***SF Giants 2009 Season Thread (88-74)***

Another topic that I am ALMOST ([paul]
[/paul]) positive hasnt been discussed was the bottom of the 9th inning. I know Im going to sound like a brokedrecord with my dislike of the trade, by why is Aaron Rowand pinch hitting instead of Garko?

After the trade was made, Sabean smugly said in an interview that Garko "pulverizes left handed pitching" or something to that effect. Well, if thatwas truly the case, wouldnt a tie game with runners in scoring position, against a LEFT HANDED PITCHER, be the perfect time to use a player who"pulverizes left handed pitching???" One of our big trade deadline moves is a joke, and it looks like the Giants coaching staff too is starting torealize that he sucks. Why the hell else wouldnt he have gotten a chance in that situation?
Originally Posted by dland24

Another topic that I am ALMOST ([paul]
[/paul]) positive hasnt been discussed was the bottom of the 9th inning. I know Im going to sound like a broked record with my dislike of the trade, by why is Aaron Rowand pinch hitting instead of Garko?

After the trade was made, Sabean smugly said in an interview that Garko "pulverizes left handed pitching" or something to that effect. Well, if that was truly the case, wouldnt a tie game with runners in scoring position, against a LEFT HANDED PITCHER, be the perfect time to use a player who "pulverizes left handed pitching???" One of our big trade deadline moves is a joke, and it looks like the Giants coaching staff too is starting to realize that he sucks. Why the hell else wouldnt he have gotten a chance in that situation?
Not to mention Schierholts is batting like .450 against left handed pitching. In that situation Rowand was the worst option.
How many bobbleheads to the Giants give out per season?? It seems like they give them away every month.

Santana one though, and the Jon Miller are on point
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

Originally Posted by dland24

I didnt get to post much today, but I wanted to bring something up, which I am almost positive has not been talked about here. First off, OBVIOUSLY the furcal play was a joke. But I had a huge problem with the very next at bat/play.

There was a towering fly ball hit to center field. Sure, it was deep, but it wasnt against the fence deep. Velez kind of drifts back to the ball with no sense of urgency, and is stumbling backwards as he was catching the ball. He put himself in horrible position to attempt to throw out the tagging Furcal. Maybe this is the baseball coach in me coming out, but this drove me absolutely ape @%++. RUN TO A FREAKIN SPOT, set yourself, and start moving forward as you are catching the ball. This is the fundamental way to catch a fly ball with runners on base. The ball was hit high enough and hung in the air long enough for Velez to get behind, and who knows, maybe Furcal stops and never makes it to second if he throws a pea into the infield.

Any one else notice this? Anyways, good win despite horrendous umpiring throughout. Hope we can carry it over to the next series.
Definitely noticed that. I think Paul mentioned it in here too. He really does lack fundamentals on the defensive end.
He was playing CF when he was in Fresno. I caught a Sacramento Rivercats game against Fresno a month or two back and Velez did not know how toread fly balls at all. I believe he had a couple of errors as well. So I'm not surprised. It was a matter of time before his outfield mishaps began.
Originally Posted by PinoFromTheBay

The Rockies won again putting us 1.5 games back of wild card, i dont like this one bit
i mentioned when the 2nd half of the season started that the rockies were going to pass the Giants because of the lack of offense.
^^1.5 aint ++#* WC is our chance (it will be from here on out) seing these past 3 games aganist LA we can kiss the NL west goodbye.
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

I'm calling a 7-4 Road Trip right now!
If we sweep Ciny

I can see 8-3 losing one to the mets and two to colorado. Zito is the key!
Kruk..."He's trying to stick his fingers in as many dikes as poss...dike holes as possible"
Originally Posted by chr1scross

why u watchin the game GSDOUBLEU, go play madden homie
haha, im about to leave to work anyway. Then ill play when i get home at 12 am
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