***SF Giants 2009 Season Thread (88-74)***

This would have been an excellent game to win
Ouch, Brian Wilson. Ouch. Nine games to go and I have faith that when I head to the game on Sunday, the Giants will be closer to the Rockies.
Why is Roward always sweaty? He never does anything to warrant such a sign of energy expenditure.


His soggy hair looks like he has about 30 rats hiding in his helmets with only their tails hanging down his neck.
Originally Posted by What up

Why is Roward always sweaty? He never does anything to warrant such a sign of energy expenditure.


His soggy hair looks like he has about 30 rats hiding in his helmets with only their tails hanging down his neck.
He's thinking too much that the next pitch will be a fastball, realizing after the strikeout the pitch was a slider, down and away.
Rough, rough loss. Hopefully Velez is okay. I'd hate to see him get injured even though the Giants are so far out. I still think Bochy should put Rowand inthe beginning. Maybe move some people back and I'd like to see Ishikawa, Bowker, or Schierholtz bat before the pitcher. Why not try it if things arealready so bad? There's literally nothing to lose by doing it to see if it was a fluke or if he actually hits better there.
Originally Posted by LB510

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Brian Wilson is absolute trash. He will continue to blow games period.
shut up

There are a lot of problems with this team Wilson is not one of them.
just got back from the game and a very tough loss.

i have to agree wilson is not the problem he has been the best closer the giants have had since nen. he is human he is going to blow saves. so far he has saved36 games and saved 41 last year.
Originally Posted by What up

We won't be able to afford Penny.
I agree. Penny would be looking for a big contract, but you know Sabean...He will keep the Giants in the mix. I think the Giants should re-signUribe and find a way to get Renteria out of his deal.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Penny has been legit, minus the blow up vs LA, does he return next season?

I think he will be back. I think we can sign hime to a 2 or 3 year deal and maybe pay him similar to what RJ is being paid. Im glad they picked him up besidesthat one start in La hes pretty much been one of the best pitchers we have.
Highly doubt his demands would be met. 2-3 year max for reasonable pay.

If Sabean wants to keep Penny in SF, it's in his hands IMHO. Of course, that's if Sabean is still there.
Uribe clearly comes back whether he plays at shortstop or third base. As far as Molina I think the Giants offer him a 2 year deal based on the fact Posey coulduse one more year in the minors. I think by the second year of Molina's contract you then have him back up Posey. As far as the bullpen Romo, Affeldt, andWilson are clearly the top three. It would be nice to see Medders go and maybe another lefty added. The outfield is clearly the most glaring weakness. The onlyguy I see locked in is Rowand and thats by default. Jason Bay, Carl Crawford and Matt Holiday are a few names that come to mind. Im not sure what RJ contractlooks like but Im pretty sure he will cut ties unless hes wants to work out of the bullpen and I cant nor do I want to see that happen.
Wilson definitely is not the problem. But, if he learns to throw a good changeup he'll be considered a Top 5 closer in the majors IMO.

Rowand sucks and I think the only way to get rid of him is to package him and probably Cain for more pitching and outfield prospects.

Same goes for Renteria but packaged with Jonathan Sanchez. Hanley Ramirez (Wishful thinking)?
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Brian Wilson is absolute trash. He will continue to blow games period.
Ignorance. ****.
This is an ignorant statement. Along with your statement on Brian Wilson = Armando Benitez. No, the pitch was a fast ball up and it was a mistake.Wilson has far surpassed anything that Benitez has done for this club.

I wish Lincecum pitched on Sunday...It's Matt Cain
[h1]Giants Beat: Lincecum open to long-term deal[/h1]

John Shea, Chronicle Staff Writer

Friday, September 25, 2009

(09-24) 22:52 PDT
-- Tim Lincecum answered the question exactly how Giants fans wanted him to. For the first time, the ace will be eligible for arbitration, meaning his salary will skyrocket, and he was asked if he'd be open to a long-term deal.

"Yes," he said Thursday.
Lincecum, who'll make his penultimate start of 2009 tonight, said, "I definitely like San Francisco. I've seen nothing but positive things as far as my personal experiences. It's where I see myself being for awhile."

Lincecum makes $650,000 this year and could set an arbitration record. The biggest salary for a pitcher who was an arbitration-eligible first-timer was $6.25 million: Jonathan Papelbon, who settled to avoid arbitration last winter.

The record for a hitter was $10 million: Ryan Howard, who won in arbitration two winters ago.

Linecum's agent, Rick Thurman, said the sides haven't started negotiating, in part because the pitcher's focus has been on the field. Lincecum won't be a free agent until after the 2012 season.

"We've let it play out this year," Thurman said. "I think it'll be up to the Giants as to what they want to do and how they approach the offseason. It'll really be a function of how the Giants look at him ... and if he wins the Cy Young."

No pitcher won Cy Young Awards in his first two full seasons. A second Cy Young Award would further benefit Lincecum in arbitration because of a "special accomplishment" provision that could allow him to be compared with players outside his service time.
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