**** Shaming

Hate to say this but most women were raised to value what they have between their legs above else, they feel entitled to everything a man has to offer without pulling their own weight, simply because they have the P....then get upset when men view them for what they are, a walking vagina...make up your minds....you want a good guy, don't chase the good guys away, you want to be viewed as something more than a sex object, don't put your P on a pedestal, cater to your man as much as he's supposed to cater to you, offer to pay the tab on that first date, have something going no for yourself other than your physical.

Sex is just sex, stop thinking of it as the holy grail, if you wanna **** that man, then **** him...if he's about you, he's not gonna change because of that...you can hold out for a year, have sex and break up...more than likely is not because he finally got what he wanted...no man is gonna wait a year on sex if the woman is so easy to walk out on, the same way no man is gonna walk out on a legit great woman because she gave it up after a week.

Top five MC right now. :nthat:

You got raised right. My elder dudes only pushed smashing a female on me, never loving a woman. Glad I grew up (mostly).
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Hate to say this but most women were raised to value what they have between their legs above else, they feel entitled to everything a man has to offer without pulling their own weight, simply because they have the P....then get upset when men view them for what they are, a walking vagina...make up your minds....you want a good guy, don't chase the good guys away, you want to be viewed as something more than a sex object, don't put your P on a pedestal, cater to your man as much as he's supposed to cater to you, offer to pay the tab on that first date, have something going no for yourself other than your physical.

Sex is just sex, stop thinking of it as the holy grail, if you wanna **** that man, then **** him...if he's about you, he's not gonna change because of that...you can hold out for a year, have sex and break up...more than likely is not because he finally got what he wanted...no man is gonna wait a year on sex if the woman is so easy to walk out on, the same way no man is gonna walk out on a legit great woman because she gave it up after a week.

Great post.
A lot of intelligent facts and perspectives on the last few pages #SALUTE

Seems like OP underestimated the rebuttal factor and pulled the vanish. lmao
We create the things we hate

Women court with sex they create a sex addict who doesnt value anything else

Men court with their pocket books and they get a gold digger

Lead of with your genuine self .... or least fake self then your flourish.
People today are scared of work,rejection,people not instantly being into.
Op is just a angry woman upset with the world cause things arent going their way so every few weeks they make various topics questioning the behavior of men.
Don't worry OP, that movie train wreck is about to end **** shaming forever! It will be cool to be a **** just like sex and the city made it cool to be old!
Wait so what's the problem of having sex early when getting to know someone?

And what is early, one week? Two?
Wait so what's the problem of having sex early when getting to know someone?

And what is early, one week? Two?
Nothing.but it comes with the stipulation of giving up the box quick. which means you don't have to work for that ****
Op probably one of those strippers who think us "tipping" customers should be ashamed for us acting out a little
A lot of realness in that second paragraph.


Hate to say this but most women were raised to value what they have between their legs above else, they feel entitled to everything a man has to offer without pulling their own weight, simply because they have the P....then get upset when men view them for what they are, a walking vagina...make up your minds....you want a good guy, don't chase the good guys away, you want to be viewed as something more than a sex object, don't put your P on a pedestal, cater to your man as much as he's supposed to cater to you, offer to pay the tab on that first date, have something going no for yourself other than your physical.

Sex is just sex, stop thinking of it as the holy grail, if you wanna **** that man, then **** him...if he's about you, he's not gonna change because of that...you can hold out for a year, have sex and break up...more than likely is not because he finally got what he wanted...no man is gonna wait a year on sex if the woman is so easy to walk out on, the same way no man is gonna walk out on a legit great woman because she gave it up after a week.
solid post. Repped.
dudes really so insecure that they think if a chicc gives it up the first night they not allowed to have a relationship with her, same dudes then proceed to complain about chiccs not giving it up on the first date 
dudes really so insecure that they think if a chicc gives it up the first night they not allowed to have a relationship with her, same dudes then proceed to complain about chiccs not giving it up on the first date 
Does that happen for real, tho? Guys say they won't enter a relationship with a women that gives it up quick. However, if a girl who's otherwise perfect gives it up quick, do they just dismiss her as a jump off?

I doubt it. There's a difference between saying you wouldn't pursue a relationship with a girl that put out quick, and literally turning down your ideal mate just because she put out quick.

The reality is there's usually some other reason why a guy would choose not to pursue a relationship with a woman. It could be looks, personality, or an unwillingness to settle down in general. The whole "she gave it up quick" thing is a scapegoat.
OP I think your original post ignores one very important fact: Majority of "**** Shaming" seems to come from other women. When I had social media I rarely ever saw men calling women crazy names and airing their business out in the comment sections of photo posts and the like. However, I regularly saw women throw other women's dirty laundry out into the open. I'm not saying men never do this to women at all , but it seems like "**** Shaming " is more of a woman vs. woman thing than a man vs. woman thing.
Steezy kicking facts b
And I'm not waiting for no ***** bro. We are grown and if I'm horny and u horny we not gonna put a timetable on this. When we get in that moment rather its the 1st date or 5th its going down, only thing that can stop that is bad odor or blood flow...sometimes.
Does that happen for real, tho? Guys say they won't enter a relationship with a women that gives it up quick. However, if a girl who's otherwise perfect gives it up quick, do they just dismiss her as a jump off?

I doubt it. There's a difference between saying you wouldn't pursue a relationship with a girl that put out quick, and literally turning down your ideal mate just because she put out quick.

The reality is there's usually some other reason why a guy would choose not to pursue a relationship with a woman. It could be looks, personality, or an unwillingness to settle down in general. The whole "she gave it up quick" thing is a scapegoat.

I've only heard that nonsense from young virgins that don't even know themselves yet.

:lol: at that thread backfire on k____rep

And when I say backfire, I mean people actually having logical discussions.

Sounds like k_____rep wants people to flame him/her

But when people move on from the convoy and have healthy discussion, he/she disappears
This will always be a double standard. One of the reasons genders aren't completely equal.
Yup just the way it is ...alotta double standards in life n a chick letting alotta dudes smash is always gon be a ho....n a dude getting all the yambs is no problem :pimp:
The reason why the double standard exists is because typically, all women have to do is have a pulse for someone to want to **** them, while men typically have to have 3/4 of the following for a women to let them smash: funny, charming, attractive, charismatic.

A lock that opens for any key isn't worth much but a key that opens many locks is worth a lot.
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