SHOCK: McCain volunteer ATTACKED & MUTILATED in PITT..... "B" CARVED into her face....

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by youngjordan23

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

This thread proves why Barack Obama should not be President.

Half the voters are so influenced by other people for the wrong reasons. The majority of people do not even know why they are voting for Obama yet they have a T-Shirt that says "Change".

Now the people that truly support Obama and are voting for him because of his political views I respect, unfortunately this is only 40% of his voters.

And this isn't the same with every presidential election. How about the people who are only going to vote for Mccain because he's republican or vote for Mccain because Barack is Black. You can't be serious with this post as if both sides don't have voters who could careless about any of the candidates views and are just based off perception
Not once have I seen a rapper or anyone on campus wearing a shirt supporting a presidential candidate until this election.

how many presidential elections have you been through in college? and no im not being "starcastic", if its that laughable it should be an easyanswer. You're the worst type of poster in these political posts, fake stats and believing you're the only one with presence of mind to support acandidate on issues, cuz i guess most obama supporters aren't affected by the same things as other americans.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

This thread proves why Barack Obama should not be President.

Half the voters are so influenced by other people for the wrong reasons. The majority of people do not even know why they are voting for Obama yet they have a T-Shirt that says "Change".

Now the people that truly support Obama and are voting for him because of his political views I respect, unfortunately this is only 40% of his voters.
how did you determine voters intent and reasons from this post?
Originally Posted by TBONE95860


omg that's what i read the first time i clicked the page haha
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by youngjordan23

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

This thread proves why Barack Obama should not be President.

Half the voters are so influenced by other people for the wrong reasons. The majority of people do not even know why they are voting for Obama yet they have a T-Shirt that says "Change".

Now the people that truly support Obama and are voting for him because of his political views I respect, unfortunately this is only 40% of his voters.

And this isn't the same with every presidential election. How about the people who are only going to vote for Mccain because he's republican or vote for Mccain because Barack is Black. You can't be serious with this post as if both sides don't have voters who could careless about any of the candidates views and are just based off perception
Not once have I seen a rapper or anyone on campus wearing a shirt supporting a presidential candidate until this election.

how many presidential elections have you been through in college? and no im not being "starcastic", if its that laughable it should be an easy answer. You're the worst type of poster in these political posts, fake stats and believing you're the only one with presence of mind to support a candidate on issues, cuz i guess most obama supporters aren't affected by the same things as other americans.
Your not kidding.
Ever thought about school?
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

This thread proves why Barack Obama should not be President.

Half the voters are so influenced by other people for the wrong reasons. The majority of people do not even know why they are voting for Obama yet they have a T-Shirt that says "Change".

Now the people that truly support Obama and are voting for him because of his political views I respect, unfortunately this is only 40% of his voters.
That's kind of insulting and I find that offensive every time I hear someone say that. That is such a large sweeping generalization ofObama's supporters. I mean from what are you drawing your conclusions? Your own personal observations? Do you realize how incredibly skewed they may be?

Anyway this story is really really shady especially after seeing the pic.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860




WHAT is going on in America right now???

This is only escalating...

People on BOTH SIDES need to CALM DOWN.

This is the United States of America.... we are all American TOGETHER.
We aren't some savage nation, why are we attacking each other over politics

People need to get a grip.
Your party is doing a great job at separating the nation.

But this crap needs to stop. People should not be like this over politics.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by youngjordan23

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

This thread proves why Barack Obama should not be President.

Half the voters are so influenced by other people for the wrong reasons. The majority of people do not even know why they are voting for Obama yet they have a T-Shirt that says "Change".

Now the people that truly support Obama and are voting for him because of his political views I respect, unfortunately this is only 40% of his voters.

And this isn't the same with every presidential election. How about the people who are only going to vote for Mccain because he's republican or vote for Mccain because Barack is Black. You can't be serious with this post as if both sides don't have voters who could careless about any of the candidates views and are just based off perception
Not once have I seen a rapper or anyone on campus wearing a shirt supporting a presidential candidate until this election.

how many presidential elections have you been through in college? and no im not being "starcastic", if its that laughable it should be an easy answer. You're the worst type of poster in these political posts, fake stats and believing you're the only one with presence of mind to support a candidate on issues, cuz i guess most obama supporters aren't affected by the same things as other americans.
Your not kidding.
Ever thought about school?
Says the hypocrite who doesn't know the difference between you're and your. You must have missed class that day, huh? Watch your Ps and Qsbefore you try showing up other people otherwise you may end up looking like a %#*$!#% all on your own.
Originally Posted by West2East

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

This thread proves why Barack Obama should not be President.

Half the voters are so influenced by other people for the wrong reasons. The majority of people do not even know why they are voting for Obama yet they have a T-Shirt that says "Change".

