Setting the record straight re: Steve's lies.

I think this whole ordeal said more about each forum and who inhibits them then the last 7-8 years even could. I hope someone is right click saving all this.
TEAM corNhuskers​
thanks underground. :)
damn, I can't believe I just went through post by post and page by page of this thread. There really isn't much else to say because there is no competition in this debate. Meth did the work and K-town put the icing on the cake.

Message to $teve:
Wipe yourself off dead.
"They Play Together, They Stick Together, They Want To Win Together"
$teve, dig a hole bury yourself...word to Hov
TEAM Black & Mild​
TeAm AiM cHaT
> MlLlTARYlV <
I'm not gonna lie I've been a member since '01 but rarely post. But, this +%&! is legendary. hats off to Meth
I'd feel like I was jumping ship on the show LOST and joined in with the "OTHERS" only thing is you haven't been around as long as the niketalk/nikepark fam. but you do remind me of Ben from LOST.

LOL I was thinking the same thing about Ben from the Others. I guess someone else can't wait for the finale!

Just glancing at the I$$ post, the main reason I$$'er$ don't like NT is that they feel we're not friendly enough. Sure there are some people who are going to crack jokes, but you can't take it serious. There are plenty of helpful people here with more knowledge than you can imagine.
threads like

"yO wOuLd U deW diS triZzaDe? HawAii sBz fOh suM jOrdAn 13z??"

or something like

"were can i get jorduns frum my boy works at finishline but he cant hook up me with the discount so yeah where can i get jorduns?"

If those comments/threads didn't result in flamage, then NT isn't doing its job.

And Schrute-buck? Damn that was on POINT!
"You know what? I would love to buy you a fresh set of underwear." - Michael Scott​
Obviously we all have our own views on what forum is better, what color scheme is more appeasing to the eyes, who is right and who is wrong, and that's perfectly fine because that's what being an individual is. You will always have people who are happy with the way certain things are and others who dispise it, that's the nature of life. This war of words pretty much symbolizes this. You have two leaders so to speak who truthfully believe they are right. Who believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that their way is right. Personally me, I could care less who really is right or wrong, or what forum is better because I've been in this culture for far too long to allow others to dictate how I should view things. How I view what's happened to this culture is my beliefs and my beliefs alone. Maybe when I was 14 or 15 I could be " star struck " enough to allow others to really influence my ideas, but at the age I am now its far harder to do that.

We live in a capitolistic society that is the truth. Cash really does rule everything around me as wu tang would put it, but to me there are always things I never utilize in order to make a profit. The sneaker culture would certainly be one of them. Some of you will dissagree with me and say " boo hoo they are just sneakers man" but what many of you don't realize is that it it wasn't about the sneakers persay, but it was about something else. It was about having a culture where all your qwerks and foolish antics were accepted beacause it wasn't about who had the most exclusive sneakers regardless of weather they were ugly or not, it was about having stuff that you loved. It was about taking the time to really find something that you liked, not because someone else told you it was hot and that you should purchase because of that.

Now in that culture did you always have people who were trying to make a buck? Of course you did. You had individuals like Jersey-Joe who would undercut everyone at anychance he got. You had people like pgone who would sell your own shoes to you if you gave him the opportunity. And yes there was steve with Instyleshoes as well. But back for a majority it was about the love. You can come back and tell me time and time again that I'm wrong and blah blah, but that's the reason I'm still here. And that's the reason so many people are still here. Fad's come and go and people enter one culture and leave it soon after the fad is done, but you will always have individuals who stay strong and continue to nurture the basics of what made that culture so great to begin with long after those individuals have left.

Perhaps I was a little too harsh with some of my words too you Steve and for that I appologize. However my views are mine alone and I didn't care to fight Method Man's battle. I've always fought my battle and mine alone. What I did say is that I truely believe you led to making this culture mainstream. But then again so did Slam Ed by putting niketalk in Slam in the first place. However with the summits and magazine it brought out something that I really hadn't seen before. It brought at the greed and lust of people. That more than anything is what I disagree with.

