay hurt over it.

It's monogamy's fault but I think honesty is the real issue here. Everybody wants to have their cake and eatit they lie to get and keep what they want. That's more despicable than the act of adultery itself to me. It all applies to women too. Peopledon't want to be upfront about their intentions and motives. It sucks because people get hurt that way.

But I'm not a man so I don't know why men cheat ... these are just my thoughts.
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