SHOCK: McCain volunteer ATTACKED & MUTILATED in PITT..... "B" CARVED into her face....

OH!!! Wait a minute!!! I didn't even bother reading the article. Off break I thought she supported Obama and that's why they scratched it into herface. I kinda feel guilty about my post ^^^^^ up there. I don't condone those actions NT.
@ myself.
I mean her eyes aren't red from any impact, the scar didnt break skin, clearly done by a blunt object, the dye showing on her eyelashes, broad is juststupid.
It really is pretty sad that people aren't acknowledging how must up this is, if true.

But I can't help but be a little skeptical myself...

The B is clearly done backwards.

Why would a dude carve a B in her face backwards?

And also, most people would feel a little more insecure about showing their face, especially after a beating like that, all over the United States, unless itwas for other reasons.
This fat !+%#$ is a fraud on some Susan Smith #@@+ except no one was kidnapped. or harmed. And she refused treatment? LOL. C'mon b, anyone with a minimumamount on intelligence should know what's up. It's always a black guy gettin it in these kinds of happenings too so that makes her both mentallyunstable and a racist. You know she's telling fables just to get her 15 mins. as well as disparage the other party as if there's nothing bu perpswanting to vote for Obama that terrorist sympathizer. Please. People are onto her including the police and her own peeps like Michele Malkin who called thisstory fishy. Michele Malkin of all people. Next thing you know she'll be in cuffs for falsely reporting a crime. Hope she gets hers. *@#%!*@ dummy.
NT is mainly composed of bias sheep. You see a crime like this and what are their reactions? So quick to defend their political party by trying to accuse thevalidity of the story and pick at every detail they can find. I'm not saying everyone is like this but there are alot of them here. Disregarding hismotives, what he did is still a terrible crime, but his reason to do so just intensifies the situation and all the Obama supporters get into defensivepositions. I'm not even saying the story is true or false but smh if it is.
Originally Posted by OWL TROUTWIG

This fat !+%#$ is a fraud on some Susan Smith #@@+ except no one was kidnapped. or harmed. And she refused treatment? LOL. C'mon b, anyone with a minimum amount on intelligence should know what's up. It's always a black guy gettin it in these kinds of happenings too so that makes her both mentally unstable and a racist. You know she's telling fables just to get her 15 mins. as well as disparage the other party as if there's nothing bu perps wanting to vote for Obama that terrorist sympathizer. Please. People are onto her including the police and her own peeps like Michele Malkin who called this story fishy. Michele Malkin of all people. Next thing you know she'll be in cuffs for falsely reporting a crime. Hope she gets hers. *@#%!*@ dummy.

this whole thread just gives me a headache... its very unfortunate that we are arguing and bickering over these type of things when an election is supposed tobe a positive change for our country and all of its people. its even more unfortunate the kind of things people are doing to others out in the real worldbecause of their political ties. this is all just sad.
How do you carve a B into someones face with a knife and not break skin. Better yet, how does all of this happen yet you refuse medical attention. I rarely dothis, but i'm calling serious shennanigans against this one. If i'm wrong shame on me, but i just don't see how you refuse medical attention aftersupposedly having your face carved with a knife. If this is authentic, it should easily be newsworthy on a national level.
I think if the story is true then that's sad and disturbing. However, her face does not look "carved" or "mutilated" by any means. Itlooks like a scratch done with a fingernail to me.
Originally Posted by KkennethJ

NT is mainly composed of bias sheep. You see a crime like this and what are their reactions? So quick to defend their political party by trying to accuse the validity of the story and pick at every detail they can find. I'm not saying everyone is like this but there are alot of them here. Disregarding his motives, what he did is still a terrible crime, but his reason to do so just intensifies the situation and all the Obama supporters get into defensive positions. I'm not even saying the story is true or false but smh if it is.
You lack clarity. Looking at this story and taking the political element out of it, its clear that she's lying. That "sheep"argument goes both ways, quick to see a victim. Hypocrisy is not a new deal here.
This thread proves why Barack Obama should not be President.

Half the voters are so influenced by other people for the wrong reasons. The majority of people do not even know why they are voting for Obama yet they have aT-Shirt that says "Change".