Does a hobby or a culture need a new influx of blood from time to time? Of course it does. If new people aren't introduced and groomed to take over then the hobby dies. However with your endevours you brought this love to light far quicker than most of us had ever thought possible. Was it scary? Perhaps....perhaps it was scary to see thousands of new people introduced to something that used to be much smaller. I personally remember when we hit 5,000 members at NT and I thought, wow this is getting blown out of control; and now look at it, you have nearly 120,000 people in both forums.

Steve you yourself said that you decided to end the competitions because you thought it had really gotten out of control, and if that's the truth than I commend you for that. However if it's not the truth than it goes back to the exploitation of a culture that never asked for it in general. I do know that your contract with Nike ran out for those competitions and if its just a coincidence that you decided to end the competitions there than that's fine. However if that's not true.........well than that's only for you to know and to decide if its right or wrong. Personally I think its sleezy.

I'm not even going to comment on the K-town thing because quite frankly I don't know any of the facts. However I will say that poaching our key members here if true is ridiculous. And the proof is in the pudding.

As far as @#%$ goes, in terms of a business venture I commend you on it, because I myself am a business man( your more than welcome to come to my club if you ever find yourself in Miami). From a businessman's prospective it seems to be a success, however from the perspective of one who kept himself in this culture for the purpose of love, well I personally see it as a travisty. Indirectly or directly it had a hand in bringing this to a mainstream that in many respects never deserved it. Many of you will say, who are you to decide who deserves it and what not, but let me ask you, if you could walk into a store and grab a pair of espos right now for retail price wouldn't you want to? Who remembers the days when you didn't need to camp out for Jordans? Sure they might sell out that day, but you could go in during the day and purchase them. The people who I speak on who don't deserve it are the individuals who utilized this to exploit others. Its the same thing that happened with Marvel Cards, Pogs, Pokemon, and Sneakers. When something is mainstream like this you will always have people who see dollar signs. It makes me sick to my stomach that people would bring their mothers or grandmothers to a camp out in order to secure a sneaker for selling. Years ago you would never see such a thing.

So I guess the question is where do we go from here right? Well for me I hope eventually this becomes a fad for people and it dies out like so many fads before it, because then we'll be able to go back to the root of why we all were here in the first place. Will it happen? Who knows? No one can tell the future, but one can keep hope.
I ain't gonna stroke my ego, but fam, there isn't a sneakerhead out there on the internet who hasn't heard my name.
of it..........And really you could end dudes fun if you wanted to, for what ever reason you got alot of influence..........personal I hate you lol
I sure did miss alot over night :lol
James,Pavlovic,Hughes,Gooden,IIgauskas,Varejao,Marshall ,Da.Jones,Pollard,Snow,Wesley,Newble,Gibson,Brown​
This @#%$ was one for the record books... I have been around since nikepark and the start of NT but didnt make an SN till 03 and really dont post that much. But Im on NT a large amount of the day been that way since Ekin and BabyJ would drop info of upcoming Jays, and I have to say without NT my shoe game would not be what it is today.

Never been more proud to be an NT'er than after Meth got in Steves @#%$ (no @#%$)...and I have to say NT is the greatest shoe site ever created props to Meth and the whole NT staff.
Anthony, Blake, Camby, Diawara, Evans, Iverson, Johnson, Kleiza, Martin, Najera, Nen, Sampson, Smith​
Am I the only one who only uses ISS to look at, and never buy, ill kicks? I look at their prices, multiple by .67 and then I know what mine are worth. Forum, magazine, culture - I could care less. You want info, come here, to NT. Just have to sift through more filler now to find the good stuff...
i got banned for posting these pics on iss and steve edited my post to ..."I love ISS" :{
*Back from Banned Camp.

