Serious question

Oct 3, 2010
Edit: has anyone here reached the point where they dont feel like living anymore? what did you do to get out of this state of mind? 
no. just like you cant pray to God to be rich and he'lljust make you rich.

also, thats a form of suicide, which sends you to hell.

Originally Posted by lostsoulswander

If I pray to god to end my life, will he do it?

Actually despite popular belief this can happen.

what you need to do is.

don't eat or drink or go to the bathroom and pray all day everyday...god will eventually kill you.  Just do NOTHING but pray.  He will take u
another question, has anyone here reached the point where they dont feel like living anymore? what did you do to get out of this state of mind? 
Originally Posted by lostsoulswander

another question, has anyone here reached the point where they dont feel like living anymore? what did you do to get out of this state of mind? 

I felt like that i killed every time
yo how about you tell us whats up and why youre thinking of killing yourself and try to solve the prob that way
Nothing is worth killing yourself over. Everything that you're going thru is temporary, even though it may not seem like it...but death is forever. There's no comin back from that.
Life on a whole just sucks right now. No job ( just got let go), school is kicking my +!*, my vision seems to be getting worse by the day, im coughing up blood & vomitting a lot lately, and my family on a whole right now isnt doing too good. Idk, that thread about staying positive made me have a slightly better outlook but i don't even know what my purpose is anymore. Like why am i even wasting my time in college if i dont know what i want to do for a profession.
Originally Posted by Cameron Nelson

Nothing is worth killing yourself over. Everything that you're going thru is temporary, even though it may not seem like it...but death is forever. There's no comin back from that.
What if someone chopped off your ****?
i've been at that point before. once i started getting down it was all too easy to keep pushing myself further and further down. it helps to be cognizant of your habits day to day; many people who i have talked to with depression often did not eat or sleep regularly, which certainly does not help the condition. try to find something that matters a lot to you, for example i often just picture my mom's face when i feel down or start getting down on myself. all of us as individuals need to find our own way, the pain lets me know that i'm growing as a person. and when nobody else will look out for you, you need to take it upon yourself to do so. i've spent much time waiting and nobody was coming. just remember it's a process getting back and that in itself is a whole new challenge. this probably doesn't help, but best of luck to you.
Read up on Buddhism, The Dhammapada specifically. You can find a PDF on Google.

Edit: Honestly, there's too much in life to be miserable and depressed. Go outside and take in a sunset, sit in a park or secluded area somewhere with lots of trees and be intuitive with nature. Once you start reflecting and realize that life as a whole is one of the most beautiful things ever created, you'll feel better. Just remember, in order to appreciate life, you have to look past the the way things appear.
If there is a sin against life, it consists perhaps not so much in despairing of life as in hoping for another, and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life.

- Albert Camus
Originally Posted by lostsoulswander

Edit: has anyone here reached the point where they dont feel like living anymore? what did you do to get out of this state of mind? 
play with my nephew and niece, all the while knowing I don't have children so I can leave whenever I want 
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