Now the people that truly support Obama and are voting for him because of his political views I respect, unfortunately this is only 40% of his voters.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

This thread proves why Barack Obama should not be President.

Half the voters are so influenced by other people for the wrong reasons. The majority of people do not even know why they are voting for Obama yet they have a T-Shirt that says "Change".

Now the people that truly support Obama and are voting for him because of his political views I respect, unfortunately this is only 40% of his voters.
how did you determine voters intent and reasons from this post?
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

This thread proves why Barack Obama should not be President.

Half the voters are so influenced by other people for the wrong reasons. The majority of people do not even know why they are voting for Obama yet they have a T-Shirt that says "Change".

Now the people that truly support Obama and are voting for him because of his political views I respect, unfortunately this is only 40% of his voters.

Well i'm glad the opinions of a shoe message board should represent why someone shouldn't be voted in. And hooray for made up statistics, im gladsomeone appointed you the intellectual superior.
Originally Posted by YungMooly

Staged by McCain and Co.

That's what I'm saying. Lately I've heard too many crazy stories about crazy Obama supporters, I think some people are trying to make Obama lookbad by staging things like these. It goes both ways and I know some acts like these are out of plain stupidity.

Edit- This reminded me of the lyric, "I'm carvin my initials on your forehead, So every night before bed you see the "BP" shine off theboard head".
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

This thread proves why Barack Obama should not be President.

Half the voters are so influenced by other people for the wrong reasons. The majority of people do not even know why they are voting for Obama yet they have a T-Shirt that says "Change".

Now the people that truly support Obama and are voting for him because of his political views I respect, unfortunately this is only 40% of his voters.

And this isn't the same with every presidential election. How about the people who are only going to vote for Mccain because he's republican or votefor Mccain because Barack is Black. You can't be serious with this post as if both sides don't have voters who could careless about any of thecandidates views and are just based off perception
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

This thread proves why Barack Obama should not be President.

Half the voters are so influenced by other people for the wrong reasons. The majority of people do not even know why they are voting for Obama yet they have a T-Shirt that says "Change".

Now the people that truly support Obama and are voting for him because of his political views I respect, unfortunately this is only 40% of his voters.
how did you determine voters intent and reasons from this post?

Seriously, are you trying to be starcastic?
November 4th can't come fast enough. This nonsense needs to end because the problems America faces is going to take everyone working together to fixthings.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

This thread proves why Barack Obama should not be President.

Half the voters are so influenced by other people for the wrong reasons. The majority of people do not even know why they are voting for Obama yet they have a T-Shirt that says "Change".

Now the people that truly support Obama and are voting for him because of his political views I respect, unfortunately this is only 40% of his voters.
This is the case for the majority of people that have a political party. Republicans will support McCain forever and Democrats will support Obama forever.
Are you in the party that writes bigger to get their point across?
Originally Posted by youngjordan23

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

This thread proves why Barack Obama should not be President.

Half the voters are so influenced by other people for the wrong reasons. The majority of people do not even know why they are voting for Obama yet they have a T-Shirt that says "Change".

Now the people that truly support Obama and are voting for him because of his political views I respect, unfortunately this is only 40% of his voters.

And this isn't the same with every presidential election. How about the people who are only going to vote for Mccain because he's republican or vote for Mccain because Barack is Black. You can't be serious with this post as if both sides don't have voters who could careless about any of the candidates views and are just based off perception
Not once have I seen a rapper or anyone on campus wearing a shirt supporting a presidential candidate until this election.
Originally Posted by Frankie CALentino

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

This thread proves why Barack Obama should not be President.

Half the voters are so influenced by other people for the wrong reasons. The majority of people do not even know why they are voting for Obama yet they have a T-Shirt that says "Change".

Now the people that truly support Obama and are voting for him because of his political views I respect, unfortunately this is only 40% of his voters.

Well i'm glad the opinions of a shoe message board should represent why someone shouldn't be voted in. And hooray for made up statistics, im glad someone appointed you the intellectual superior.
I guess your opinion doesn't matter either, after all this is a shoe message board.
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