Because We Pull More Chicks With A Plastic Guitar Than You Do With A Real One..​
Myspace Ftw.
Did they ever pay back the kids that got their money stolen from an NT mod?
Yes, actually. EIGHT, count 'em, EIGHT people were affected by this and NT moderator Steez tracked DJMrSulu down, overwhelming him by calling him literally HUNDREDS OF TIMES per day until he finally gave us all of the remaining shirts AND the paypal records. He then attempted to track down everyone who did not receive their shirts and was able to reach six of the eight. Those six received their shirts and, I believe, extras where sizes where available.
My Auctions!!!MYSPACE
Damn. I was hoping to wake up to this thread with a KTOWN response. GOOD LOOKS, Ben. :smokin

And, like it has been pointed out before, ALL of Meth's responses have been directly at Steve's allegations, AND backed by refs and facts. All this, while Steve resorts to jabs and more insults. It seems that Steve is the one 'dancing around issues.'

When this all came about last night, I didn't side either way. But the way Steve has handled or NOT handled the claims, just makes me feel that his true character REALLY is showing through. :{

Game. Set. Match. VERY well played, Meth.

Recruiting KTOWN? Damn... :lol

And, yo! ekin as a surprise witness??? WOW. :eek

Hi, my name is JJ, and I am a NikeHolic.
Hey baby, I noticed you noticing me, so I just wanted to put you on notice, that I noticed you too.
Invisible's for TRADE. My 10 for your 9. Hit me! [email protected][/center][/b]
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say Steve is probably banned.
Nope. I still have yet to ban a single person on NikeTalk in the last 24 hours. Usually, we average around 3 on a normal day. Lucky us. I wonder what the death count has reached over there, though? Seems like anyone with "dual-citizenship" has been exiled. Thank goodness the prized user count doesn't drop when you ban someone. Sorry kids, the membership by approval system is still in place - even if you plead sanctuary.

son you just said you didn't know who I was? if you know ben baller, then you know who k-town is.... BUTson you just sent me a message a few days ago and I thought it was funny, so I shared it with 1 person, how you gonna bold face lie? but really it ain't that big a deal. even though I've had my differences and created a lot of heartache here on NT, i'd never leave NT to moderate your forum.... I'd feel like I was jumping ship on the show LOST and joined in with the "OTHERS" only thing is you haven't been around as long as the niketalk/nikepark fam. but you do remind me of Ben from LOST. was your offer supposed to change my life? I don't get it. I don't think I can say anything that will really add to what METH has said. I just think you forgot how old I actually am and that I ain't some naive kid from a surburban town who you can manipulate into running your site like them other clowns you got over there.
Looks like the other shoe finally fell... and stomped this one into the dirt.

Steve walked face first into that one. Don't play chess, it's not right for you.

Steve- Quote:have no idea - I don't even know who KTown is - it is probably someone I know - but maybe I just know their e-mail or real name - not KTown.
Town :lol
him - or at least given him a discount on a nice Jesus piece.

Say what you want about NT, but I've never tried to beg any of their members to post on NT - much less entice them with mod access to do so. My goodness... And he said he didn't pull his staff off NT.

Caught with his hand in the till.

Steve from ISS: "Good luck Meth - I'm sure one day you'll grow up."
elsedays.... but I'm not stooping to your level. What you tried to pull yesterday and the comments you made about this community's charitable efforts tell us ALL we need to know about YOUR maturity level.

More from steve:

e always said "Yeah - but what about this" instead of talking to the exact point that I was making. Like buying niketalk - I never offered to buy the site / the domain / content - I offered to host it. That is a HUGE difference.
insultIf I asked you to work on SC the magazine FOR FREE and fill it with "props" for NikeTalk, what would you think? That's what you offered us. Now, if you don't understand THAT, you ain't shuffling a full deck.

NT prides itself on being professional and when you have one of the administrators addressing personal matters for the public to view i think that somewhat takes away from the image your trying to uphold.
Our voice is a CHORUS. It has NEVER been a solo.
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