Now the people that truly support Obama and are voting for him because of his political views I respect, unfortunately this is only 40% of his voters.
That's kind of insulting and I find that offensive every time I hear someone say that. That is such a large sweeping generalization of Obama's supporters. I mean from what are you drawing your conclusions? Your own personal observations? Do you realize how incredibly skewed they may be?

Anyway this story is really really shady especially after seeing the pic.
It is a generalization, an obvious and predictable one at that.
First, it's "you're". And i'm confused, you are just posting rolling smileys without answering the question. It's surreal, likesomehow you feel you've made an intelligent response. Amazing. I even think he's slinging insults with that school line. That is awesome. Anyway i seewhat i'm dealing with, so please disregard my question. Let me space it out...I DO NOT WANT ANSWER, ok? good. I figure the more spaces the easier youfigure it out with that slow thought process.
Originally Posted by onewearz

imagine if obama wins. sad to say but there will definitely be an attempt on his life. sad ...........
hate to admit it..but i can see it happening
This low-life white trash woman was not attacked. There have not been any police report photos taken, she hasdeclined every interview she has been offered, and the only photo of her with the "B" carved into her face ison HER BLOG. Read the article and view some of the comments. She is BSing.
Originally Posted by IcyyyESR Two3

This low-life white trash woman was not attacked. There have not been any police report photos taken, she has declined every interview she has been offered, and the only photo of her with the "B" carved into her face is on HER BLOG. Read the article and view some of the comments. She is BSing.
this could probably be phase 2 (phase 1 was joe plumber
this is rediculous (if fake).

one comment read:

The problem is that her story is implausible. It just really is when you step back and think about it.

1) How did the attacker know it was her car?

2) Does it make sense that she stood still long enough for him to carve a letter into her face?

3) Does it make sense that a mugger is going to take the time at the scene of the crime to carve a letter into a woman's face because he's angry about her politics?

4) Does her refusal of medical treatment make sense?

5) Does it make sense that he carved a letter in her face and never broke the skin?

6) Does it make sense that the letter is backwards?

This story is ridiculous.
If this is indeed a hoax, I think it could indeed spell more doom for Mccain. (or even americans in general

[h1]Joe The Mugger?[/h1] [h2]Pre-attack, McCain volunteer blogged from "wrong side of pittsburgh"[/h2]
OCTOBER 23--Shortly before a John McCain campaign volunteer was reportedly robbed at knifepoint and had a "B" carved in her face after her assailant noticed that her car carried a McCain bumper sticker, the woman blogged last night that she was "Stubbornly searching for a bank of america to avoid ATM fees" and had somehow ended up "on the wrong side of pittsburgh." Ashley Todd, a 20-year-old Texas college student, told cops that she was robbed of $60 by a 6' 4" black man who weighed about 200 pounds. Todd claimed that when her assailant noticed the McCain sticker on her vehicle, he punched her in the head and carved the letter on her right cheek (a battered Todd can be seen at right). Shortly before the reported 9 PM attack, Todd updated her Twitter page with a post noting that she was, "Stubbornly searching for a bank of america to avoid ATM fees." Soon after, she blogged, "Pretty sure I'm on the wrong side of pittsburgh." Three hours after that update, Todd wrote, "Oh the blog I will be making soon...Its been a rough night." A screen grab of Todd's Twitter page--which was linked from her page on a College Republican National Committee web site--can be found below. At about 6 PM (est) tonight, Todd's Twitter page became protected and was no longer publicly available. (1 page)

E-mail story to a friend. no-repeat scroll left top; overflow: hidden; cursor: pointer; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; display: block; height: 0pt; padding-top: 22px; width: 74px; text-indent: -999em;">Buzz up!

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By the way, Bloomfield in Pittsburgh is an Italian-American neighborhood where people are out and about. Why did no one witness this? Why wasn't itcaptured by the ATM camera? Why did this fraud refuse medical treatment after such a harrowing ordeal? Let me hear you apologists try to twist this fable intoan even bigger one. I'll wait....
Signs pointing to Tales of Duck? Hmmm.....when looking at it objectively, the story doesn't really add up. And the fact that she wrote "lets all worktogether and get John McCain elected" doesn't help her case either. So you just got attacked and some @%*% carved into your face, and your response isthanks for the thoughts, but lets get our guy into office?

VERY questionable.

I guess this COULD happen, but the details just don't make sense. Would a dude on the street robbing someone for 60 bones REALLY take the time out tocritique their victim's political stance? Hmmm.....
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Everyone hooped on T-Bone for posting this and Dirty called us sad for doing so and guess what it turn out to be fake, just more propaganda. Now T-Bone and Dirty are nowhere to be found to condemned the actions of this girl. Nice

it didnt turn out to be fake yet.... but its very likely...
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